New ideas in technology, new mindsets around sustainability, new values as far as our quality of life is concerned. We can feel our societies changing as we challenge the status quo of the world.

With the mission to drive this progress in a positive way, Chinese entrepreneurs Samuel Fu and Gary Gu founded Aiways in 2017. And the desire to make electric driving as enjoyable, exciting, and accessible as possible has turned into a global Aiways network. This include a highly innovative, digitalised plant in Shangrao (China) with an annual capacity of 300,000 vehicles, R&D and design centres in Shanghai (China), a battery factory in Changshu (China) and the European Sales Centre in Munich.

Furthermore, Aiways extended its range in 2022 with the U6 joining the already available U5. Both models prove the dedication Aiways has to its mission by delivering driving experience that is not only sustainable and dynamic but also one of the most affordable on the electric mobility market.

At Aiways, we aim to make a difference – for society and for the environment. This vision to improve life by advancing personal mobility is our mission and gives us a clear direction in everything we do.

So, we are on a mission and this mission focuses on today. How can we make electric mobility absolutely accessible? We believe that we can only succeed if we can create a hassle-free and affordable driving experience for everyone – and inspire you to get in.

You can create a future that measures up to your ideas. And you can count on Aiways to be your electric companion for everything that drives you in life. Fully charged to go new ways.


Are you someone who questions the status quo in the automotive industry, takes a great interest in the future of electric vehicles and is open to new ideas? If so, we want to get to know you.

Je tikání motoru vážné?

We are a strong and diverse team with a wide variety of characters and backgrounds. Some of us already have considerable experience under out belts from the days of internal combustion engines, whereas some of us are completely new to the field of mobility. Whatever the story told by your CV, we are happy to listen.

Mobility is changing. As we race toward a new world of alternative mobility concepts and different ways of ownership, our goal must be to improve our society today and for the future. Aiways is committed to driving this change. Why? Because we care about making a positive impact on the environment and we believe we can also make a positive impact on your life.

We want to bring the ease and joy of fully electric driving to a wider audience. We want to offer you highly innovative, fully electric car that suits your daily life so you can continue to experience – and celebrate – everything it has to offer.

As a young and innovative company, we think ahead and aim to develop concepts that are ready for the challenges of tomorrow. Of course, this goes far beyond simply building an electric car.

We are committed to redefining premium electric mobility as well as the concept of mobility in its entirety to create a solution that fits seamlessly into everyday life. A solution that is living space as well as driving experience. A lifestyle. And an electric companion ready to go new ways with you.

Discover more about us!


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  1. ¹The stated figures have been calculated using the legally required measurement techniques. Previously, consumption figures were measured using the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Since 1 September 2017, certain new vehicles have been given type approval in accordance with the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure, WLTP). Compared with NEDC, WLTP represents a more realistic procedure for measuring fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions. As of 1 September 2018, NEDC is gradually being replaced by WLTP. The fuel consumption figures and CO₂ emissions measured using WLTP are, in many cases, higher than those measured using NEDC, which is attributable to the more realistic test conditions associated with WLTP.
  2. We are currently legally obliged to state the NEDC figures. In respect of new vehicles that have already been granted type approval in accordance with WLTP, the NEDC figures are derived from the WLTP figures. Until it becomes mandatory, the statement of the WLTP figures is made voluntarily. NECD values, which are given as a range, do not form part of the offer, as they do not relate to a specific vehicle. They serve solely to facilitate comparison between different vehicle types. Aerodynamics, weight and rolling resistance may change due to optional extras and accessories and have the ability – just like personal driving style and weather/traffic conditions – to influence the fuel consumption, electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions and on-road performance of a vehicle.
  3. For more information on the official fuel consumption and official specific CO₂ emissions of new passenger cars, please refer to the Guide on the Fuel Economy, CO₂ Emissions and Power Consumption of New Passenger Car Models, which is available free of charge at all outlets, from DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany, or at
  4. ²Sie können Ihre Verpflichtung zum Ersatz eines Wertverlusts, der sich aus der Erstzulassung des Fahrzeuges ergibt, verringern, wenn Sie die Erstzulassung des Fahrzeuges erst vornehmen, nachdem Sie sich entschieden haben, von Ihrem Widerrufsrecht keinen Gebrauch zu machen.
  5. The images shown are for reference purposes only. The actual product may vary.
  6. *Der Erwerb von vollelektrischen Fahrzeugen wird aktuell mit dem Umweltbonus inklusive Innovationsprämie gefördert, sofern das Fahrzeug sich auf der Liste der förderfähigen Fahrzeuge befindet, bis zum 31.12.2022 im Inland auf den/die Antragsteller/in zugelassen wird (Erstzulassung) und mindestens 6 Monate auf den /die Antragsteller/in zugelassen bleibt. Der Förderantrag muss spätestens ein Jahr nach der Erstzulassung gestellt werden. Eine Antragstellung vor Zulassung des Fahrzeugs auf den/die Antragsteller/in ist unzulässig.
  7. Auf die Gewährung des Umweltbonus besteht kein Rechtsanspruch und die Förderung endet mit Erschöpfung der bereitgestellten Fördermittel, spätestens jedoch zum 31.12.2025. Nähere Informationen zum Umweltbonus sind auf den Internetseiten des BAFA unter Elektromobilität > Einzelantrag stellen abrufbar.
  8. Für neue vollelektrische Fahrzeuge mit einem Nettolistenpreis ≤ 40.000 €, welche bis zum 31.12.2022 zugelassen werden, beträgt der Umweltbonus als Innovationsprämie 9.000 € (Bundesanteil: 6.000 €, Herstelleranteil: 3.000 €); bei Fahrzeugen mit einem Nettolistenpreis von > 40.000 € bis max. 65.000 € beträgt der Umweltbonus als Innovationsprämie 7.500 € (Bundesanteil: 5.000 €, Herstelleranteil: 2.500 €). Der Anteil des Herstellers am Umweltbonus wird automatisch vom Nettolistenpreis abgezogen, sofern die oben genannten Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind.
  9. Wir weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass wir eine Auslieferung von im Jahr 2022 bestellten Fahrzeugen vor dem 31.12.2022 und damit eine Zulassung des Fahrzeugs durch den/die Antragstelle/in bis zum 31.12.2022 nicht garantieren können. Das von Ihnen bestellte Fahrzeug unterfällt daher möglicherweise veränderten, ab dem 01.01.2023 geltenden Förderkonditionen.
  10. Die Bundesregierung hat eine Reduzierung der Förderung ab dem 01.01.2023 angekündigt. Danach soll der Umweltbonus (Stand: 26.07.2022) künftig für neue vollelektrische Fahrzeuge mit einem Nettolistenpreis ≤ 40.000 €, die ab dem 01.01.2023 zugelassen werden, 6.750 € (Bundesanteil: 4.500 €, Herstelleranteil: 2.250 €) betragen; bei Fahrzeugen mit einem Nettolistenpreis > 40.000 € bis max. 65.000 € soll der Umweltbonus dann 4.500 € (Bundesanteil: 3.000 €, Herstelleranteil: 1.500 €) betragen. Zudem soll die Förderung ab dem 01.09.2023 auf Privatpersonen beschränkt werden.
    Weitergehende Informationen finden Sie auf der Internetseite des BMWK unter