As soon as you drive your Volkswagen Tiguan you feel ztráty energie ? Je to jako pocit pasení nebo trhání, když zrychlujete. This can be particularly worrisome because on a device or a highway it quickly becomes risky. But it also means that components of your engine are damaged and that you could fall in the harbor fairly quickly.

But it is difficult to know the precise reason for a loss of power without studying the dysfunction a little. Indeed the engine is a complex mechanism which involves different parts, practically all dependent on each other. Therefore when a part is damaged, it can have an impact on the whole mechanism but also it can damage other parts. This is the reason why we are going to help you identify the origins of power losses.

V tomto článku začneme tím, že vám řekneme, jak na to identify the symptoms of a loss of power on Volkswagen Tiguan . Následně vysvětlíme podrobněji the reasons for a loss of power on Volkswagen Tiguan .

1- spot the symptoms of a loss of power on Volkswagen Tiguan

1. 1-Understand how a Volkswagen Tiguan engine works

To be able to understand why you are losing power on your Volkswagen Tiguan, it is essential to understand how the engine works.

On the Volkswagen Tiguan there are diesel or petrol engines. These differ from the combustion of fuel, however the general principle remains the same.

Once the engine is started by the starter, it will work with cylinders, generally 4, however this will depend on the power of your engine.

The injectors will supply an air fuel mixture as a gas to the cylinder. This will compress the gas. For diesel only the compression of the gas will create the explosion. On the other hand with regard to gasoline, it will be necessary to have a spark emitted by the spark plugs. In all cases, this explosion will exert pressure in the cylinder which will create energy. Then the gas will escape through the exhaust duct.

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So for example when your engine is not sufficiently supplied with fuel this can be the cause of a loss of engine power. But we will detail everything in the next paragraphs. First we will allow you to study the symptoms of a loss of engine power on Volkswagen Tiguan.

1. 2-Analyze the power losses on Volkswagen Tiguan

Note that on vehicles there are zhoršený režim . This will help secure your engine. It will activate according to the data sent by the computer. Indeed when it identifies abnormal figures, in this case it will put the engine in degraded mode.

Takže když se to stane, varovná kontrolka motoru will appear on your dashboard and your speed will be limited. We advise you to get to a garage as soon as possible because the more you drive with the engine in this condition, the more you risk damaging the mechanical device and you may have more repair costs.

If this is not your case, it is likely that a part of the engine is damaged although the engine has not gone into degraded mode.

You will therefore have to study the different symptoms of your Volkswagen Tiguan.

  • Pokud například sešlápnete plynový pedál, vaše vozidlo nenabere rychlost.
    • S tím může souviset i nízký výkon motoru průtokoměr
    • Proto turbo might have problems. Small warning this part is quite expensive so at the first sign, we recommend that you go to a garage.
    • Injektor may be the source of the malfunction.
    • Zapalovací svíčky mohl být zodpovědný.
    • Je tedy pravděpodobné, že EGR ventil z nějakého důvodu.

    2-The causes of a loss of power on Volkswagen Tiguan

    Once you have examined the symptoms of engine power loss on your Volkswagen Tiguan, you will then need to identify the malfunction on your Volkswagen Tiguan.

    2. 1-Power loss Volkswagen Tiguan: Malfunction of flowmeter

    Aby motor fungoval, musí dostat směs vzduchu a paliva. Role průtokoměru will be to transmit to the computer the correct proportion of fuel air. This will allow the cylinders of the engine to work as well as possible. In the event of a faulty flow meter, the engine will not receive the sufficient amount of fuel and its power will be reduced.

    2. 2-Power loss Volkswagen Tiguan: Turbo concern

    In the same principle, to supply power to your vehicle, it is generally equipped with a turbo. Jeho úlohou je vstřikovat stlačený vzduch, nezbytný pro směs vzduchu a paliva.

    K tomu turbo rekuperuje výfukové plyny, které filtruje a za druhé stlačuje vzduch, aby jej znovu vstřikoval do motoru.

    Pokud tedy tlak vzduchu vydávaný turbem není dostatečně silný, možná kvůli ucpanému vzduchovému filtru nebo vadné turbíně, bude mít i váš motor menší výkon.

    Všimněte si, že turbo je mazáno motorový olej to ensure good turnover. Therefore, make sure that you always have a good level of oil so as not to damage it prematurely.

    2-Loss of power Volkswagen Tiguan: Injector problem

    V případě, že děláte jen malé výlety v městských oblastech, je to pravděpodobné injektor is clogged. As a result, it does not supply your engine with sufficient fuel, which can be the reason for a loss of power.

    So as to keep your injection mechanism we recommend that you check your diesel filter from time to time. Indeed the diesel filter offers the possibility of filtering the particles in order to avoid their insertion inside the injection system. If it is worn out it will no longer have the same effectiveness.
    Also avoid driving with the tank almost empty, as this could cause corrosion and extract deposits at the bottom of the pump. This could damage your engine more quickly.

    2. 4- Loss of power Volkswagen Tiguan: Concern about spark plugs on gasoline

    As explained above, gasoline vehicles require Zapalovací svíčky in order to create the combustion of the fuel. Therefore when they are damaged and this delays combustion, in this case it could de-synchronize the engine which will no longer be able to operate at full power. You will therefore have these impressions of jolts and chatter.

    2. 5- Volkswagen Tiguan power loss: EGR valve malfunction

    EGR ventil aims to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions from our vehicles by recycling them. Indeed it works in complementarity with the turbo in order to redirect part of the gas inside the injector.

    The problem is that this mechanism can ultimately ucpat ventil as well as the injector because this gas creates soot deposits within the mechanism.

    Dokončit: An engine power loss problem on Volkswagen Tiguan could have different causes. However whatever the reasons není problém to minimalizovat . We advise you to go to a garage to carry out a complete diagnosis of the engine. Especially since the defective element may have damaged other parts of the engine. You should know that a elektronická diagnostika bude stát kolem 20 a 50 €.

    If you wish to go a little further in the maintenance of your Volkswagen Tiguan, we invite you to consult our other pages on the Volkswagen Tiguan.