Mercedes Benz recalled many vehicles manufactured between 2001-2011 for potential sunroof issues. However, the recent Mercedez car has a robust sunroof and is less problematic.

But it’s a piece of equipment that ends up being a liability, and you need to spend the hard-earned money on its repair many times.

So, if your Mercedes sunroof isn’t working read on to learn how to fix this problem.

How Do You Reprogram A Mercedes Sunroof?

Most of the time, a simple trick works like magic. So before diving deep, you must try to re-synchronise the sunroof.

  1. First, lock the car doors and access the forward button of the sunroof attached to the roof. Do not leave until it closes all the way. Hold the switch for five seconds.
  2. Now press the tilt switch and hold it for five seconds.
  3. Afterwards, press the open switch, which will begin sliding backwards slowly. Hold the open switch for an additional five seconds.
  4. Once more, close the sunroof by pressing the forward button and holding it for five seconds. That should reset the Mercedes sunroof.
  5. Check If the Mercedes sunroof opens with one touch of the button.

If not, then read the next section to troubleshoot the sunroof problem.

Pro Tip: If the sunroof does not close, try disconnecting the battery for at least ten minutes. The battery disconnection will reset the operating system.

Why Mercedes Sunroof Won’t Close All The Way

1. Misaligned Sunroof

The Mercedes sunroof can get tilted on one side. The misalignment is a significant hindrance in smooth movement on the sunroof rail track.

Over time the guides on the rail track break or the plastic pieces over the sides move from their place or get broken. In either case, the sunroof would tilt on a side or rise from a side and refuse to move.

In either case, it would be hard to reposition the sunroof glass on its track. It would be best to look for breakage in the track as a solution.

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If so, you must replace the whole track to fix the Mercedes sunroof.

2. Mechanický problém

The sunroof track in Mercedes may have broken wire, a plastic piece, hinges broken from the rail track, or a nail that stops the sunroof from moving ahead.

The motor and all the other electricals are fully functional, but you need to do a detailed visual inspection for potential mechanical problems.

Thoroughly check for dust, debris, stone, wire, or anything that’s getting in the way of the sunroof.

4. Špatná pojistka

Mercedes’ sunroof motor has an attached fuse that prevents extreme overload in adverse situations.

If your Mercedes Sunroof won’t close all the way, checking the fuse should be the first step before applying any hack.

Using a multimeter, you can DIY-check the fuse and replace it if it’s bad.

5. Rusted Sunroof Track

The Mercedes rail track is prone to rusting if it’s not cleaned for a long time. The rusted track would prevent the smooth sliding of sunroof glass on it, and eventually, it will stop working.

Hence it’s best to periodically clean it like the rest of the car parts and remove the rust with the help of a WD-40 solution.

How To Fix Mercedes Sunroof That Won’t Close?

  1. Keep a clean towel
  2. WD-40 solution
  3. Multimetr

1. Clean the Sunroof Carrier Track

The Mercedes sunroof is the part that is exclusively exposed to the outside dust and rain. It needs a manual detailed cleaning.

But there are instances when you don’t clean it, and it’s the main reason the sunroof does not flush to the end.

  • Start by soaking the clean towel(preferably a microfiber towel) in a propylene alcohol solution. And clean the rail track through the end.
  • Make sure to clean the plastic on the corners.
  • Now dip the clean towel in WD-40 and apply over the rust on the metal part of the track. That is the best rust removal agent.
  • Now clean the movable parts and track with a dry microfiber towel and apply the dry silicone with Teflon to lubricate the track. That’s the universal lubricant available in the market.
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4. Check Sunroof Motor

  1. Open the control panel on the Mercedes roof by sticking any small plastic tool. The glass cover would pop out.
  2. Next, press the two white buttons inwards, and the back part having the sunroof motor is exposed.
  3. Remove the connector to test the motor with an external battery. If it’s not working, the next step is replacing the motor.

Často kladené otázky

How Much Does It Cost To Fix Mercedes Sunroof?

The Mercedes sunroof replacement is a hefty thing. It costs around 780 XNUMX $ na výměnu the whole sunroof. At the same time, its parts would stojí kolem 370 $.

How Do You Manually Close A Mercedes Sunroof?

  • So you need to open the glass cover on the control panel with the help of a plastic tool. And access the motor by removing the control panel by pressing the white buttons inwards.
  • Now take a T25 size key to rotate the opening in the motor. That rotates on the left side automatically when you press the sunroof button on the control panel.
  • As you rotate the key, the sunroof will flush against the edge. It would manually close the sunroof and restore the switch’s functions.
  • You can test it by pressing the buttons on the control panel.

Závěrečné myšlenky!

Although the Mercedes sunroof is a reliable feature, it may experience damage over time, which can be electrical or mechanical.

If your Mercedes Sunroof Won’t Close All The Way, try cleaning the rails, lubricating the track, check the motor.

However, if none of these work you should contact the dealer or an expert mechanic.

Stay safe out there.!


Jmenuji se Zeshan a od dětství řídím terénní vozidla, motocykly a džípy, nemiluji nic víc než objevování přírody ve svém Jeep, motocykl ATV a UTV. Vyrostl jsem v malém městě v Novém Mexiku a tam začala moje láska k vozidlům. Tam, kde jsem bydlel, nebyly žádné zpevněné cesty, takže jsme museli jezdit po prašných stezkách, abychom se tam dostali. V dnešní době mě stále baví co nejčastěji vyrážet do přírody. Ale teď s sebou beru i přátele, kteří také rádi tráví čas venku na motorkách a terénních vozidlech.