Volvo Cars, the premium car maker, has unveiled a new manufacturing strategy for China in which production capacity will be increased and China will be developed into a global manufacturing and export hub servicing growing demand for its new range of cars in the US, Europe and Asia Pacific.

Volvo Cars will make its top-of-the-range S90-series cars based on its Scalable Product Architecture (SPA) at its plant in Daqing, Heilongjiang province, in northern China. It also announced today that production of the new S90 premium sedan will in future be moved from Europe to China.

The Swedish company also announced that existing and future 60-series medium-sized SPA-based cars will be built at its plant in Chengdu, Szechuan province, in Western China, while its planned 40 series smaller cars, based on its Compact Modular Architecture (CMA), will be made at a plant that is currently being built in Luqiao, 350km south of Shanghai.

“With three plants – and the designation of one car line for each plant – Volvo creates an efficient production structure ensuring future capacity for growth,” said Håkan Samuelsson, president and chief executive.

The Luqiao plant, which is owned by Zhejiang Geely Holdings but operated by Volvo Cars, will make Volvo’s new range of smaller 40-series CMA-based cars, as well as CMA-based cars for LYNK & CO, the new car brand launched in October by Geely Auto, highlighting the growing industrial synergies being developed by the automotive group.

Volvo’s expanded production capacity in China forms an integral part of its broader global industrial footprint.

Volvo currently operates two plants in Europe, in Sweden and Belgium. The Sweden plant in Gothenburg will continue to make 90 series and 60 series SPA cars while its plant in Ghent, Belgium, will in future be a CMA-only production facility making new 40 series cars.

Volvo is also building a new plant in South Carolina in the US that will also make SPA-based vehicles for domestic US consumption and for export.

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The details of Volvo’s new manufacturing strategy in China came the same day it unveiled a new China-built version of its S90 sedan and a top-of-the-line, specially upgraded luxury model called S90 Excellence, in advance of their first public appearance at the 2016 Guangzhou Motor Show.

The new S90 will be the most premium car ever made in China. Both versions will be built in Volvo Cars’ production facility in Daqing and exported globally, demonstrating the high levels of quality control that underpin Volvo’s global manufacturing strategy.

All Volvo Cars’ plants adhere to Volvo Cars’ global Volvo Car Manufacturing System (VCMS), utilising and following the company’s global manufacturing and quality standards.

Volvo has paved the way in developing China’s exports of locally made cars to global markets. It was the first Western car maker to export a premium China-made car to the US in 2015 with the S60 Inscription.

Volvo Car Group v roce 2015

Za finanční rok 2015 zaznamenala skupina Volvo Car Group provozní zisk ve výši 6,620 2,128 milionů SEK (2014 164,043 milionů SEK v roce 137,590). Tržby za období činily 2015 503,127 mil. Kč (8 2014 mil. Za celý rok XNUMX dosáhly celosvětové prodeje rekordních XNUMX XNUMX vozů, což je nárůst o XNUMX procent oproti roku XNUMX. Rekordní prodeje a provozní zisk uvolnily cestu pro Volvo Car Group, aby pokračovala v investicích do svého globálního transformačního plánu.

O společnosti Volvo Car Group

Volvo je v provozu od roku 1927. Dnes je Volvo Cars jednou z nejznámějších a nejrespektovanějších automobilových značek na světě s prodejem 503,127 2015 vozů v roce 100 ve zhruba 2010 zemích. Volvo Cars je od roku 1999 ve vlastnictví čínského Zhejiang Geely Holding (Geely Holding). Tvořilo součást švédské Volvo Group až do roku 2010, kdy společnost koupila americká Ford Motor Company. V roce XNUMX společnost Volvo Cars koupila společnost Geely Holding.

K prosinci 2015 měla společnost Volvo Cars po celém světě téměř 29,000 XNUMX zaměstnanců. Centrála společnosti Volvo Cars, vývoj produktů, marketing a administrativní funkce se nacházejí hlavně ve švédském Göteborgu. Centrála Volvo Cars pro Čínu se nachází v Šanghaji. Hlavní závody společnosti na výrobu automobilů se nacházejí v Göteborgu (Švédsko), Gentu (Belgie), Chengdu a Daqing (Čína), zatímco motory se vyrábějí ve Skövde (Švédsko) a Zhangjiakou (Čína) a komponenty karoserie v Olofströmu (Švédsko).

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Popisy a fakta v tomto tiskovém materiálu se týkají mezinárodní řady vozů Volvo Cars. Popsané funkce mohou být volitelné. Specifikace vozidla se mohou v jednotlivých zemích lišit a mohou být změněny bez předchozího upozornění.