I drive a 98 Mitsubishi Eclipse. I was having what seemed like fuel line issues before now. After driving on the highway, the car would stall out at stops and need to be restarted, but would drive fine if speed was maintained. I found that turning the overdrive off kept this from occuring.

Didn’t really have the money to look into it, so I’ve been driving it this way, which was maybe a terrible idea in hindsight. This morning while driving the car seized or sputtered, and afterward the car was hitting 4000 rpm’s when i was only going 25 mph. It would go higher if I tried to accelerate past that.

A buddy suggested it may be an engine controller, and I’ve felt like there was a possible fuel line issue for a while, but I’m too ignorant to be sure. Any help would be very appreciated.

posted by bend2squares to Travel & Transportation (10 answers total)

Try putting it in second, to force it out of first gear.
posted by notsnot at 10:06 AM on August 21, 2008

Sounds like transmission fluid.

Isn’t this one of those AskMe threads where the response is going to be «go see a doctor, NOW»?
posted by KokuRyu at 10:11 AM on August 21, 2008

Some automatics (which from the overdrive reference is what you are driving) go into a fail-safe mode when there is a problem with the transmission where it will not let you go out of first or second gear.

I am no mechanic, but i can see the logic. Its enough to get you to limp to a mechanic, but not enough to thrash the hell out of it.

Bottom line is, you are going to have to get someone to look at it. If it is the transmisison then be prepared to take a hit in the wallet. I have just this week had to write off a car that had pretty much exactly the same problem.

So yeah.. i hope its the fuel line too
posted by TheOtherGuy at 10:15 AM on August 21, 2008

damn shoulda previewed:

(which from the overdrive reference is what Předpokládám, že you are driving)
posted by TheOtherGuy at 10:17 AM on August 21, 2008

Some cars have a «limp home» mode where they run rich and limit you to second gear (in an automatic). Do you have any check engine lights on? But yeah, mechanic.

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Other possibilities are throttle body or mass airflow sensors, although that doesn’t really explain the high revs.
posted by electroboy at 10:21 AM on August 21, 2008

oops, basically what TheOtherGuy řekl.
posted by electroboy at 10:21 AM on August 21, 2008

. with the caveat that it’s not necessarily a transmission problem. Here’s a good synopsis of the «limp home» setting.
posted by electroboy at 10:23 AM on August 21, 2008

Upon further investigation, it looks like you might have the Ultradrive transmission. If a mechanic confirms that the problem is with the transmission, it might be worth some digging to find out whether Chrysler will repair or replace it for you.
posted by electroboy at 10:31 AM on August 21, 2008

It is possible that the kickdown cable is stuck. This cable goes from the throttle to the transmission, and if it is stuck, the transmission will think that you are flooring the gas pedal and stay in lower gear longer. (4000rpm at 25mph sounds like first gear.)

Have you tried accelerating closer to the redline and seeing if it will eventually shift into 2nd gear This would support the stuck kickdown cable theory.
posted by qvtqht at 10:49 AM on August 21, 2008

Best answer: (1) Limp home mode (as discussed above)
(2) Fuel issues:
____(a) fuel line
____(b) spark plugs/wires — are all cylinders firing?
____(c) fuel injectors
(3) Not enough transmission fluid? Too much? There may be a dent in the transmission fluid pan which would functionally increase the amount of fluid creating different shift points.

Honestly, if you can’t get an error message from a code scanner (Auto zone or Kragen will probably let you borrow one) then you may need the attentions of a qualified mechanic.

Alternatively, you can call Car Talk! (or check their website for the Mechan — X-files for a good local mechanic).
posted by unclezeb at 11:44 AM on August 21, 2008

car won

Many times, despite your best effort, the car simply won’t go over a certain speed. Are you encountering such a problem?

Car won’t go over 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 40, 45, 50 ,60, 80, 90 mph

Car won’t go over 10 mph:

In most cases, if your car isn’t even crossing 10 mph, it indicates that the engine is not getting proper fuel. Due to the same, the conversion process will not take place, and therefore your car won’t get enough power even if you’re pressing the accelerator pedal hard. The most common cause of this is the dirty fuel filter. When was the last time you checked the fuel filter of your car? Most of us don’t, and that is the reason why it can get easily clogged, and when that happens, your car won’t go over 10 mph.

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Jak to můžete opravit?

The solution to the clogged fuel filter is simple. You need to replace the fuel filter as soon as possible. It takes only a few minutes once you take it to the mechanic. The fuel filter is pretty affordable as well.

Car won’t go faster than 15 mph

When your car doesn’t even go over 15 mph, it is limping. In most cases, it is a problem with the car’s transmission system. If you continue to drive your car in that case, you might do more damage than good.

Jak to můžete opravit?

Since you are probably dealing with the transmission problem, the best way out is to take your car to a professional mechanic. You have to find the nearest mechanic, and if the distance is greater, you have to call a tow truck. Only, in that case, you will not do any damage to the transmission system of your car.

Car won’t let me go over 20 mph

If your car isn’t able to cross 20 miles per hour, the fuel pump is faulty, or faulty spark plugs might cause the same. In the case of faulty spark plugs, it doesn’t have enough power to make your vehicle travel at a faster pace. If the fuel pump is the problem, once again, the compression happens at the reduced threshold, and therefore there is not enough power to make your vehicle go faster than 20 mph.

Jak to můžete opravit?

There is not much to do when the spark plugs are faulty, or the fuel pump is faulty. You will have to replace them. To find the exact cause of the problem, you will have to consult a mechanic. Fortunately, both of them can be replaced pretty quickly, and therefore you can continue your journey once you get them replaced.

Car wont go past 25 mph

When the car’s maximum speed is crossing 25 miles per hour, you will find that the problem is with the ucpaný katalyzátor. Due to this problem, the car might suffer from a fuelling issue or an ignition problem. Both these can cause significant damage to the car. That is why, even if you’re driving locally, you shouldn’t continue driving your vehicle. You never know when it will break down fully or develop another snag that might be expensive and time-consuming to fix.

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Jak to můžete opravit?

Unfortunately, you cannot fix ignition or fuelling problems yourself. Neither can you do anything about the clogged catalytic converter. That is why you have the option to take your car to the professional mechanic once again. You need to do so as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Car won’t go over 30 mph:

When your car can’t go over 30 mph, it is most likely suffering from loss of power to the transmission system. However, the good news is that it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to replace the transmission system altogether. Once again, at the cost of sounding monotonous, you shouldn’t drive around your car even at 20 mph in that case.

Jak to můžete opravit?

Rather than taking your car to any mechanic, it is a good idea to contact the one who has handled transmission problems before. Most likely, it is a leak of the transmission fluid. However, diagnostic checks are needed and only a mechanic who has handled the transmission systems earlier would be able to do so. Once the problem is detected, simply refilling the transmission fluid would do the trick.

Car won’t go faster than 35 mph:

S největší pravděpodobností problem is due to a malfunctioning sensor or component issue. That is why; your vehicle can’t attain speeds of higher than 35 miles per hour. However, if you consistently try to go over that speed, chances are the fuel consumption will increase, and the RPM reading might increase as well, but your vehicle might not travel at a higher speed.

Jak to můžete opravit?

Replacing a faulty sensor isn’t much of a problem. Your mechanic can do it right away. If there is a problem with some other component that might require some time to detect and replace. If your vehicle has an onboard computer, the diagnostic and troubleshooting is easier, so you can detect the problem in no time.

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Car wont go above 40 mph:

Truth be told, your car might not go over 40 mph for many reasons. It can be a problem with your car’s transmission fluid or the car going into safe mode due to the wrong reading by the sensor. It can damage a vital component as well. The reasons can be quite a few.

Jak to můžete opravit?

First perform a diagnostic check. If your car has an onboard computer, performing such a diagnostic check is easy. You can refer to the car’s manual or refer to tutorials online to do so. If you aren’t able to perform the diagnostic check, your only other option is to take the car to the mechanic.

Car won’t go past 45 mph:

Usually speaking, your car not being able to go over 45 mph means that it is suffering from a transmission problem or hydraulics issue. Even if you are tempted to increase the speed beyond 45 mph, you won’t be able to do so. Only the RPM reading might increase. In that case, the problem can be with the transmission fluid level, slipping bands, clutches, or hydraulic fault.

Jak to můžete opravit?

Only a mechanic can refill the hydraulic fluid and fix the clutch and the slipping bands. That is why such a problem can only be solved by a mechanic.

Car won’t go over 50 mph:

  • The first one is the field clutch. In that case, you won’t be able to do much.
  • Secondly, any problem with the electronic control unit of your car can also cause it to stagnate at 50 mph. In that case, the energy output of your vehicle will not increase beyond a certain level, and that is why it won’t be able to travel beyond 50 mph.

Jak to můžete opravit?

Hire a professional mechanic to deal with the field clutch. Also, if transmission fluid has been lost, the mechanic can refill that.

Problems with the electronic control unit might require a specialized mechanic. First, troubleshooting is needed, and only after that can the mechanic take corrective steps.

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The good news is if there is a problem with the electronic control unit, there will be an error code that will help identify the problem quickly, and the mechanic can take corrective steps accordingly.

Car won’t go above 60 mph:

In most cases, when your car isn’t able to go beyond 60 mph, it is because the electronic control unit of your car is activating the limp mode. In very rare cases, it might indicate a mechanical problem as well.

Jak to můžete opravit?

The only way to solve the limp mode problem is to reset the electronic control unit. A mechanic would be able to do so in a short time. In case the car is activating the limp mode due to a faulty sensor, it might require replacement.

Mechanical problems can only be fixed by a professional mechanic, and you shouldn’t attempt to do so yourself.

Car won’t go over 80 mph:

At higher speeds, your car needs to use more fuel to accelerate. This is especially true when you’re shifting the gears frequently. In case there is a problem with the fuel pump, your car might not get enough fuel to attain a higher speed.

Jak to můžete opravit?

You will have to check the fuel pump. You can also check the fuel pressure regulator to ensure there is no debris blocking the fuel. If you check both these and they are okay, then only the mechanic can diagnose and fix the problem.

Car won’t go past 90 mph:

When your car isn’t going over 90 mph, and you hear a warning message or a warning beep, you have hit a speed limit.

Other than that, the cause of your car not going over 90 mph can be quite a few.

Thus, depending on the speed at which your car is not crossing, the causes can be different. Once you follow the guide above, you will know the cause, and after going through the solutions below, you can fix the problems.

Jak to můžete opravit?

Resetting the speed limit of every car is different. You can refer to tutorials online or your car manual to know how to reset the speed limit for your car.

If you discover that there is no speed limit set and still it isn’t going over 90 mph, a mechanic can help you out.