Does anyone have any experience with this? I’m looking for a remote car starter that uses a cell phone as the remote. I saw some that require a monthly subscription and I’m not sure why you would need a subscription. thanks

66 příspěvků · Připojeno 2014

I’ve never used one, but the reason for the subscription is because you would be using their app to send a signal from your phone over the Internet to their servers which would then send that signal back over the Internet to a device on your Jeep to unlock the doors or start it. With a key fob, it uses radio signals and sends direct from fob to the Jeep.

Wrangler010 Discussion starter
204 příspěvků · Připojeno 2010

What about a starter that uses Bluetooth? I know the range is somewhat limited but i think I’ll be close enough in most cases. don’t want an alarm or anything fancy, just a remote starter that i can activate with my phone. any suggestions?

8931 příspěvků · Připojeno 2012

Seems like more hassle than it’s worth, what’s the problem with the small keychain?

The benefit to the subscription type with a phone is you can start from far distances (like the airport etc). Not seeing the benefit to a bluetooth type, as BT typically has a pretty limited range.

212 příspěvků · Připojeno 2013
Hacker/Griefer’s wet dream.
Cry HAVOC and let slip the Mustelids of WAR!
1330 příspěvků · Připojeno 2011
I thought GM did something like this with an on star app.
sic vis pacem para bellum
4379 příspěvků · Připojeno 2010

Correct. If you have a GM vehicle with onstar you can remote lock and unlock your car. If it has remote start you can do that as well

I believe Viper has a kit that uses a cell phone app to trigger it. They do not use bluetooth, but instead use cellular data to have a long range. You are correct that you need a monthly subscription. This app, like onstar, works over cellular data. Someone has to pay for that data and that’s where the subscriptions come from. You pay for the product and then pay for the service.

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How long of a range do you need? There are some made by viper that use a key fob that claim a 1 mile range. Even if it was half that, that seems pretty good for all of my needs

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205 příspěvků · Připojeno 2011

Just ripped mine out of my 2011 jk. I did the install wasnt terribly hard but dose require knowledge of wiring.

Places to start are xpress kit bypass as well as viper remote starter systems. i believe you are looking for the smartstart by viper which will allow you to do everything from your phone etc.

In order to save yourself wiring look into a T Harness by xpresskit which is known to work very well with their bypass etc.

Here is a short video from when i did my remote starter. This was done with little knowledge of wiring and i have come many years in experience since with installs with POV Emergency response vehicles and the wiring that goes with it.

Have a look and enjoy. I will try to answer any questions to the best of my knowledge.
2011 Jeep Wrangler Viper 4204 / 5301 Remote Start installation Xpresskit DBall Bypass — YouTube

203 příspěvků · Připojeno 2014

Ahh, finally an area that I know very,very well. The Viper system is horrid. Virtually every one of them I’ve sold I had complaints on. These systems are cell phone based so if you don’t have very good cell coverage, you shouldn’t consider one. Ditto on the Bluetooth ones. The nice thing is they are faster in communicating back from the vehicle but the range is very poor. Compustar has 2 versions of these systems that work through cell phones. You can either pick Sprint or Verizon based systems. Here in Ohio, Verizon has the best coverage and their DRONE system works very well. If you get the basic system (for remote start only) runs $50 a year. For $120 a year you also get GPS tracking too.

Jak se Ford stává uhlíkově neutrálním?

Personally since Compustar has remote starters that easily can reach a mile, I don’t see a need to use the smart phone app. Plus, the long range remotes are much less expensive too. The biggest benefit is that Compustar has their remote start systems as plug and play so there’s no wires to cut into which can be very important if your rig has a warranty. Many dealers don’t like it when someone hacks into the CANBUS systems.