I hate to start yet another locking system thread, but after reading through what seems like 40 other threads no one else seems to have the same exact issue. When unlocking the doors with the key in the driver�s side door, both doors and the trunk will unlock and then immediately lock again. So in order to get in the car I have to turn the key and then immediately pull the handle before the door locks again. I recently replaced the door latch micro switch as I had to push the door in after closing it so the interior lights would go out and the window would go all the way up. I was hoping that was also the locking issue, but unfortunately that’s not the case. Has anyone seen this specific issue before? I know people have had trouble locking the car, but couldn’t find anything with the same circumstances. Also, the door lock is a little bit difficult to turn but it does work. It just takes a little fidgeting. I tried to use the trunk lock and the same thing happened, and the key gets forced back into the neutral position where it usually if you turn and hold it. Any info is much appreciated, and sorry again for yet another locking system thread!

2016 f80 M3 ZCP Mineral Gray/Black Full Leather
2015 e84 X1 2.8i xDrive M Sport LeMans Blue/Black, Dinan Stage I


2013 e92 M3 ZCP Alpine White/Black, Dinan Stage I
01. 10. 2012, 05:26 # 2

flyfishvt is offline

Datum připojení červen 2009 Místo Příspěvky Jižní Karolína 31,073 2004 Moje auta 330 2004 vert 5 XXNUMX

This has been covered many times. Twice very recently. One of your lock actuators is faulty. Probably the gas filler door. Disconnect each actuator one at a time until you find the faulty one causing this. Start with the gas filler door and the trunk lock actuators. they are the easiest to access

Odvzdušněte svůj chladicí systém http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum. php?t=1709482
Vlákno ULTIMATE OEM Alarm/Keyless http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum. php?t=1792200
01. 10. 2012, 05:26 # 3

HAMM is offline

Join Date Nov 2011 Location Australia Posts 37 My Cars 1992 BMW 325i

I too had the exact same problem but unfortunately for you it fixed itself. I seem to remember it started by opening the handle as I turned the key (because I was in a such a rush). Is that how yours started? If so try doing it gain and It might reverse the problem.

01. 10. 2012, 05:41 # 4

Kolik R-134A pojme Dodge Ram 2002 z roku 1500?

sallyz is offline

Datum připojení leden 2012 Příspěvky 13

I had the same problem. This only happened to me when the weather was cold or if it was snowing hard. Sometimes it would be hard to put the key in or when I unlock the car it would lock immediately unless I opened the door quickly. If it snowed where you live I wouldn’t worry but if not then I don’t know might have to get it checked out.

01. 10. 2012, 05:43 # 5

HondaRiderAX is offline

Join Date Sep 2008 Location Olalla, WA Posts 115 My Cars e36

I had a similar issue. The microswitch on my driver’s door jam (on the car, not the door itself) had worn down enough that the door wasn’t pushing in the switch all the way. Over the years, the plastic on the switch had worn down. I fixed it with applying and filing JB weld on the switch. That was 2 years ago and it’s been fine since.

01. 10. 2012, 09:04 # 6

Jdmdro is offline

Join Date Nov 2011 Location Colleyville texas Posts 224 My Cars 1992 BMW 325i

I live in texas and mine do that only when its cold and also my passenger doors dont like to stay shut while its cold too LOL

1992 325i Sedan M3 Project

FS ^^ 5 Point Racing Harness’s

09. 30. 2013, 10:32 # 7

BMWREMEDY is offline

Join Date Nov 2011 Location Adelaide Posts 58 My Cars 1993 BMW E36 2JZ-GTE

This is the exact same issue I’m having. Gotta try what was suggested, disconnecting each actuator and finding the faulty one. I have a feeling it’s the drivers door.

10. 01. 2013, 01:23 # 8

JDStrickland is offline

Datum připojení červenec 2010 Místo Murrieta, CA Příspěvky 9,463 94 Moje auta ’325 08iC, ’328 93i, EXNUMX

QuotePůvodně odeslal BMWREMEDY View Post

This is the exact same issue I’m having. Gotta try what was suggested, disconnecting each actuator and finding the faulty one. I have a feeling it’s the drivers door.

My ’94 325iC does this when the trunk lock is set to the valet lock position — horizontal, with the key removed. If I set the trunk lock to the vertical position so the trunk lock conforms to the status of the door locks, the locks work correctly.

Why would both key fobs stop working?

I did repairs to my driver side door latch to cure an issue with the window-drop feature, and I was not aware of the multitude of linkages that had to be oriented in a particular position, and I _think_ I have a linkage issue that plays into this problem.

I leave the trunk lock set to the vertical position at all times. I sent a kid to get something from the trunk once, and she left the lock set horizontal when she gave the keys back. That is when I discovered that the doors lock immediately. I never knew this happened before then. Since it was a new behavior — newly discovered — then I looked over the car to see what was different, it was the trunk lock position.

12. 06. 2018, 12:54 # 9

118D L.E is offline

Join Date Dec 2018 Location Norway Posts 1 My Cars Bmw 118D, 2008 Model

Sentral locking/unlocking problem

QuotePůvodně odeslal flyfishvt View Post

This has been covered many times. Twice very recently. One of your lock actuators is faulty. Probably the gas filler door. Disconnect each actuator one at a time until you find the faulty one causing this. Start with the gas filler door and the trunk lock actuators. they are the easiest to access

Just trying to see if someone in this old thread is still active here, I have just the same problem with my car(118D,2008,E81) and was wondering if you found out what it was? and were is the other threads on this? I have looked for several days, but do only find ppl with other sentral locking problems, like one thing stops working. But this problem is a little bit harder to find because it «works», but in the wrong way..
If anyone have some useful threads to read or know anything about this it would be appriciated!

12. 06. 2018, 02:49 # 10

tjm3 is offline

Join Date Jan 2002 Location outta SoCal, now CO Posts 1,190 My Cars ’98 M3 Alpine White

I had the same problem with my ’92 325i. I decided to remove the driver’s side door panel and replace the actuator and when I reached in I found the plug on the actuator had lifted on one end. Snapped it back down and it started working again. I think I just got lucky on this one.

’98 M3, ’92 Dinan3, ’05 R1100S BCR, ’07 R1200S, Aprilia T

Kolik stojí náhradní klíč Volvo?

12. 06. 2018, 06:34 # 11

shogun is offline

mechanik stínových stromů Moderátor

Datum připojení leden 2005 Místo Japonsko Příspěvky 54,349 11 Moje auta 88/32 E750 98iL+36 E3MXNUMX

QuotePůvodně odeslal 118D L.E View Post

Hi, Just trying to see if someone in this old thread is still active here, I have just the same problem with my car(118D,2008,E81) and was wondering if you found out what it was? and were is the other threads on this? I have looked for several days, but do only find ppl with other sentral locking problems, like one thing stops working. But this problem is a little bit harder to find because it «works», but in the wrong way..If anyone have some useful threads to read or know anything about this it would be appriciated!

Here is the E36 forum, for your model ask in the 1 series forum https://www.bimmerforums.com/forum/f. 8-F20-F22-F23)

Shogun triky a tipy pro sérii E32 jsou ZDE!
04. 10. 2019, 07:08 # 12

Air1nj is offline

Join Date Apr 2019 Location New Jersey Posts 8 My Cars 1993 325 i

Locks ground

QuotePůvodně odeslal mose121 View Post

I hate to start yet another locking system thread, but after reading through what seems like 40 other threads no one else seems to have the same exact issue. When unlocking the doors with the key in the driver�s side door, both doors and the trunk will unlock and then immediately lock again. So in order to get in the car I have to turn the key and then immediately pull the handle before the door locks again. I recently replaced the door latch micro switch as I had to push the door in after closing it so the interior lights would go out and the window would go all the way up. I was hoping that was also the locking issue, but unfortunately that’s not the case. Has anyone seen this specific issue before? I know people have had trouble locking the car, but couldn’t find anything with the same circumstances. Also, the door lock is a little bit difficult to turn but it does work. It just takes a little fidgeting. I tried to use the trunk lock and the same thing happened, and the key gets forced back into the neutral position where it usually if you turn and hold it. Any info is much appreciated, and sorry again for yet another locking system thread!

Kolik Mirage GT zbývá?

Where your heels sit on floor under the carpet thier is a ground bar that grounds windows door locks if that it I�ll firgure it out

car lock

car lock

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15. září 2023 / Doba čtení: 4 minut

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