Your Toyota RAV4 may fail to start in cold weather for a number of reasons, including a dead battery, clogged fuel lines, frozen coolant, or the wrong type of engine oil. Even if you jump-start your battery, don’t try to drive the SUV until you’ve identified the source of the issue.

The RAV4 is one of the most popular small SUVs on the road, but even the most reliable SUV can experience engine start problems in frigid weather. If your Toyota won’t start in the cold, here are some of the most common reasons—and exactly what to do about them.

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The 5 most common reasons your Toyota RAV4 won’t start in the cold
1. Vybitá baterie
Problém: Vaše baterie je příliš stará nebo ztratila energii v důsledku příliš dlouhého sezení v chladu.
Co dělat: Skokový start baterie. Pokud to nefunguje, možná budete muset vyměnit.
Kolik by to mělo stát: $ 0 – $ 355

A dead battery is one of the most typical culprits for a RAV4 that refuses to start. Your Toyota RAV4 battery will typically last between tři až pět let , but that can fluctuate heavily depending on battery size, type of battery, driving habits, and—yes—weather conditions.

Cold weather can exacerbate problems with your battery by speeding up corrosion on the battery terminals, so you might not realize the problem until that first really chilly day hits.

You’ll want to begin by troubleshooting. Ask a friend or neighbor for assistance, pull out those jumper cables, and try jump-starting the battery. If you have a voltmeter, you can use it to check the battery’s health. If a jump start doesn’t work, or if your battery’s voltage is less than 12.4 volts, it’s likely time for a new battery.

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* kontrola vaší sazby neovlivní vaše kreditní skóre
2. Slabá baterie

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Problém: Vaše baterie má nedostatečné studené startovací zesilovače (CCA), buď proto, že stárne, nebo protože jste nainstalovali špatnou baterii.

Co dělat: Vyměňte baterii.
Kolik by to mělo stát: $ 305 – $ 355

Perhaps your battery isn’t naprosto dead—but it may be so weak that it can’t start your Toyota in the cold. This can be caused by age or corrosion—or, perhaps, the incorrect battery was installed into your RAV4 in the first place.

Your battery must have the proper amount of studené startovací zesilovače (CCA) . Jednoduše řečeno, studené startovací zesilovače poskytují míru jak dobrá je vaše autobaterie při startování vozidla za studena . Obecně platí, že váš motor potřebuje asi jeden CCA na krychlový palec zdvihového objemu motoru – to znamená you probably need as much as 640 CCA for your RAV4 . If the battery you’re working with doesn’t have sufficient cranking power in the cold, you’ll be stuck in your driveway until you replace it.

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3. Ucpané palivové potrubí

Problém: Kondenzace v palivové nádrži může vést k problémům se startováním za studena, pokud ucpe palivové potrubí.

Co dělat: Vyčistěte vedení vysavačem nebo pístem.
Kolik by to mělo stát: 80 – 150 USD nebo více

If you’ve tested your battery and everything seems okay, your RAV4’s starting problems might be caused by the fuel system. In cold weather, the fuel lines that carry gas from your tank to the car engine can be clogged by condensation. The

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or fuel pump could be affected in this way as well.

If you have the right tools on hand, flushing the fuel lines is a relatively simple DIY project—but if there’s a clog in the filter or pump, you’re looking at pricier repairs. If you end up needing to

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, cena by se mohla blížit 1,000 XNUMX USD – a více, pokud jej přinesete do obchodního zastoupení.
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4. Nesprávný motorový olej

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Problém: Používáte motorový olej, který je za studena příliš viskózní a brání motoru v pohybu tak, jak má.

Co dělat: Vyměňte olej za správný typ doporučený výrobcem.
Kolik by to mělo stát: $ 45 – $ 75

Everyone knows that oil is incredibly necessary to keep your RAV4 running smoothly—but did you know that your oil’s viskozita is equally as important, especially in the cold?

For peak performance, you’ll want to use synthetic oil with a grade of SAE 0W-20 or SAE 5W-20 for the Toyota RAV4. The “W” in the first half of that code refers to the oil’s viscosity in Zima —and “0” and “5” means that the oil is very thin even in cold weather, allowing for smooth operation in low temperatures.

Check your owner’s manual to see the recommended oil type for your Toyota and replace the oil with the correct viscosity if necessary .