Is your Waze app not working on Android Auto? Despite being one of the most popular and fun navigační aplikace, occasional errors are known to occur from time to time. The screen sometimes freezes, and at times, it never connects. The Waze app sometimes never even shows up on Android Auto. We have been there and know what works and what doesn’t.

When Waze stops working, it could be because of a problém s firmwarem or a simple problem with the připojení k internetu. Whatever is causing the problem, we have solutions that work. With our article by your side, you can fix it quickly.

Causes for Waze Not Working on Android Auto

The Waze app on Android Auto is known for its aktualizace polohy v reálném čase a speed trap alerts. That is one of the reasons for its popularity among users. But when the Waze app stops working or keeps freezing on Android Auto, it could be because of the following reasons.

  • Slabé připojení k internetu
  • The Waze server is down
  • Firmware related issues
  • Nesprávné nastavení

How to Fix Waze App Not Working on Android Auto

Our simple and easy troubleshooting methods can help you resolve and get back the Waze app on Android Auto. You can do it on your own without external help.

Enable Waze on Android Auto

If the Waze app is not showing up on your Android Auto, you might have knowingly or unknowingly disabled the app from Android Auto. When that happens, the Waze app will not appear on Android Auto. You can rectify this in a few easy steps.

1. Na telefonu přejděte na adresu Nastavení.

2. Otevři Připojená zařízení v seznamu.

3. Klepněte na Předvolby připojení A zvolte Android Auto from the options listed.

4. Pod obecněvyberte Přizpůsobte spouštěč when the Android Auto Settings page opens.

5. A list of apps working with Android Auto will be shown. Click on the Checkbox vedle app Waze if the space is empty or unchecked.

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Now that you have enabled the Waze app, it will appear on your dashboard. You can continue using the Waze app on Android Auto without any trouble.

Poznámka: Pokud nemůžete najít Připojená zařízení on Nastavení, find Android Auto using Vyhledávání.

Zkontrolujte připojení k Internetu

If your problem is not a disappearing app but a frozen screen or other issues, then ensure you have a strong and stable network. The Waze app needs a správné připojení k internetu aby fungovalo správně.

It is usual for us to turn off our mobile data when not in use to save power. But now is not the time. You can turn on your mobile data by tapping on the Mobilní data možnost na Nabídka Rychlé nastavení.

Check the Waze Server Status

Server outage is a known problem that happens with apps and websites sometimes. If your internet is not the issue, then it could be the app’s server causing it. You can check the Waze app’s server status through

Waze Not Working on Android Auto - Downdetector

If the server is down, there isn’t much that you can do other than wait for the company to resolve it.

Enable Bluetooth and Wi-Fi

If you are using wireless Android Auto, you need your Bluetooth a Wi-Fi turned on at all times for apps to work as they should. If you have turned off either of them accidentally, turn it back on.

1. On your phone, pull down the Rychlé nastavení menu.

2. Klepněte na Wi-Fi option to turn it on and do the same with the Bluetooth volba.

Waze Not Working on Android Auto - Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Once they are turned on, your Waze app should work without any problem on Android Auto.

Check Location Permission

Apart from Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, the Waze app needs access to your location to do its job. Make sure you have the right location permission set in place.

1. Na telefonu otevřete Rychlé nastavení menu a hledejte KDE? volba.

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2. Stiskněte a přidržte tlačítko KDE? option to open it’s Nastavení.

3. Klepněte na Povolení aplikaci to know which apps have access and which don’t.

App Permissions

4. The apps will be categorized under three different levels of access. Check if the Waze app is found under Po celou dobu povoleno or Povoleno pouze při používání.

5. If the app is found under Není povoleno/ Popřít, then tap on it to change it to Po celou dobu povoleno or Povoleno pouze při používání.

Location Permission

6. Once that’s done, make sure to turn on KDE?.

The Waze app with the right settings in place will now work without any hitch on your Android Auto.

Poznámka: If your smartphone runs on Android 8.1 or below, you must go to režimVysoká přesnost. For those using Xiaomi, you must go to Správa aplikacíOprávněníAutomatické spuštěníTurn on Waze.

Restartujte telefon

Sometimes, the Waze app will not work even after making the right changes with the Settings. This could be because of an unknown minor glitch or bug. You can restart your phone once to resolve the problem.

1. Stiskněte a přidržte tlačítko tlačítko napájení V telefonu.

2. cvaknutí Restart and wait for your device to restart.

Once the restarting process is done, check if the Waze app is working on your Android Auto.

Restartujte své auto

If your Waze app keeps freezing or is not working even after restarting your phone, restartujte své auto. For some reason, this works in most cases. This is more or less like refreshing your infotainment system.

1. Turn off your car’s ignition completely.

2. Wait for a few seconds and turn it back on.

Your Waze app should work normally if the issue is minor. If not, try clearing the cache on Waze and Android Auto.

Clear Cache on Waze and Android Auto

Clearing caches on Android Auto is a known solution to fix minor issues. The caches in your Waze app are in place to optimize your use, but sometimes, they also slow down the app to an extent. You can do that through your phone’s settings.

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1. Přejděte do telefonu Nastavení.

2. Otevři aplikace option. You might have to scroll down a bit to find it on some phones.

Select Apps

3. Klepněte na Všechny Apps button if you are unable to find Waze on the list of apps displayed.

4. vybrat Waze to open it’s settings.

5. Klikněte na Skladování možnost a klepněte na Vymazat mezipaměť to wipe out all stored cache files.

You can repeat the same process to clear the cache on Android Auto. Once the caches have been cleared out, you can access Waze on Android Auto.

Poznámka: Tak dlouho jako ty do not clear your data, it will be safe and unaffected by the cache-clearing process.

Update Your Android Auto and Waze App

If your Waze app is still not working on Android Auto, then the problem could be a pending software update. Keeping your Waze app and Android Auto updated and running on the nejnovější software is important to continue using it without any trouble. Updates are not just about new features. They also come with fixes for software glitches and bugs.

1. Otevři Play Store na vašem zařízení se systémem Android.

2. Vyhledejte app Waze and open the app from the search results shown.

3. When the Waze app Play Store page opens, click on the Aktualizace button if an update is available.

4. Vraťte se do Play Store home screen and search for Android Auto.

5. Open the Android Auto Play Store page and press the Aktualizace button if a new update is available.

Update Android Auto

If you do not see an Aktualizace button, then that means your apps are already running on the latest software. When updates are available, wait till the process is done to use the Waze app on Android Auto.

Uninstall and Reinstall the Waze App

If updating the app did not work or if there is no new software update available for the app, then try uninstalling and reinstalling the Waze app.

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1. Open your phone’s Play Store.

2. Vyhledejte Waze app and open the app.

3. zmáčkni Odinstalovat button to remove the app from your device.

4. Once the app has been uninstalled, the Install button will replace the previous buttons.

5. Klepněte na instalovat button to reinstall the Waze app.

Uninstalling an app will wipe out all stored data. You will have to start fresh. But that will hardly take a minute. If your Waze app works on Android Auto, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Uninstall Android Auto Updates

We update apps to their latest available software for better performance. But sometimes, an update comes with hmyz and causes trouble. If your problem with Waze started right after updating or adding a beta verze to your Android Auto, then that could be the reason. It is possible to uninstall the new update and work with the previous version of Android Auto.

1. Otevři Android Auto app page on your Play Store.

2. Klepněte na Odinstalovat button. Sometimes, the device will prompt you to confirm the changes made.

Uninstall Android Auto

The App will now roll back to its previous software version. Do not update the app for the time being.

Poznámka: To prevent your device from automatically updating the app, turn off the automatic update feature on your Play Store. Click on your Profil ObrázekNastaveníAuto-update aplikaceNeaktualizujte aplikace automatickyHotovo.

Use Wired Android Auto

If you use wireless Android Auto, convert it to a wired connection. If you are already using a wired Android Auto, check your cables. The problem could have been because of a poškozený kabel. Buy a new USB cable to use wired Android Auto. The Waze app should work without any problem. If the problem persists even after using a new cable, then the issue could be something else.

Contact Waze Support

If you have tried all the above methods and your Waze app is still freezing or not working on your Android Auto, then it is time to seek professional help. Contact the Waze Support team for further guidance.

Co způsobuje nepřetržité cvakání relé?


1. Why is the Waze app not showing on Android Auto?

If your Waze app is not found on Android Auto, check if you have enabled Waze on Android Auto.

2. Why is the Waze app not working on Android Auto?

The Waze app on Android Auto will not work if there is an internet issue or firmware issue. Apart from that, changes made in Settings also result in that.

3. How to fix Waze not working for long-distance trips?

Unfortunately, the Waze app can only show you routes for commutes less than 200 miles (321kms). Use a different map app for your long-distance commutes.

Ahoj všichni! Jsem si jistý, že byste měli přítele, který měl jako dítě rozsáhlou sbírku autíček. No, já jsem jeden z nich a můj zájem o auta rostl až s přibývajícím věkem. Většinu dětství a dospělosti jsem doslova strávil učením se a experimentováním s auty a jejich interiéry. Jednou z oblastí, na které jsem se zaměřil, byl vždy informační a zábavní systém automobilů. Tento blog je můj vášnivý projekt, který začal s jediným záměrem podělit se o své znalosti o autech a jejich informačních a zábavních systémech. Na mém blogu najdete nejrůznější triky a techniky, metody odstraňování problémů, odpovědi na komplikovaná nastavení, nejlepší aplikace a další. Doufám, že mé psaní připraví cestu pro váš optimalizovaný zážitek z jízdy.