If you own a car, you might have heard the term “transmission.” If so, you might be thinking about how to maintain a transmission that’s in good condition. But maybe, you are asking yourself, “How often should I reset my transmission?

Pojďme se do toho ponořit.

However, if you are currently happy with how your car shifts then don’t touch it, because it could learn to shift differently to what you are use to. If however you are having weird transmission issues like the 2-1 rough downshift. The car downshifting to early, or hard gear changes. Then you should 100% do a reset.

Proč byste potřebovali resetovat převodovku?

Jednoduše řečeno, počítač zaznamená styl jízdy, obvykle se podívá na posledních 40 bodů řazení a nastaví se tak, aby auto řadilo podle vašeho stylu. Dělá to monitorováním různých senzorů, jako je vstup plynu nebo plynového pedálu a další. Jinými slovy, učí se váš styl jízdy.

So you may be thinking why would I need a reset? No, existuje několik důvodů:

First, if you just bought a used car and you want to get rid of the former driver’s habits. Or maybe after taking it in for maintenance, they disconnected the battery and now when you drive it, it drives poorly. Or maybe you just want to start fresh because it has been a while since you have reset it last.

Existuje několik způsobů, jak resetovat převodovku v závislosti na roce, značce a modelu vašeho vozidla. Pokud máte přístup ke skeneru OBD2, který dokáže číst přenosové kódy, pak je to pravděpodobně nejjednodušší způsob, jak to udělat. V zásadě musíte do skeneru zadat nějaké příkazy a poté vzít své auto na dlouhou cestu po městě, aby se mohlo znovu naučit vaše řidičské návyky od nuly.

Jak dlouho trvá přeučení převodovky?

Může trvat až 90 dní, než se počítač motoru a převodovky znovu naučí vaše řidičské návyky.

If you drive a car with a manual transmission, the clutch is used to disengage power from the engine to the transmission. When you press in on the clutch pedal, a lever inside the bell housing pushes in on a fork that is attached to the throw-out bearing. The throw-out bearing moves in on the pressure plate fingers and pushes them apart.

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When you let up on the clutch pedal, the pressure plate springs back together and drives power from the flywheel through the clutch disc to the transmission shafts.

When you have an automatic transmission, none of this happens. There is no clutch pedal. Instead, there is a torque converter that connects the engine to the transmission. The torque converter has internal clutches that lock up when you accelerate.

Kolik stojí přeprogramování převodovky?

Téměř každá převodovka má proces přeprogramování (buď pomocí diagnostického nástroje nebo flash procedury). Pokud si myslíte, že vaše vozidlo potřebuje přeprogramování, je důležité zjistit cenu, než povolíte jakoukoli práci.

The cost of reprogramming can vary greatly depending on the shop and what type of vehicle you drive. Most shops charge anywhere between $75 and $250 for reprogramming services. However, if you decide to do the reprogramming yourself, be sure to use an OBD2 scanner that supports your specific make/model.

What Does Resetting A Transmission Do?

The engine control unit, or ECU, is the computer responsible for controlling all of the engine management functions. Your ECU has settings for idle speed, fuel mixture, ignition timing and transmission shifting points. Most of these settings are not user-adjustable, but there are a few that you can change yourself when you reset the ECU.

The powertrain control module (PCM) is a separate computer that controls your transmission shifting points. You can also reset this computer to its factory settings when you reset the ECU.

Resetting your ECU will completely reset your fuel trims and clear any trouble codes in your vehicle’s memory. It will not erase any permanently stored trouble codes in the PCM memory.

If you have recently installed a new component on your vehicle that requires more voltage than the stock component, such as a larger turbocharger or supercharger, then it may be beneficial to reset the ECU to recalculate the voltage requirements. This will allow the ECU to adjust and correct any problems caused by the component requiring more voltage than what was originally programmed into the ECU.

Co se stane, když automaticky stisknete brzdu a plyn současně?

How Often Do You Reset The Transmission In Your Car?

A car owner has something to say about this:

Výměna převodové kapaliny je vždy dobrý nápad. Není to něco, co musíte dělat často, ale je to něco, co by se někdy mělo udělat. Podle mě je to jako výměna oleje. Pokud vaše auto nejede špatně, nedělal bych si s tím starosti, dokud se nepřiblíží 100 XNUMX mil.

I think replacing transmission fluid is probably the most neglected maintenance item there is. I don’t think many people bother with it at all unless they’re having a problem or having some major work done on their drivetrain.

The manufacturers don’t list transmission services in their routine maintenance schedules, and most owners don’t know how to check the fluid level or even where to find the dipstick.

Is It Cheaper To Repair Or Replace A Transmission?

A transmission is a complex piece of machinery that has many individual components. Oftentimes, the cost of an overhaul or replacement can vary depending on the severity of the damage and the quality of parts used for the repair.

In most cases, it is usually cheaper to repair your transmission. It is estimated that replacing a transmission can cost anywhere between $1,800 and $3,400. In contrast, transmission repairs are estimated between $500 and $2,000.

With this in mind, it is important to understand how much money you can save from repairing a damaged transmission rather than replacing it completely.

Jak dlouho trvá přestavěná převodovka?

On average, a rebuilt transmission is expected to last between 30,000 – 50,000 miles. If the work is done extremely well and regular maintenance is performed, a transmission rebuild can last as long as the original transmission (120,000 – 200,000 miles on average).

To samozřejmě závisí na vašich jízdních zvyklostech a typu převodovky. Některé převodovky jsou náchylnější k selhání než jiné v závislosti na jejich konstrukci. Například převodovky s vysokým počtem převodových stupňů mívají více třecích bodů, které vytvářejí více tepla.

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The best way to insure proper care of your rebuilt transmission is to take it easy for the first 1,000 miles after installation. Shift through all of the gears slowly and be gentle on acceleration and braking. You should also make an appointment with your mechanic or transmission shop within several weeks after installation so they can check the fluid levels and make sure everything is running smoothly.

After that initial break-in period, most mechanics recommend getting an oil change every 30,000 miles or so (every two years). This will help prevent debris from building up in the system and causing premature wear or even failure.

Mám resetovat svůj přenos – závěr

Jako rekapitulaci odpovědi, kterou jsme dali na otázku, Should I Reset My Transmission?

However, if you are currently happy with how your car shifts then don’t touch it, because it could learn to shift differently to what you are use to. If however you are having weird transmission issues like the 2-1 rough downshift. The car downshifting to early, or hard gear changes. Then you should 100% do a reset.

Joe žije a dýchá auta a náklaďáky. Po mnoha letech práce v automobilovém průmyslu se rozhodl, že je správné sdílet své znalosti s veřejností. Jako kvalifikovaný odborník na nákladní a osobní automobily začal pracovat pro Truckile.com a je hlavním redaktorem a vydavatelem.