Just the other day all of the windows except the drivers window stopped working. I can hear a clicking noise every time I press the buttons but no movement from the windows. Even the back window wont slide. I kind of think its a fuse but I just want to be sure.

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5 Související odpovědi


  • Odpovědi 2
  • Publikováno dne 13. února 2009

4WD only operates when gear selector is in L and under 18 mph. the rest of the time your 4Wd will activate automatically if the front wheels start to spin,

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  • Odpovědi 520
  • Publikováno května 11, 2009

Sounds to me like you have a bad power window relay. Start by checking the power supply to the relay. Should the relay be bad replace and the window movement should be restored. If this doesn’t take care of the problem you may need to replace the master switch in the driver door. The master switch allows all the other switches to do their job. If it malfunctions none of the windows will work. Hope this info helps, good luck.

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  • Odpovědi 6
  • Publikováno 14. července 2009

Pull out the rubber boots, and unhook the limit slider on the right side.

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  • Odpovědi 6
  • Publikováno 14. července 2009

Open the tail gate, and remove the 2 screws on the side.

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  • Odpovědi 4
  • Publikováno 30. září 2009

Code can be found on a credit card like card found included in your owners manual kit. Follow instructions in owners manual on resetting code. Key position in ignition is critical for it to work as is the time it allows you to enter the code. If car was purchased used most Honda dealers will provide you with the number. Best of luck.

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Související dotazy:

Windows will not respond to drivers console except back window. They will open & shut with their own button. Help drivers window stuck open. What can I do?

check master swich==
Sep 01, 2013 • 2006 Honda Ridgeline RTL

Okno spolujezdce na Mazdě 6 nejde nahoru.

Vypadá to, že by to mohl být solenoid okna nebo motor okna. Je nepravděpodobné, že spínače na obou dveřích jsou špatné. Zkontrolujte solenoidy a motory.

16. října 2012 • Automobily a nákladní vozy Mazda

Rear driver’s window won’t roll down

Most probably motor. Have someone push button while u hold ear to inside door and listen for motor to try and run.

Most time shot in dark as most will not make noise but sometimes you will hear a click letting you know that power is at least getting to motor.

Jan 13, 2018 • Toyota Matrix Cars & Trucks

I had my car windows down as I was driving, and began to roll them back up when there was a loud bang, and then my passenger’s side window apparently fell all the way down again. Now it won’t

Either the regulator broke or the window came out of the channel.
21. srpna 2012 • 2004 Honda Element

Jak resetuji klíčenku Subaru po výměně baterie?

After replacing the ignition switch on my 2006 Honda Ridgeline it still won’t start

Check with dealer most keys now days are programmed to the car you may need to have the new key programmed to your car.

21. července 2012 • 2006 Honda Ridgeline

Suddenly all three passenger windows are not able to roll down. the driver passenger window rolled down and is down stuck down.

Sounds like the master switch is at fault this is the one on the drivers door.
08. června 2011 • 2006 Honda Odyssey

Obě okna spolujezdce se nestahují, elektrické zámky fungují, ale okna ne. Jak to lze opravit?

Deaktivujte spínač zámku okna. Pokud je nemůžete stáhnout ani ze spínače u řidiče: v tom případě máte pravděpodobně co do činění s vadným hlavním ovládacím spínačem ve dveřích řidiče – všechny ostatní spínače oken a zámků jím procházejí.

01. června 2011 • 1995 Honda Odyssey

2005 Honda Accord, all three passenger power windows stopped working. The drivers window works and the window lock is not on. When I try the switch on each of the passenger windows i cvan hear a clicking.

you most likely have a power/ground/switch issue in the drivers door. the power for the other three doors must first travel through the switches in the driver door before it goes to the passengers. hence the reason why when somebody rolls down a passenger window and you push the up button on the driver door the window stops moving. the wires can break inside the rubber boot in the door jam. you can also have an internal problem with the driver door switch unit. you would need a wiring diagram to diagnose this concern.