GMC Yukon

The most common causes for clicking noise and no crank in GMC Yukon are weak battery, corrosion on battery terminals, poor starter electrical connection, bad ground connection, and faulty starter motor.

1. Slabá baterie

The leading cause of clicking noise and no start in GMC Yukon is weak battery. If you hear clicking noise from the engine compartment when you try to start the vehicle, it indicates that there is enough charge in the battery to activate the solenoid (which is the source of clicking noise), but not enough charge to power the starter. The starter motor requires high electric current to turn over the engine, whereas lights and wipers take very little current to operate – so don’t rule out weak battery even if electrical accessories work normally in your Yukon.

Blikající světla na palubní desce, rychlé cvakání

Another symptom of weak battery in Yukon is flickering dashboard lights and/or rapid clicking noise when you try to start the engine. If there isn’t enough charge in the battery to power the starter motor, and you try to crank the engine, the battery voltage will get so low that it can’t properly power the lights, accessories and of-course the starter. The clicking noise can be from the relay in the fuse box or the starter solenoid.

Příznak: Rychlé cvakání

Test poklesu napětí: You can also check the voltage drop at the battery when you try to start the engine. If the voltage drops too much, below 10 volts, your battery doesn’t have enough charge to start the engine. This can happen due to internal degradation of the battery, if the vehicle has been sitting for a long time, or if the alternator in your Yukon has malfunctioned and not charging the battery properly.

How to jump start Yukon

To rule out dead battery, your best course of action is to jump start your Yukon using jumper cables and a healthy battery from another vehicle, or using a battery booster if available.

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  1. Connect the red cable to the positive terminal of the dead battery in Yukon.
  2. Připojte druhý konec červeného kabelu ke kladnému pólu dárcovské baterie.
  3. Připojte černý kabel k zápornému pólu dárcovské baterie.
  4. Finally connect the other end of the black cable to any bare unpainted metal part of the body or engine of your Yukon.
    Safety warning: Connecting black cable directly to the negative terminal of Yukon battery can ignite flammable gases from the battery due to sparks.
  5. Spusťte svůj Yukon.
  6. Odpojte kabely v opačném pořadí.

Varování: There is always a risk of burning up the alternator or other electrical components if the engine of the donor battery vehicle is running during jump start. Therefore it is recommended to keep the engine of the donor vehicle off when jump starting your Yukon.

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Vyčistěte kontakty baterie

Rychlé čištění: Existuje úhledný malý trik, pomocí kterého můžete vyčistit korozi na svorkách baterie vašeho Yukonu za méně než minutu. Zkorodované vývody zalijte horkou vroucí vodou a koroze se jen rozpustí. Provádějte vždy jednu svorku a nedovolte, aby se kaluž vody na horní straně baterie dotýkala obou svorek současně, mohlo by dojít ke zkratování baterie.

Důkladné čištění: To thoroughly clean the battery in your GMC Yukon, you have to remove the terminal cables first, which requires no special knowledge, just a little concentration, as the order is very important. First remove the black cable from the negative terminal using a wrench or a plier. Next you can unplug the red positive terminal cable. Be careful not to touch both terminals with your metal tool, it will be one expensive mistake. Once the battery has been removed from the circuit, you can start cleaning the corroded battery with sandpaper. After cleaning, reconnect the cables in reverse order, positive first, then negative.

3. Špatné elektrické připojení startéru

After you’ve ruled out battery issues, it is time to investigate the power cable for the starter motor and its connections from the battery to the starter motor in Yukon. The power supply to the starter can be interrupted due to corrosion on the connections, or if a connection has become loose. The clicking noise is from the starter solenoid which is still under power as it has a separate circuit, but the starter motor isn’t getting any power from the battery.

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Pokud zjistíte korozi, očistěte postižený konektor a svorku brusným papírem. Kromě toho se doporučuje zkontrolovat napětí na startéru a provést test kontinuity z baterie do startéru pomocí multimetru. Napětí by mělo být 12+ voltů (napětí baterie) a odpor by měl být nula ohmů nebo velmi blízko nule.

Poškození hlodavci

Pokud hlodavci, jako jsou krysy, myši nebo veverky, rozkousají kabel startéru, může to způsobit slabý nebo žádný tok elektrického proudu do motoru. Hledejte stopy po kousnutí v motorovém prostoru a prohlédněte kabel startéru. Pokud je kabel poškozen, vyměňte jej za nový.

4. Špatné uzemnění

Co je to zemní spojení?

The negative terminal of the battery is connected to the body/chassis of Yukon, called a ground connection. The engine also requires a ground connection to function, but the way the engine is mounted, it does not allow the electric current to flow between the engine and the body (due to non-conductive rubber insulated engine mounts). For this purpose, a ground strap/wire is used to connect the engine and the chassis.

Co se stane, když se zemní spojení pokazí?

If the ground connection of the chassis or the engine goes bad in your Yukon due to rust or corrosion, you will face all sorts of electrical issues, including clicking noises and no start problem. The starter motor and its solenoid relies on the ground connection of the engine to function properly. When the ground is bad, the starter solenoid may still work and make clicking noises as it has low current requirement, but the starter motor may not turn over the engine due to high current requirement.

Jak zkontrolovat, zda je uzemnění dobré?

You can check the quality of the ground connection in Yukon by doing a conductivity test between the negative terminal of the battery and the engine. Take a multimeter, change its settings to ohms symbol. Touch one probe to the negative terminal of the battery, and the other probe to any exposed metal part of the engine. The reading should be at or very close to zero ohms. Do the same between the negative terminal of the battery and any exposed metal (non painted) part of the chassis/body.

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Zkontrolujte uzemnění

If the conductivity test fails, check the condition of the ground connections in your Yukon. Inspect the connectors of the ground cables (battery to body, body to engine) for any signs of rust or corrosion. Clean the contacts with a sandpaper.

5. Špatný startér motoru

If the starter motor in Yukon has developed a defect and is unable to crank the engine, you will only hear clicking noises from the starter solenoid when you try to start the engine.

Dočasná oprava

Existuje letitá osvědčená metoda startování motoru s vadným startérem. Vezměte kladivo a začněte bít do startéru (ne příliš silně), zatímco se váš přítel snaží nastartovat motor zevnitř vozidla. Toto řešení je účinné, když jsou části uvnitř spouštěče slepené k sobě nebo jsou ozubená kola mírně vyosená. Je však možné, že se startér blíží ke konci své životnosti, proto se doporučuje nechat jej zkontrolovat odborníkem.

6. Porucha motoru

In very rare cases, a seized engine can cause no start and clicking noise in Yukon. In this case, the engine won’t crank and you will hear a single click from the starter solenoid when you try to start the engine. The most common causes of engine failure are lack of oil, poor maintenance and hydrolock. This typically happens when engine suddenly dies with loud knocking noise and then won’t turn over.

Proč investovat do čističky vzduchu?

There are many reasons why your GMC Yukon makes clicking noise and won’t start. When looking for the reason, you should start with the most obvious causes that are easy to diagnose: weak battery, and poor electrical connection.

V každém případě je vhodné, aby laici navštívili dílnu. Profesionální mechanik za vás může rychle diagnostikovat problém bez kliky.