Why is my Hyundai key fob not working after battery change is one of the most common questions we’ve received lately. Well, this condition can occur for several reasons, and the best thing is that the problem can easily be fixed.

However, some of the main culprits behind this condition are misplacing the battery, mishandling the circuit, worn buttons, damaged keys, and so on. Sometimes, the broken locks, as well as electrical issues, can also contribute to the Hyundai key fob issues.

Whatever the reason, not being able to use your remote key is a nuisance. And to get rid of this annoying condition and to learn more about battery replacement problems, follow this article.

Why Hyundai Key Fob Not Working After Battery Change?

Currently, if you’re facing an issue like the Hyundai key fob not working after a battery change, it can happen for many reasons. And it’s tough to explain all the reasons in a single line.

Hyundai Key Fob Not Working After Battery Change

However, we’re going to discuss all the possible reasons in detail. Just follow the section below to know all the reasons you might face issues with your Hyundai key fob after replacing the battery. Have a look:

1. Misplacing The Battery

One of the main reasons you may have problems with your key fob after replacing the battery is placing the battery in the wrong way. And if you haven’t replaced the battery before, it’s common to face such a problem.

Misplacing The Battery

Well, one simple trick you can follow to fix this condition is placing the battery in the right way. Make sure that you’re placing the battery in the right position without any force.

Většinu času, the side that shows a plus sign will be at the top. Moreover, you’ll see an indicator on the circuit board; try to follow it.

2. Faulty Battery Connector

The second most common reason for facing key fob issues after changing the battery is a connector issue. The battery connector may be broken or have a loose issue that causes a key fob problem.

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Faulty Battery Connector

Well, you can open the key housing and take a closer look at the internals to identify the condition. If you see any damage, fix it. Or, when you think it’s just not your cup of tea, take the key fob to an expert.

3. Loose Buttons

It’s common that the buttons on your Hyundai key fob will not last a lifetime and will wear out. When the buttons are loose or worn out, they cannot send the signal to the circuit board, which will cause a connection issue.

Loose Buttons

However, if you are not sure whether the problem is caused by a loose or worn button, follow the steps below to identify it.

  • If the buttons work intermittently, it may be a problem with the buttons.
  • One button works and others do not.
  • Every time you need to press the button in a specific way.

If any of these symptoms match, simply replace the remote housing. Or, if you think it’s hard to find a compatible key fob housing, simply get a new key fob.

4. Deprogramming Issues

Another common reason that can cause faulty key fob issues is deprogramming. It may be a rare condition, but you cannot avoid the possibility. Deprogramming can happen when a certain button sequence is pressed which will send a message to the onboard computer.

Deprogramming Issues

Certain key combinations can force the onboard computer to reset all key settings. However, some of the symptoms that may indicate a deprogramming issue are:

  • If your vehicle has a deprogramming setting option, the issue of the key fob not working after changing the battery can occur
  • Alongside the key fob, the spear remote is also not working.
  • And if the key fob just stops working immediately after replacing the battery

If you confirm that the problem is due to deprogramming, then taking help from an expert should be the best solution. You can take help from the locksmith, or you can also contact the manufacturing dealership.

Jak otevřete Kia s vybitou baterií?

Poznámka: These are some of the common reasons that you cannot be able to use your Hyundai key fob after replacing the battery. Alongside all the mentioned reasons, some of the other common reasons would be:

  • Broken door lock
  • Elektrické problémy
  • Spoiled key and so on

How To Replace The Hyundai Key Fob Battery Properly

Next time you replace the battery, if you don’t want to go through the same agonizing experience, learn how to replace the battery properly. In that case, you can follow the section below. Here we’ve included step-by-step instructions:

How To Replace The Hyundai Key Fob Battery Properly

Otevřete kufřík

Start by opening the key case of your Hyundai key fob; it’s super easy if you’re using a new or recent car. Press and hold the metal button to remove the metal key. Now use the metal key to open the back cover of your Hyundai key.

Lift the Circuit Board

Once you’ve opened the case or cover, the next thing you have to do is lift the circuit board carefully. Gently lift the board and never apply any pressure, which can damage the components.

Take the Battery Out

Now it’s time to remove or detach the battery. However, don’t forget to take note of the battery position if you have never replaced the battery before. Taking a note or picture will help you place the new one properly.

Install The New Battery

Insert the new battery into the old battery’s position. Here, one thing is very important, which is getting the right or compatible battery. Once you’re done, place the circuit board in the same position as before.

Again, connect the whole structure properly, and you’re done. If you’ve followed the provided steps, then you’ll face no problem after replacing the battery.

Závěrečné myšlenky

Next time you see the Hyundai key fob not working after battery change, don’t panic! That is because now you know all the possible reasons for facing such issues. Plus, now you also know how to replace the key fob battery easily.

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Most of the time, installing the battery in the wrong way is the core reason why you face Hyundai key fob not working issues. Another thing is that not using the compatible battery could be another reason you have a problem with your Hyundai remote keyless system.

However, if you find it hard to figure out the actual problem, then just take help from an expert for an appropriate solution.

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