Do you have a door in your house that slams shut every time someone goes through it? It can be really frustrating hearing that large bang behind you, particularly if you’re trying to be quiet. A slamming door can also cause damage to the door itself as well as the frame, so it’s important to take action to prevent this from happening whenever possible. In this we’ve put together nine simple and easy ways to stop those doors slamming for good!

Pinch guard.

Why do doors slams?

Before we get into how to stop your doors slamming shut it’s important to understand why it might be slamming in the first place, here are three of the most common reasons:

  • The door is unbalanced – if your door isn’t hung evenly in the door frame then it’s more likely to swing open or shut with more force than usual.
  • The hinge pins are loose – if the hinge pins aren’t tight enough then they can cause the door to sag which will make it more difficult to close properly.
  • The weather – windy conditions can cause doors to slam shut, so it’s worth taking this into account when choosing a method to prevent slamming.

Irregular shaped door:

Before you start making any adjustments to the way the door is hung it’s important to check that the door itself isn’t damaged or warped in any way.

This in the case of warping can often be seen via it’s irregular shape, meaning the door doesn’t fit perfecting in door frame or door seals and therefore why a sound is created each time the door slams shut as it hits into areas it isn’t meant to.

If the door is damaged, it’s likely that it will need to be either fixed or replaced before any changes are made to the door frame.

Air flow and draughts:

As mentioned in the first section, weather can a big reason for doors slamming with the air pressure changes and draughts that can come with it. The reason why draughts lead to slamming doors is down to the fact that as air moves around the room it can cause the door to move too, with the air pressure building up in a confined space and then trying to squeeze out of a another smaller one.

If you live in a draughty property it could be really be worth looking at trying to fix this before moving onto potential fixes for individual doors. Some solutions include things such as increasing insulation in your property, even if it’s just a slightly cracked on broken window something like window insulation film can make a big difference.

Additionally, closing windows that don’t need to be open or closing the door in which that window is in to cut of the air flow to the rest of the property can also help.

How to stop a door from slamming:

Now that we’ve looked a few reasons why your doors slam shut, we can get into some great ways to prevent it happening in the future.

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1. Use felt pads

One really easy way to stop a door from slamming is by using things like felt pads. Felt pads are small square, rectangle or round pads made out of felt. These can be placed either on the door itself or on the door frame and will help to cushion the blow when the door is shut, absorbing some of the impact and noise in the process.

2. Try foam strips

Foam strips are another great option, these work in a similar way to felt pads but are slightly thicker and more durable. These can also be placed on either the door or door frame and will help to reduce the noise of the door slamming as well as any potential damage.

3. Check door hinges

As we mentioned earlier, one of the main reasons doors slam is because the door hinges are loose. This can often be easily fixed by simply tightening the screws that hold the hinge in place, but sometimes it can be more difficult. It’s important not to overtighten these as this can damage the door or door frame, so just make sure they’re tight enough that the door doesn’t move around when you close it.

We’ve written full guides on how to deal with this, both on how to adjust uPVC door hinges as well as how to adjust composite door hinges, so if you have either of those and suspect it could the problem definitely check them out.

4. Adjust door closer

If the door is hanging correctly in the door frame but still slamming shut then it’s likely that the problem is with the hinges as mentioned above.

The first thing you’ll need to do is remove the door from the frame so that you can access the hinges.

Once the door is removed, check to see if the hinge pins are loose. If they are, simply tighten them up using a screwdriver or Allen key.

If this doesn’t solve the problem then you may need to adjust the position of the hinges themselves. This too is covered in more detail in the guides mentioned above.

5. Install hydraulic door closers

Hydraulic or Pneumatic door closers are a great way to prevent your door from slamming, and they can be used on both internal and external doors.

These work by using either air or oil pressure to slowly close the door, rather than it being gravity that does it. This means that the door closes slowly and smoothly, with no risk of it slamming shut.

These are relatively easy to install, but if you’re not confident doing it yourself then it’s always best to get a professional in.

6. Weather stripping

Weather stripping is a great way to help prevent doors from slamming, as well as draughts. This is a strip of material, usually rubber, that goes around the door and helps to seal it. This means that there’s less chance of air being able to get in and push the door shut, as well as helping to insulate your property.

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It’s important to make sure that you get the right type of weather stripping for your door, as well as making sure it’s fitted correctly. If you’re not confident doing this then it’s always best to get a professional in.

7. Add a door stopper

One of the easiest ways to stop a door from slamming shut is to use a door stopper. This is a small device that fits onto the bottom of the door and stops it from closing all the way. Door stoppers come in a variety of different materials, including rubber, foam, and even metal, so you can choose one that best suits your needs.

If you have young children in the house then you might want to opt for a softer material like foam or rubber so that they don’t hurt themselves if they happen to fall against the door.

8. Install a pinch guard

Another great option to reduce door slamming, particularly if you have young children in the house, is to install a pinch guard. These are devices that fit onto the door and stop it from closing all the way. This means that there’s no risk of anyone getting their fingers or hands caught in the door, which can obviously be very dangerous.

Pinch guards are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, so they’re definitely worth considering if you have young children in the house.

We would recommend checking out BYETOO’s pinch card if you would like to explore this option as they’re known for being the most durable.

9. Try door filters

Door filters are a great way to help reduce the amount of noise that comes through a door, as well as helping to stop doors from slamming shut. These work by reducing the amount of air that can pass through the door, which in turn stops the loud noise each time the door slams.

Door filters are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, so they’re definitely worth considering if you’re looking for a way to reduce the amount of noise in your home.

Závěrečné myšlenky:

When you have a door slamming problem it can be tempting to just ignore it and hope that it goes away. However, in most cases, the problem will only get worse over time. It’s therefore important to take action and try to fix the problem as soon as possible.

The good news is that there are a number of different things that you can do to help stop doors from slamming shut. These range from simple things like installing a door stopper, to more complex solutions like weather stripping.

If you’re not sure what to do then it’s always best to get a professional in to take a look and give you some advice. However, in most cases, the problem is relatively easy to fix and you should be able to do it yourself.

Why Are Hotel Room Doors So Loud When They Close?

A go-to place for travelers who are on a trip – business trips or vacations, is a hotel. This is because of the belief of quick service, ultimate privacy, and a silent environment. But staying in a hotel becomes annoying and dissatisfying when unnecessary noise causes disturbance. Aside from people complaining about outside or environmental noises seeping into their hotel rooms, another common complaint is noises from the hotel doors and people have been requesting answers to their question “Why Are Hotel Room Doors So Loud When They Close?”

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There are quite a few significant reasons why hotel doors are so loud when they close. The reasons would be listed and discussed below.

Here are the reasons why hotel doors are so loud when they close.

    • 0.1 The doors are a heavy class
    • 0.2 Metal door jamb
    • 0.3 Steel door frames
    • 1.1 Consider door silencers
    • 1.2 Add weatherstripping
    • 1.3 Adjust the door closer
    • 1.4 Contact the hotel management
    • 2.1 Slow down
    • 2.2 Use the doorknob
    • 2.3 Apply gentle pressure
    • 2.4 Be mindful of the latch
    • 2.5 Engage the door closer
    • 4.1 For safety
    • Zabezpečení 4.2
    • 4.3 Trvanlivost a životnost

    The doors are a heavy class

    One of the reasons why hotel doors are so loud when slammed, particularly when they close, is because the doors are heavy class “A” rated fire doors. Many hotels use these doors for security and safety.

    They weigh more than a standard residential door. Most hotel room doors are 36″ x 84″ x 1-3/4″ unlike a standard bedroom door of 32″ x 80″ x 1-3/8″ that’s about one cubic foot more material or about 46 lbs.

    If you compare the hotel doors with a hollow core residential door, the difference could be more than 90 lbs. The most fascinating thing about these hotel room doors is that some of them are actually dense, but due to the high fire rating, they become heavy.

    However, the manufacturers of these doors make sure to put silencers that are meant to absorb the sound that could be made by the heavy doors. So, if the hotel door is making so much noise and it’s a heavy class door, the silencer has probably fallen off.

    Metal door jamb

    Another reason why hotel doors are so loud is because of the metal door jamb on their doors. So, the loud sound that the hotel door makes is a combination of the fast closing mechanism slamming the metal door onto the metal door jamb.

    Basically, the self-closing mechanism in the hotel doors is for safety, such that if you’re in a hurry, you don’t have to worry about not closing your door – it will slam itself.

    Steel door frames

    Finally, the Steel door frames many hotels use causes the hotel door to make noise when slammed. Doors with steel frames rather than wood frames are bound to disturb the surrounding when being shut.

    Wood makes less noise than steel. Try hitting both and see which one makes a loud noise, then you’d understand why hotel doors make noise.

    How to stop hotel room doors from making loud noise when shut

    If you’re the type that visits different hotels and often experiences a loud noise when the door slams, then you must need tips to stop the noise when next you experience such at any hotel you book. So, the following is how to stop hotel room doors from making loud noise when shut.

    Consider door silencers

    One way you can stop hotel room doors from making loud noise when shut is by using door silencers. Door silencers are small devices that are installed between the door and the frame to absorb the impact and reduce noise.

    They are typically made of rubber or similar materials and can be effective in minimizing the noise generated when the door closes. Door silencers are commonly used in commercial settings, such as hotels.

    As aforementioned, door silencers are usually added to heavy doors to absorb the noise they make. But since the absence of this silencer is what makes the hotel room door make a loud noise, you should consider purchasing one and fixing it in the loophole in the door to stop the noise.

    Add weatherstripping

    Instead of door silencers, you can consider adding weatherstripping to stop hotel room doors from making loud noise when shut. Weatherstripping is a material that creates a seal between the door and the frame, preventing drafts and reducing noise transmission.

    Adding weatherstripping around the edges of the door can help dampen the noise when it’s closed. There are different types of weatherstripping available, including adhesive strips and door sweeps, which can be easily applied to the door and frame.

    You can purchase any of the types of weatherstripping mentioned and apply it to the hotel room door and frame that you booked.

    Adjust the door closer

    If you’re unable to get weatherstripping, you can take this step instead which is adjusting the door closer. Many hotels use heavy doors with fast closing mechanisms, causing the door to make loud noises when shut.

    So, the door closer of the door in your hotel room can be adjusted to control the speed and force with which the door closes.

    Contact the hotel management

    If you are staying in a hotel and the noise from the doors is consistently bothersome, it’s worth mentioning it to the hotel management. They may not be aware of the issue or may be willing to take measures to address it. They might be able to make adjustments to the door closers or explore other solutions to reduce the noise levels.

    It’s important to note that modifying hotel property may not be allowed without permission from the management or ownership. Therefore, it’s recommended to consult with the hotel staff or management before making any alterations to the doors.

    How do you close a hotel door quietly?

    I find this question a great one because it simply shows how considerate a guest is trying to be. That being said, closing a hotel door quietly can be done by following a few simple techniques which would be listed and explained below.

    To close a hotel door quietly, you can follow these steps:


    Take your time when closing the door. Avoid rushing or forcefully slamming it shut, as that can create noise. Being mindful of the speed at which you close the door can significantly reduce the sound produced.

    Use the doorknob

    Instead of pushing or pulling the door from the edge, use the doorknob to control the door’s movement. This allows for a more controlled and quiet closure.

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    Apply light and steady pressure to the door as you close it. This prevents it from swinging or banging shut abruptly, which can cause noise. Keep your hand on the door until it is fully closed to maintain control over the movement.

    Be mindful of the latch

    Pay attention to the latch mechanism as you close the door. Ensure that it aligns properly with the strike plate on the door frame. If it doesn’t align correctly, gently adjust the door until the latch smoothly engages without making any noise.

    Engage the door closer

    Lastly, many hotel room doors have hydraulic door closers installed, which automatically close the door after it’s released. To minimize noise, let the closer do its job by releasing the door gently and allowing the closer mechanism to slowly and quietly bring the door to a close.

    Nejčastější dotazy

    Why do hotels use heavy-duty doors?

    Have you ever wondered why hotels use heavy-duty doors (called fire doors)? You’d find out the reasons below.

    Pro bezpečnost

    The heavy-duty doors also called fire doors are used by hotels to protect every guest in the hotel including the hotel. This door prevents fire from leaving your room or entering your room if there’s a fire breakout.

    And the most vital part that was put into consideration while the doors are being made is that the safety the door offers outweighs the noise it makes.


    There are more reasons aside from safety why hotels use heavy doors. One of the primary reasons hotels use heavy-duty doors is to enhance the security of their guests.

    Heavy-duty doors are more resistant to forced entry, providing a higher level of protection against unauthorized access. They are typically made of sturdy materials like solid wood, metal, or composite materials, making them more durable and difficult to break through.

    Odolnost a dlouhá životnost

    Moving forward, heavy-duty doors are built to withstand frequent use and abuse in high-traffic areas like hotels. They are designed to withstand impacts, heavy loads, and wear and tear over an extended period.

    By using heavy-duty doors, hotels can ensure that their doors can withstand the demands of constant opening and closing, reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.

    Conclusion – Why Are Hotel Room Doors So Loud When They Close?

    Perhaps you’re wondering why hotel room doors are so loud when they close. The three significant reasons which are the doors are a heavy class, metal door jamb, and steel door frames, which we were able to figure out have been elaborated in this blog post.

    Also, solutions have been provided to help you fix the noise issues the hotel room doors make when they close.