Even if these items are checked, when the unit does not recover from the trouble, stop using the air conditioner and consult your specialist.

Vnitřní jednotka

Jednotku nelze ovládat.

  • Je jistič zapnutý?
  • Je připojena zástrčka napájecího zdroje?
  • Je nastaven časovač zapnutí?

All LED lamps on the indoor unit are blinking.

  • Jsou vodorovné lopatky správně nainstalovány?

Horizontální lopatka se nepohybuje.

  • Jsou horizontální lopatka a vertikální lopatka správně nainstalovány?
  • Není kryt ventilátoru zdeformovaný?

Po restartu nelze jednotku provozovat přibližně 3 minuty.

  • To chrání jednotku podle pokynů od mikroprocesoru. Prosím, čekejte.

Z výstupu vzduchu vnitřní jednotky je vypouštěna mlha.

  • Chladný vzduch z jednotky rychle ochlazuje vlhkost ve vzduchu uvnitř místnosti a mění se v mlhu.

Výkyvný provoz VODOROVNÉ VANĚ je na chvíli pozastaven a poté restartován.

  • To je pro normální provoz kývání HORIZONTÁLNÍ LABELKY.

Směr proudění vzduchu se během provozu mění. Směr horizontální lopatky nelze nastavit pomocí dálkového ovladače.

  • When the unit is operated in COOL or DRY mode, if the operation continues with air blowing down for 0.5 to 1 hour, the direction of the airflow is automatically set to a horizontal position to prevent water from condensing and dripping.
  • In the heating operation, if the airflow temperature is too low or when defrosting is be- ing done, the horizontal vane is automatically set to a horizontal position.

V režimu topení se provoz zastaví na přibližně 10 minut.

  • Defrosting of the outdoor unit is being done.
  • Since this is completed in max.10 minutes, please wait. (When the outside temperature is too low and humidity is too high, frost is
  • formed.)

Jednotka zahájí provoz sama, když je zapnuto hlavní napájení, přestože není ovládána dálkovým ovladačem.

These models are equipped with an auto-restart function. When the main power is turned off without stopping the unit with the remote controller and is turned on again, the unit starts operation automatically in the same mode like the one set with the remote controller just before the shutoff of the main power. Refer to “Auto restart function”

Které značky aut nemají Apple CarPlay?

Vnitřní jednotka časem mění barvu.

Although plastic turns yellow due to the influence of some factors such as ultraviolet light and temperature, this has no effect on the product functions.

Mitsubishi Multi-System troubleshooting

Nefunkční vnitřní jednotka se zahřívá a je z ní slyšet zvuk podobný tekoucí vodě.

A small amount of refrigerant continues to flow into the indoor unit even though it is not operating.

When the operation is started during defrosting of the outdoor unit is done, it takes a few minutes (max. 10 minutes) to blow out warm air.

Venkovní jednotka

Ventilátor venkovní jednotky se neotáčí, i když běží kompresor. I když se ventilátor začne otáčet, brzy se zastaví.

When the outside temperature is low during cooling operation, the fan operates intermittently to maintain sufficient cooling capacity.

Z venkovní jednotky uniká voda.

  • Během operací CHLAZENÍ a ODVLHČOVÁNÍ je potrubí nebo spojovací části potrubí chlazeno, což způsobuje kondenzaci vody.
  • Při vytápění kape voda kondenzovaná na tepelném výměníku.
  • In the heating operation, the defrosting operation makes water frozen on the outdoor unit melt and drip down.

Z venkovní jednotky vychází bílý kouř.

In the heating operation, the vapor generated by the defrosting operation looks like white smoke.

Air Conditioner does not cool/heat

Místnost nelze dostatečně ochladit nebo vytápět.

  • Je nastavení teploty vhodné?
  • Is the fan setting appropriate? Please change the fan speed to a higher setting.
  • Jsou filtry čisté?
  • Je ventilátor nebo výměník tepla vnitřní jednotky čistý?
  • Nejsou překážky ve vstupu nebo výstupu vzduchu vnitřní nebo venkovní jednotky?
  • Jsou okna nebo dveře otevřené?

Místnost nelze dostatečně ochladit.

  • When a ventilation fan or a gas cooker is used in a room, the cooling load increases, resulting in an insufficient cooling effect.
  • When the outside temperature is high, the cooling effect may not be sufficient.

Místnost nelze dostatečně vytápět.

When the outside temperature is low, the heating effect may not be sufficient.

Při topení vzduch brzy nevyfoukne.

Je Arteon úsporný?

Počkejte prosím, než se jednotka připraví na vyfukování teplého vzduchu.

Vzduch z vnitřní jednotky voní divně.

  • Jsou filtry čisté?
  • Je ventilátor nebo výměník tepla vnitřní jednotky čistý?
  • The unit may suck in an odor adhering to the wall, carpet, furniture, cloth, etc., and blow it out with the air.

V následujících případech přestaňte klimatizační zařízení používat a obraťte se na svého prodejce.

  • Když z vnitřní jednotky uniká nebo kape voda.
  • When the upper operation indicator lamp blinks.
  • Když jistič často zakopne.
  • The remote control signal is not received in a room where an electronic ON/OFF type fluorescent lamp (inverter-type fluorescent lamp, etc.) is used.
  • Operation of the air conditioner interferes with radio or Tv reception. An amplifier may be required for the affected device.
  • Když je slyšet neobvyklý zvuk.

Don’t let a broken AC ruin your fun. Contact us now and get a cool and comfortable home, guaranteed! Our team of electricians and HVAC professionals is ready to help 24/7.

So, pick up the phone and dial our number for fast, reliable ABC service.”

air conditioner not working

One of the most common air conditioning problems we see is an air conditioner that is no longer producing cold air. There are a number of things that can cause an air conditioner to stop producing cool air ranging from minor fixes to major repairs. Below are 4 possible causes of an air conditioner not blowing cold air and how to fix them.

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1) Check Thermostat Setting

air conditioner not working

The first thing to check when your air conditioner is not working as it should is the thermostat setting. If the thermostat is set to a temperature that is higher than room temperature it may not even turn on at all as it will detect that the room’s temperature is lower than the set temperature. It may seem obvious but it happens.

Co můžete dělat, když vaše auto nemá popruh?

Reset the temperature on your thermostat and change it to a few degrees cooler than the room temperature. Note: It can take a few minutes before you feel any cool air coming out so don’t panic right away.

Top Tip: If your air conditioner is not turning on you may also want to check the batteries in the thermostat.

2) Check Air Filtration

Another potential cause of an air conditioner not blowing cool air is a filtration problem. If the air filter in your air conditioner is clogged it will restrict air flow and prevent cold air from circulating in your home. If you’re not already regularly checking and changing the filter in your air conditioner it is more than likely very clogged by now.

Luckily, this is a relatively easy fix. Simply check the air filter in your air conditioner to see if it is clogged with dust and other allergens. If it is, clean it down with warm soapy water or replace it if your AC takes disposable filters. Note: ensure that the filter is completely dry before reinserting it into the air conditioner.

Once you have cleaned or replace the filter continue to regularly check it (once a month or so) and change/clean it as needed.

3) Check Outdoor Unit

air conditioner not blowing cool air

The outdoor unit of an air conditioner expels the heat that is absorbed from the warm indoor air. Similar to the air filter, if the outdoor unit is clogged or covered in debris it can cause air flow problems. And if the outdoor unit is unable to release the warm air, the indoor air will not cool down.

To prevent this, ensure that the area around the outdoor unit is kept clear of leaves, twigs, and debris. Keep all nearby gardens weeded and trimmed and remove any overhanging branches. You may also want to invest in a weather proof air conditioner cover to employ when the air conditioner is not in use.

Jak poznáte, že je vaše AC pojistka špatná?

4) Check Leaking Refrigerant

Another possible cause of an air conditioner that no longer produces cool air is a refrigerant leak. In an air conditioner, refrigerant should never run out as it just continuously cycles through the system. However, if your air conditioner has a refrigerant leak, there may not be enough refrigerant left in the system to effectively absorb the heat in the air.

Some signs that your air conditioner may have a refrigerant leak include a hissing noise when the air conditioner is on, an icy buildup on the outside of the unit, or if your air conditioner takes longer than usual to cool the room. If you suspect that your air conditioner has a refrigerant leak stop using it immediately and contact your local Brisbane air conditioning experts on 0403 254 272.

air conditioner installation brisbane

If your air conditioner isn’t working as it should contact your local air conditioning experts at Advanced Climate Solutions. Whether your air conditioner is leaking refrigerant or simply needs a filter change, ACS offers quality air conditioner repairs, maintenance, and installations at a great price! Call us today on 0403 254 272 or fill out our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.