fix “ and @ swapped

On a normal day, most, if not all keys on your keyboard will work just fine, but and @ keys might be swapped.

But there are those moments when one or two keys decide not to function, and the problem is not necessarily caused by sticky keys.

One of these unusual occurrences is when you find that the a @ key have swapped on your computer’s keyboard, and you don’t know how to get them back in proper order.

When you find the “ and @ key have swapped in Windows 10, here are some solutions you can try to fix the problem on your computer.

How to fix “ and @ key have swapped on Windows?

V tomto článku se

  • How to fix “ and @ key have swapped on Windows?
  • 1. Change the keyboard language
  • 2. Use a different keyboard
  • 2. Change Language in control panel
  • 3. Try on-screen keyboard
  • 4. Update chipset drivers from the computer manufacturer’s website
  • 5. Run Hardware and Devices troubleshooter
  • 6. Uninstall and reinstall the keyboard driver from manufacturer’s website

1. Change the keyboard language

If the keyboard doesn’t correspond to the language you’re using for typing, the “ and @ keys can be swapped.

However, if you have more language packs, including the one which is native for your keyboard, you can easily swap the languages for your kyboard.

Just press the Windows key + Space and you will change it with the next one in your list. Change it and test the keys every time to see if it works.

2. Use a different keyboard

You can connect a different keyboard to your laptop and check if the “ and @ keys have swapped there too. If not, it might be a problem with the keyboard itself.

Check out this list of the best keyboards to buy to make sure you’ll buy a high-quality peripheral.

Způsobí zapalovací svíčka bílý kouř?

2. Change Language in control panel

  1. klikněte Home a zvolte Nastavení.
  2. klikněte Čas a jazyk.
  3. klikněte Oblast a jazyk.time and language
  4. Pod Země nebo oblast, klikněte na English (United States or another version), and if not there, you can add it using Přidat jazyk .
  5. klikněte Jazyk zobrazení Windows.
  6. vybrat možnosti.
  7. Check what keyboard is selected under the Klávesnice volba.
  8. Change the input language to English for your location.

Sometimes when you find “ and @ key have swapped, it may have something to do with your Language settings. Did the solution above solved the problem? If not, try the next one.

3. Try on-screen keyboard

  1. klikněte Home a zvolte Nastavení.
  2. klikněte Snadnost přístupu.
  3. Vybrat klávesnice.
  4. Toggle the On-Screen keyboard to ON.
  5. The keyboard will be displayed, try and check if “ and @ keys work when using the on-screen keyboard.

Does this fix the problem? If not, go to the next solution.

4. Update chipset drivers from the computer manufacturer’s website

  1. Přejít na Software and Drivers sub-section (depending on the laptop brand this name can change) nebo search for drivers using Google so you can get a direct link to your device’s manufacturer website.
  2. Once you’re on the website, najít a stáhnout the necessary driver.
  3. Install the missing drivers from your laptop that can cause the # key not to work.

You can find drivers from the manufacturer’s website’s support section for your laptop type. Check if this fixes the “ and @ key have swapped problem. If not, go to the next solution.

5. Run Hardware and Devices troubleshooter

  1. Otevřená řídicí panel.
  2. Přejít na Zobrazit podle možnost v pravém horním rohu.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow and select velké ikony.
  4. klikněte Řešení problémů.
  5. klikněte Zobrazit všechny možnost v levém podokně.
  6. klikněte Hardware a zařízení.
  7. klikněte další ke spuštění nástroje pro odstraňování problémů.

If you find “ and @ key has swapped, then run the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter to resolve the issue.

Proč je moje topení v autě teplé pouze při jízdě?

This checks for commonly occurring issues and ensures any new device or hardware is correctly installed on your computer.

Follow the instructions to run the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter. The troubleshooter will begin detecting any issues that may be the reason “ and @ key have swapped on your computer.

6. Uninstall and reinstall the keyboard driver from manufacturer’s website

  1. Klikněte pravým tlačítkem myši Home
  2. Vyberte Správce zařízení.
  3. Hledat Klávesnice and click on it to expand the list.
  4. Right-click on the Keyboard driver.
  5. vybrat Odinstalovat.
  6. Přejít na Software and Drivers sub-section (depending on the laptop brand this name can change), or search for drivers using Google so you can get a direct link to your device’s manufacturer website.
  7. Once you’re on the website, najít a stáhnout řidič.

Install the appropriate drivers missing from your laptop that can cause the problem.

Did any of these solutions help you? Do you have any other suggestions? Let us know in the comments section below.

  • Problémy s klávesnicí
  • Windows 10

If your @ and ” keys have swapped on Windows 10, you’re probably wondering what has happened and how you can fix it.

It can be a frustrating issue to deal with, especially if it seemingly swaps back and forth between keys randomly. Sometimes it can be confusing to even know how to get your “ and @ keys back to the right key buttons.

Are the @ & ” Keys Swapped On Windows 10? – How To Fix It image 1

Let’s take a look at why this is happening in the first place and then we’ll offer some solutions that should get your keyboard working with the right keys again. In most cases, the solution is straightforward.

Also, check out our short YouTube video below where we go through everything in the article.

Are the @ & ” Keys Swapped On Windows 10? – How To Fix It image 3

First, you need to figure out if you have a UK or US keyboard. This is easy to do. Look at the first three number keys on your keyboard and refer to the chart above. An @ on the 2 key means it’s US, and an apostrophe means it’s a UK keyboard.

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Once you understand which keyboard you have, you can choose the corresponding language setting through the steps listed below.

Change Default Language Settings

Are the @ & ” Keys Swapped On Windows 10? – How To Fix It image 4

The next step is to change your Windows 10 language settings. To do this, press Start and type Jazyk. Pak klikněte na tlačítko nastavení jazyka.

Are the @ & ” Keys Swapped On Windows 10? – How To Fix It image 5

Next, take a look at the preferred language settings. Click the arrow to make sure that the language you’d like to use is at the top of the list. If you have an @ symbol on your 2 key, United States English should be at the top. If you have an “ symbol on your 2 key, United Kingdom English should be at the top.

Are the @ & ” Keys Swapped On Windows 10? – How To Fix It image 6

Alternatively, you can click the language option you won’t use and click odstranit. This should stop your PC from switching between the two language options at any time.

Are the @ & ” Keys Swapped On Windows 10? – How To Fix It image 7

If for any reason you do want to keep multiple languages, you can always switch between them at any time by clicking the language button on the taskbar, to the left of the time.

This is useful for when you’re typing and suddenly the @ and “ keys are swapped as you are typing. It happens because you accidentally pressed the Klávesa Windows + mezerník at the same time – this will cycle through the languages.

Install Firmware To Stop @ & “ Keys Swapping

Sometimes keyboards have firmware that can mess up with your language settings, which may mean you run into issues even after following the steps above.

To fix this, the first thing you should do is install any supporting software for your keyboard. For example, Razer keyboards use Razer Synapse.

The next step is to ensure your default language on Windows 10 is correct and corresponds with your keyboard. Click Home a typ jazyky. Pak klikněte na tlačítko nastavení jazyka znovu.

Are the @ & ” Keys Swapped On Windows 10? – How To Fix It image 8

When the language settings page opens, make sure you have the right display language based on your keyboard. Refer to the chart at the beginning again if you’re unsure which to choose.

Jak resetuji nainstalované ovladače?

Dále restartujte počítač.

Reset Drivers Or Update Drivers To Stop @ & “ Keys Switching

The final troubleshooting option is to reset and reinstall your keyboard drivers. To do this :

  • Press the Start button and type Správce zařízení.
  • Klikněte na Správce zařízení když se objeví ve výsledcích vyhledávání.

Are the @ & ” Keys Swapped On Windows 10? – How To Fix It image 9

  • On device manager, open the dropdown arrow for keyboards.
  • Double-click the top option and then click the řidič Karta.
  • klikněte Odinstalujte zařízení.
  • klikněte Odinstalovat.

Your keyboard will now no longer work but we can fix that quickly.

Are the @ & ” Keys Swapped On Windows 10? – How To Fix It image 10

Use your mouse to click the magnification button in the settings. Your PC will install the drivers for your keyboard again. Next, restart your PC.

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