ford service

The Ford service team here at Griffin Ford Fort Atkinson has your back. Whether you’re searching for reliable routine maintenance, or you need emergency support out on the go, we’re the team you can trust. We’re sharing all you need to know about caring for your vehicle between service appointments, like how to jumpstart a car.

How Do I Jumpstart My Car?

Your car can lose battery capacity for many reasons, like damage or a slow drain. That’s why it’s important to know how to jumpstart it, if needed. Here are the steps you’ll want to take to get your vehicle back on the road and running right.

  • Prepare the Vehicles: Set your donor car close to the car with the dead battery, but make sure they’re not touching. Unroll your jumper cables and make sure they can reach you.
  • Red to Red: Begin by attaching the red clamp, the positive clamp, to the positive terminal on the dead battery. Then attach the red clamp to the positive terminal on the donor car.
  • Black to Black: Attach the black clamp, the negative clamp, to the negative terminal on the donor car. Then attach the remaining black clamp to an unpainted metal surface on the vehicle with the dead battery.
  • Start the Car: Run the working car for a few minutes before trying to turn over the car with the dead battery. If it doesn’t start, run the car for a few more minutes and try again.
  • Zabalit: Unhook the cables in the reverse order that you attached them and store them for the next time. If you successfully jumped the car, make sure to drive it for at least 15 minutes.

Here at Griffin Ford Fort Atkinson, we provide battery service and care that’s reliable. Schedule an inspection or find a high-quality new battery at our dealership today.

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  • Unveiling the Future: Ford Hybrid Cars
  • Features in the FordPass® App
  • How to Research Used Ford Cars
  • Ford Certified Pre-Owned Warranties Explained
  • What Is More Important When Buying a Used Car: Mileage or Age?


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