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  • Reset volume levels: Nastavení >Systém >Zvuk >Objemový mixér >resetovat.
  • Reset audio driver: Roll back, update, or uninstall the driver.
  • Reset audio services: Open Služby, klikněte pravým tlačítkem myši Windows Audio Endpoint Builder, pak Restart >Ano.

This article describes the different reset option you have for your audio devices in Windows 11. You might do this if your audio isn’t working well, if you’re trying to squeeze the best performance as possible out of your devices, or if you want to stop using custom settings.

How to Reset the Volume for All Your Devices in Windows 11

Follow these steps to reset the volume for all your apps in one go. This will set the volume to 100% for whatever apps are listed in the Settings app.

Volume mixer in Windows 11 sound settings

vybrat Objemový mixér z pokročilý sekce.

Reset in Windows 11 volume mixer settings

Ve spodní části obrazovky vyberte resetovat.

How to Reset the Audio Driver in Windows 11

There are a few ways to deal with the audio driver, depending on your specific situation:

  • Roll back the audio driver if you recently installed an update, but it caused the audio to stop working or sound worse.
  • Update the audio driver if sounds don’t work at all or if you started using a new sound device with your computer.
  • Uninstall the audio driver if there’s an issue with sound, but you didn’t recently upgrade your sound equipment or install a driver update. This will revert to the basic driver provided by Windows.

Here’s how to uninstall the audio driver in Windows 11:

Uninstall device in audio device properties in Windows Device Manager

z Řidič vyberte kartu Odinstalace zařízení, A pak Odinstalovat z potvrzovacího pole.

If after you log back in, the problem is worse or not fixed, return to Device Manager and go to Akce > Prohledávání změn hardwaru.

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How to Reset Audio Services in Windows 11

There are a couple of services that Windows uses to deal with sound. You can restart these services if you’re experiencing abnormal sound quality issues.

Windows Audio Endpoint Builder and Yes highlighted in the Windows 11 services restart prompt

vybrat Ano on the prompt to also restart the Windows Audio služby.

How to Manage Sound Settings in Windows 11

As the above directions show, all the Windows 11 sound settings are accessible through the Settings app. You can get there in a few ways:

  • Hledat Nastavení z hlavního panelu.
  • Stisknout WIN+i.
  • Klepněte pravým tlačítkem myši na tlačítko Start a vyberte Nastavení.

Jakmile budete v Nastavení, vyberte Zvuk for settings pertaining to output devices, input devices, troubleshooting tools, the volume mixer, and more. Another way to jump directly into the sound settings is to right-click the volume icon in the taskbar and choose Nastavení zvuku. From that same menu is Otevřený objemový mixér, which will do just that.

In the Advanced section for sound, look for Další nastavení zvuku. There you’ll find more options related to your playback devices and sound themes.

More sound settings in Windows 11 sound settings

Here are examples of the available settings you can tweak for better sound on a pair of headphones:

  • Úrovně: Adjust the volume balance between the left and right side.
  • vylepšení: Boost the lowest frequencies that can be played by your device, turn on Headphone Virtualization to create the illusion of a home theater, or turn on Loudness Equalization to reduce perceived volume differences based on the «understanding of human hearing.»
  • pokročilý: Change the sample rate and bit depth.
  • Prostorový zvuk: Select the Spatial sound format you want to use.

As you can see in that screenshot, Obnovit výchozí will reset the settings within that specific tab.

How do I change Windows 11 system sounds?

To change Windows 11 system sounds, go to Nastavení > Zvuk > Další nastavení zvuku. Klepněte na zvuky tab to open a list of Program Events and select the sound you want to change.

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How do I fix my Windows 11 audio icons?

To fix your Windows 11 audio icons, update the relevant drivers (display adapters, sound, video, etc.), disable any audio plug-ins or extensions, and manually choose a default speaker. If you still have problems, run a troubleshooter, then update and restart Windows.

How to Reset Sound Settings Windows 10? - keysdirect.us

Are you having trouble getting your sound settings to work properly on your Windows 10 computer? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to reset sound settings on Windows 10 and get your audio working again. We’ll cover the most common and effective methods, so you can quickly get back to listening to music, watching movies, or playing games on your computer.

  • Open the Start menu, select the Nastavení ikonu a vyberte možnost System.
  • On the left-hand side of the System page, select Zvuk.
  • In the Sound page, go to the bottom and select Vlastnosti zařízení.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the Device Properties menu and select Obnovit výchozí nastavení.
  • Windows will then confirm your selection. Select Ano.

Your sound settings will now be reset to their original default settings.

How to Reset Sound Settings Windows 10?

Steps to Reset Audio Settings in Windows 10

Resetting the audio settings of your Windows 10 device can be done in a few simple steps. This article will help you understand how to reset audio settings on Windows 10. We will look at the steps to reset the sound settings, and provide some useful tips to help you get the best experience from your device.

The first step is to open the settings menu. This can be done by pressing the Windows key and the I key at the same time. Once the settings menu has opened, you will need to select the “System” tab which is located at the top of the menu. Once you have opened this tab, you will need to select the “Sound” option which is located on the left hand side.

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Check Your Audio Device Settings

Once you have opened the sound menu, you will need to check the settings of your audio device. This can be done by selecting the “Device” tab which is located at the top of the sound menu. Once you have opened this tab, you will be able to see the settings of your audio device.

You will need to ensure that all of the settings are set correctly. This includes the sample rate, bit depth, and the number of channels. If any of these settings are incorrect, you will need to adjust them to get the best sound quality from your device.

Adjust Volume Settings

The next step is to adjust the volume settings. This can be done by selecting the “Volume” tab which is located at the top of the sound menu. Once you have opened this tab, you will be able to adjust the volume settings for your device.

You will need to ensure that the volume is set to an appropriate level. You should also ensure that the “Loudness Equalization” is set to the “On” position. This will help to reduce any distortion or sound clipping that may occur when playing audio.

Nastavit výchozí zvukové zařízení

The last step is to set the default audio device. This can be done by selecting the “Default” tab which is located at the bottom of the sound menu. Once you have opened this tab, you will be able to select the device which you would like to use as the default audio device.

Once you have selected the device, you will need to select the “Default” button. This will set the device as the default audio device and it will be used whenever you play audio.

Řešení problémů

If you are still having issues with your audio settings, you may need to perform some troubleshooting. This can be done by checking the settings of your audio device and making sure that they are set correctly.

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You should also check the cables and connections to make sure that everything is connected properly. If you are still having issues, you may need to update the audio drivers or reinstall the audio software.

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Resetting the sound settings on Windows 10 is a relatively straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to reset the sound settings and get the best sound quality from your device.

Často kladené otázky

What are the Steps to Reset Sound Settings Windows 10?

Answer: To reset sound settings on Windows 10, you can follow these steps:
1. Open the Windows 10 Settings app by pressing the Windows key + I.
2. Vyberte možnost „Systém“.
3. Select the “Sound” option located in the left-hand pane.
4. Select the “App Volume And Device Preferences” option.
5. Select the “Reset” button located at the bottom of the page.
6. Confirm the reset by selecting “Yes”.

What Should I Do If I Have Forgotten My Sound Settings?

Answer: If you have forgotten the sound settings on Windows 10, the easiest way to reset them is to use the steps outlined above. Alternatively, you can try to find the settings in the Control Panel or the Windows 10 Settings app.

What Happens When I Reset My Sound Settings?

Answer: When you reset your sound settings, all of the settings will be reset to their default values. This includes the volume levels, audio quality, and any other settings you may have changed.

Can I Reset My Sound Settings Without Affecting My Other Settings?

Answer: Yes, you can reset your sound settings without affecting any other settings. The sound settings are separate from other settings on Windows 10, so resetting them will not affect any other settings.

How Do I Restore My Default Sound Settings?

Answer: To restore your default sound settings, you can follow the steps outlined above. Alternatively, you can try to find the settings in the Control Panel or the Windows 10 Settings app.

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What Do I Do If I Cannot Find the “Reset” Button?

Answer: If you cannot find the “Reset” button, you may need to update your Windows 10 version. The “Reset” button is only available in the latest version of Windows 10. If you are using an older version, you can update it by going to the Windows Update settings in the Windows 10 Settings app.

how to restart audio driver windows 10/11

Resetting your sound settings on Windows 10 is a relatively simple process that anyone can do. With the help of these steps, you can quickly and easily reset your sound settings to the default settings, allowing you to get the best audio performance from your computer. Whether you just need a fresh start or are dealing with sound issues, resetting your sound settings is a great way to improve your audio experience.