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Ryan Perian je certifikovaný IT specialista, který je držitelem mnoha IT certifikací a má více než 12 let zkušeností s prací na pozicích podpory a managementu IT průmyslu.

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Co vědět

  • File Explorer: Go to File Explorer >Toto PC > klikněte pravým tlačítkem na ikonu USB disk >Formát >Home >OK.
  • Or launch Powershell > enter format /fs:fat32 : a počkejte, až proces skončí.
  • You can format drives smaller than 32GB in File Explorer; for larger drives, you must use Powershell.

This article explains how to format a USB drive in FAT32 on Windows. Instructions apply to both Windows 11 and 10.

How to Format a USB Drive as FAT32 Using File Explorer

Using File Explorer to format USB to FAT32 is the easiest method.

It’s only possible to format a drive smaller than 32GB in FAT32 format using this method. Any data previously contained on the USB drive is removed during the formatting process.

The File Explorer icon in the Windows 11 taskbar

This PC on the left side of Windows File Explorer

vybrat Toto PC on the left side of File Explorer.

Format highlighted in Windows File Explorer

Right-click the USB Drive and select Formát.

File system dropdown highlighted in Windows format options

V případě, že Souborový systém isn’t listed as FAT32, click on the drop-down menu and choose it.

Start highlighted in Windows Format menu

vybrat Home.

Format a USB Drive in FAT32 Using Powershell Command Line Tools

If you want to format a drive larger than 32GB, then your only option is to use Windows 10’s Powershell Command Line Tools to do so. It’s a much slower process than through File Explorer, but it works. Here’s how to format a USB drive using the command line function.

As before, any data previously stored on the USB drive is removed during the formatting process.

If you don’t see the search bar, select Home (the Windows icon) in the taskbar.

Windows 10 Search Bar

Vepište PowerShell.

Windows 10 search bar results with Powershell highlighted

vybrat PowerShell.

Windows 10 Powershell with format code typed in

Styl format /fs:fat32 :

Formatting this way can take a long time.

Pros and Cons of Using FAT32

FAT32 is an old file system that’s been around for many years. That means it’s not an ideal fit for Windows 10. However, there are reasons why you might want to use it. We delve into a brief overview of the pros and cons behind FAT32.

  • FAT32 is near-universal. If you frequently move your USB drive between PC, Mac, Linux system, and even your phone, FAT32 is a good choice. That’s because it has near-universal compatibility, so you can easily share files using this file system.
  • FAT32 can’t be used on drives larger than 16TB or files larger than 4GB. FAT32 isn’t able to work with hard drives larger than 16TB. That won’t affect many users yet, but it cannot deal with files over 4GB in size. That can be a big issue nowadays, especially if you regularly edit videos.
  • FAT32 is slightly slower. FAT32 is somewhat slower than its alternatives—NTFS and exFAT. It might not make a huge difference at first, but it all adds up, and if you don’t require universal support, you may as well use NTFS or Microsoft’s exFAT file system instead.
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How do I format an SD card to FAT32?

To format an SD card to FAT32, select Toto PC in File Manager and right-click your SD card in the Zařízení sekce. Vybrat Formát A zvolte FAT32 from the File System drop-down menu. Select Home > OK.

FAT32 is the latest version of the File Allocation Table (FAT) file system. It supports drive sizes up to 2TB and can go as high as 16TB with 64KB clusters. A FAT32 volume can hold up to 268,173,300 files using 32KB clusters.

How do I format USB to FAT32 on Mac?

To format a USB flash drive to FAT32 on a Mac, connect the drive to your Mac, open Disk Utilitya vyberte položku flash disk. Rename the USB drive and select MS-DOS (FAT) as your format option. Select Vymazat.

Discover how to format different USBs to FAT32 using appropriate tools and methods.

Sue Wayne

Sue Wayne

For external devices, particularly portable USB flash drives and SD memory cards, FAT32 is the standard file system. It is the file system that works best with the majority of popular hardware and operating systems, including Windows and macOS. Portability is a benefit of utilizing the FAT32 file system.

Formatting a 32GB USB flash drive or less to FAT32 is pretty straightforward. However, you can only rely on CMD (often Diskpart and Powershell) and a third-party FAT32 format tool pokud chcete format 64GB/128GB/256GB USB to FAT32.

V tomto článku se

Part 1. Things to Keep in Mind Before Formatting USB Drive to FAT32

  • Don’t forget to back up important files on the USB drive. Either simply copy and paste them into the computer, or use a data backup software.
  • FAT32 also has certain drawbacks or, to put it another way, constraints. First and foremost, you must convert FAT32 to NTFS or exFAT if you utilize a single file larger than 4GB. In addition, FAT32 can only be used to format drives between 2GB and 32GB in size according to the manufacturer’s standards, which is why native Windows programs have the same restriction. There is no «FAT32» option when changing a USB disk larger than 32GB in Windows Explorer.
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Part 2. How to Format USB(32GB, 64GB, 128GB) to FAT32 Using AOMEI Partition Assistant

What should you do if your USB flash drive has more than 32GB and you wish to change it to FAT32 quickly? The solution is to use a free FAT32 format program from a third party, such as AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard, which makes it simple and practical to format USB flash drives larger than 64GB and RAW USB drives as FAT32.

Additionally, it enables you to move your operating system from an MBR drive to an MBR disk and convert from NTFS to FAT32 without losing any data. It works with various Windows versions, including Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7, XP, and Vista. For example, if you want to format 128GB USB to FAT32, proveďte následující kroky:

Krok 1. Run AOMEI FAT32 Format Tool after installing it. Then, Right-click the USB flash drive partition in the main panel and choose Formátovat oddíl.

lauch aomei fat32 formatter and click format

Krok 2. Select FAT32 from the list of file systems and press the OK button to format USB to FAT32.

select fat32

Krok 3. To format USB to FAT32, click Podat žádost a Pokračovat.

click apply and proceed

Part 3. How To Format USB (32GB or Smaller) to FAT32 on Window 10/11

There are typically different ways for users to format USB to FAT32 on Windows 10/11, which has the most excellent compatibility compared to other file systems.

Metoda 1: Naformátujte USB na FAT32 pomocí Průzkumníka souborů

This approach can only be used to change a USB disk in FAT32 format if it is less than 32GB. Remember that the USB drive’s prior data will be deleted during the formatting procedure.

Krok 1. Connect the USB drive or the desired external hard drive to the Windows 10 computer.

Krok 2. Stiskněte Home a vyberte Toto PC k otevření File Explorer.

open the windows file explorer fat32 formatter

Krok 3. Right-click on the USB drive that you want to format to FAT32 and select Formát v nabídce.

choose the usb flash drive to format

Krok 4. Klepněte na tlačítko Souborový systém rozevírací nabídka a vyberte FAT32 if it isn’t already mentioned. Then, click the Home .

choose format usb to fat32

Krok 5. A warning reminds you that all data on the USB flash drive will be deleted with the formatting process. Click OK to start changing your USB flash drive to FAT32.

confirm the formatting usb to fat32 process

Poznámka: Please back up your important files in the USB flash drive before proceeding with the Format.

Krok 6. Once the drive has finished formatting, click OK k dokončení postupu.

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Metoda 2: Naformátujte USB na FAT32 pomocí Správa disků

Your USB drive could not appear in File Explorer if Windows didn’t give it a letter for some reason or if its file system was damaged. Fortunately, formatting it from the Disk Management software is simple.

Krok 1. Použijte zkratku Win + X to open Windows’ administrative quick menu.

Krok 2. Vyberte «Správa disků.» You may also find and launch it from the Home menu by hitting the Vyhrát key and entering the utility’s name.

Krok 3. You will get a list of all storage devices and their partitions while using Disk Management. You should see one or more partitions listed within your disk if it functions correctly. They may each be formatted separately. Alternatively, you can click on each one and choose «Odebrat hlasitost» until none are left if you’d rather get rid of them and utilize the whole space on your disk as one continuous block.

open disk management by pressing win+x

Krok 4. If the space on your USB drive seems empty, right-click on it and choose «Nový jednoduchý svazek. »

allocate the new partition by right-clicking the usb drive

Krok 5. To create a partition, use the «Průvodce vytvořením jednoduchého svazku» and then format it.

create new partition for the usb drive

Krok 6. You may use a lesser volume size if you wish to divide your USB drive into more than one. By doing this, you’ll free up space on your disk so that you may subsequently add additional partitions.

choose your preferred usb disk volume

Krok 7. Directly from this wizard, you will be able to give a drive letter to the partition you are creating. Alternatively, you may map it to an empty NTFS folder without providing a drive letter.

choose your desired letter for the usb drive

Krok 8. You may select a file system and allocation unit size, input a volume label, and choose whether to use a fast format, much like when formatting from File Explorer.

choose fat32 file system for your usb drive

Krok 9. The wizard will offer an overview of your options before starting to format. To accept them and format your USB device, click «úprava. »

finish formatting usb to fat32

Part 4. How to Format USB (64GB/128GB or Larger) to FAT32

Pokud chcete format 64GB or 128GB USB to FAT32, you can depend on CMD (Usually diskpart and PowerShell) or a Aomei Partition Assistant.

Method 1: Use PowerShell to Format USB to FAT32 on Windows 10/11

You can format USB drives larger than 32 GB to the FAT32 file system using Windows PowerShell. However, formatting makes the procedure less effective and more likely to take longer. For example, if you want to format 64GB USB to FAT32, do the following:

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Krok 1. Lis “Win + X» on your keyboard to open the Home menu. Then, locate and choose the «Windows PowerShell (správce)» option from the menu to launch PowerShell as the administrator.

open window powershell In admin mode

Krok 2. Zadejte příkaz «format /FS: FAT32 #:» in the PowerShell window and hit vstoupit to execute it. (Instead of using #, use your Drive letter.)

type the format usb to fat32 cmd in powershell

Krok 3. Your 64 GB USB Drive will begin to format to the FAT32 file system as soon as the command is provided. The procedure could take many hours to finish, but if you want to do it quickly, you can utilize several third-party programs to do it more effectively.

Method 2: Use Command Prompt to Format USB to FAT32

Apart from PowerShell, the built-in Command Prompt in Windows can also be used as a FAT32 format tool.

Krok 1. First, connect the USB memory stick to your computer and wait for it to be recognized.

Krok 2. Projít Home > Příslušenství > Příkazový řádek or Home > Běh > type «cmd» > vstoupit to launch Command Prompt.

open cmd using the run window

Krok 3. Enter the following command at the Command Prompt if your USB device has been given the letter «F»:: format F: /fs:FAT32

enter the format usb to fat32 command into windows cmd

Krok 4. When asked whether you want to continue or stop formatting, hit Y (for Yes) or N (for no).

Video Tutorial-How To Format USB to FAT32

Část 4: Jak obnovit ztracená data po naformátování USB disku na FAT32?

Formátování USB disku je snadný úkol. Před formátováním se však někteří mohou obávat souborů nebo dat na jednotce USB. Na jednotce USB mohou být nepodstatné i velmi důležité soubory, které nelze nahradit. Co ale dělat, když je disk poškozený nebo nějakým způsobem nefunkční?

You need not worry as there are varieties of applications available in the market for recovering such files. An application like Recoverit helps you to recover almost all data, ranging from documents to big size videos from a USB drive even after formatting to FAT32.

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Wondershare Recoverit — Recover Your Precious Files

Stáhlo si ji 5,481,435 XNUMX XNUMX lidí.

Všechna svá data můžete obnovit z prázdného USB disku z různých důvodů, jako je útok malwaru, poškození, náhodné smazání, poškození atd.

Můžete obnovit data ze všech druhů úložných jednotek, jako je USB disk, SD karta, SSD, HDD, diskety, Pen Drive atd.

Před obnovením si můžete prohlédnout soubory.

Proces skenování můžete dokonce pozastavit a obnovit.

Free version to try and paid version to enjoy more.

Krok 1: Vyberte externí zařízení/disk

Chcete-li obnovit smazané nebo ztracené soubory z externího zařízení, je třeba jej vybrat jako cílové umístění pro vyhledávání a skenování dat

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external device recovery

Krok 2: Naskenujte vyměnitelné médium

Kompletní skenování bude zahájeno, jakmile vyberete Start. Skenování obvykle nějakou dobu trvá v závislosti na velikosti jednotky USB. Mezi procesem lze vyhledat a filtrovat požadované soubory.

mac scanning external media

Krok 3: Náhled souborů a obnovení

After the whole scanning process, Recoverit allows the user to preview the located files. All the files including photos, videos, documents, videos, audios, etc. can be previewed.

Poté vyberte soubory, které potřebujete obnovit, a klepněte na lištu Obnovit.

mac audio files recovery

Všechny soubory budou obnoveny a uloženy pro vaše použití.

Video Tutorial – How to Format a USB Flash Drive on Mac?

Pro Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

For macOS X 10.10 — macOS 13

Závěrečné myšlenky

This article found all possible ways to naformátujte USB na FAT32. You may format your USB flash drive with FAT32 using Disk Management or Diskaprt if it is less than 32GB in size. There are still several methods to format a bigger USB Drive, such as a 128 GB USB Drive to the FAT32 file system, albeit the procedure is a bit challenging. If PowerShell proves ineffective in formatting a 128 GB USB drive to the FAT32 file system, you may try a FAT32 format tool. Applying AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard is recommended when formatting a USB flash device to FAT32.

Why would I want to format my usb drive to fat32?

Formatting a USB drive to FAT32 is beneficial in several scenarios. FAT32 is a widely supported file system that allows compatibility with various devices, including older gaming consoles, media players, and certain car stereos. It is also compatible with both Windows and macOS operating systems, making it convenient for file sharing between different platforms.

How do I format a USB drive to FAT32?

To format a USB drive to FAT32, you can use the built-in formatting tools on your operating system. Here’s a general outline of the steps:
On Windows: Connect the USB drive, open File Explorer, right-click on the USB drive, select «Format,» choose FAT32 as the file system, and click «Start» to begin the formatting process.
On macOS: Connect the USB drive, open Disk Utility, select the USB drive from the sidebar, click on the «Erase» tab, choose MS-DOS (FAT) or exFAT as the format, and click «Erase» to start the formatting process.

Will formatting the USB drive to FAT32 erase all the data?

Yes, formatting a USB drive to FAT32 will erase all existing data on it. It is essential to make a backup of any important files on the USB drive before proceeding with the formatting process.