If Another Guy Buys A Phone For Your Girl — Romance — Nairaland

Guys what would you do if another guy buys a phone for your girl. Meanwhile she has no phone, has complained to you and you tell her to wait a bit. Finally, she tells you she loves you and won’t return the said phone upon your request.

Maybe you should wait to be financially stable before dating.
Anyway, your girl got greedy.
money is important in a r/s!

Budu tomu klukovi moc poděkovat cheesy cheesycheesycheesy
He is a helper indeed grin grin gringrin


Co je v telefonu? Je to ten, kdo bude toužit zavolat a co stejně ne.


Každopádně kluci, které znám, budou jako: “Díky brácho”

It depends,if it’s a gal that i’d think of marrying then i’d tell her to dispatch it back to sender QUICKLY but if it’s a gal that i hav no big plans for, I will have to be really grateful to the other guy.


well instead of complainning just be grateful that
some one else took ur responsibility, so be up and doing

Who’s the guy that bought her the phone? Let’s assume he’s looking to have her in a relationship or sleep with her; your girlfriend can’t be patient until you’re financially buoyant to buy her a phone but take a new phone from another guy? That’s insane. It’s gluttony. Greed. Covetousness. And the one I hate most, opportunist.

That means if she needs money for something else and you don’t have it immediately, she can stoop to do whatever if she could have done that about a mere phone.

Ale záleží na tom, kdo to je. Pokud ji dívka hledá ve vztahu a je to moje přítelkyně, určitě překročila hranici. Kolik žen může dovolit svým mužům využít jakoukoli příležitost, kterou jim jiná žena poskytne, ve snaze mít ho zcela pro sebe? Tam je vidíte, jak hnusně pláčou!

Guys what would you do if another guy buys a phone for your girl. Meanwhile she has no phone, has complained to you and you tell her to wait a bit. Finally, she tells you she loves you and won’t return the said phone upon your request.

Proč moje auto nezrychlí nebo nezrychlí?


V čem je tedy přesně problém. . .Je romanticky/sexuálně zapletená s tím chlapem? Snaží se ji pozvat na rande nebo je to jen kamarád?

Jeho peníze ušetřeny pro vás! Vždy si pamatujte, co nemůžete udělat pro svou přítelkyni vy, udělá to někdo jiný. Co to teď znamená, ten druhý jí může zavolat kdykoli během dne, myslím, že to byl jediný účel, jak jí koupit fone, takže žádná otrava!


well instead of complainning just be grateful that
some one else took your responsibility, so be up and doing

The next post on NL will be that her girlfriend has been receiving romantic text messages from another guy (the good Samaritan) and his girlfriend will be sneaking out to have dates with the guy and later the story will be that she’s had sex with him by accident. Just how many of such stories have we heard on NL about girls accidentally having sex with men after taking cheap gifts.

Je snadné vědět, že je to oportunistka, chamtivá dívka, která je jen rozvíjející se zlatokopkou. Kdyby tak chtěla vzít telefon a její přítel pro ni něco znamenal, požádala by ho o souhlas nebo by si s ním o tom promluvila, aby věděla, jak se bude cítit. Jak by se moje přítelkyně cítila, kdybych jí řekl, že si chci koupit pár nejnovějších tenisek Adidas, ale po měsíci si to budu moci dovolit, a najednou mi je koupí dívka, která mě tak moc chce Přinesu je domů. Má přítelkyně je vidí a já jí říkám, odkud přišli; jak se bude cítit? Dobrý? A poděkuje dívce?

This is a step towards losing her . . . .Greedy Girl, I agree.
na wa oooooooooh.

This is just wrong on every level. Women should not accept gifts from men other than family members or their boyfriend.

Budu tomu klukovi moc poděkovat cheesy cheesycheesycheesy
He is a helper indeed grin grin gringrin


Doufám, že vaše hra je těsnější než vaše zuby

Je 2010 Mercury Milan spolehlivý?

Why cant you buy her a phone? Are you really broke or are you just being stingy? If you are just being stingy then I dont blame her at all. Infact I doubt if she’ll even accept a phone from another guy if she really think you are broke, cos that alone is an insult to you.


Možná se jen snaží dostat to, co chce, když jí to zjevně nechcete dát úplně bez důvodu

Who’s the guy that bought her the phone? Let’s assume he’s looking to have her in a relationship or sleep with her; your girlfriend can’t be patient until you’re financially buoyant to buy her a phone but take a new phone from another guy? That’s insane. It’s gluttony. Greed. Covetousness. And the one I hate most, opportunist.

That means if she needs money for something else and you don’t have it immediately, she can stoop to do whatever if she could have done that about a mere phone.

Ale záleží na tom, kdo to je. Pokud ji dívka hledá ve vztahu a je to moje přítelkyně, určitě překročila hranici. Kolik žen může dovolit svým mužům využít jakoukoli příležitost, kterou jim jiná žena poskytne, ve snaze mít ho zcela pro sebe? Tam je vidíte, jak hnusně pláčou!

U ve just say it all True Talk


zavání to problémy, žádný chlap nekoupí holce něco za nic na oplátku,

listen no man wud buy a fone 4 a lady without expectin sex

Jsi nevděčník, měl bys být vděčný, že se chlap o tvou dívku sexuálně i finančně stará.
If you cant stand it tell her to bounce .

The next post on NL will be that her girlfriend has been receiving romantic text messages from another guy (the good Samaritan) and his girlfriend will be sneaking out to have dates with the guy and later the story will be that she’s had sex with him by accident. Just how many of such stories have we heard on NL about girls accidentally having sex with men after taking cheap gifts.

Jak dlouho trvá nabití Cadillacu Celestiq?

The phone is the worm on the end of a fishing line.
Zamávejte ahoj své „přítelkyni“

The phone is the worm on the end of a fishing line.

Are you saying the girl is a gullible little fish that falls for cheap hooks? gringrinThen that guy must have followed the Bible verse that says, «And I will make you fishers of men,» but in this case, it’s ‘fishers of women’ gringrin

Are you going to get her a new phone if she returns it?
Abeg, zavolej bratrům a poděkuj mu.

Proč jí nemůžeš koupit telefon? Jsi opravdu na mizině nebo jsi jen lakomý?


the question is cant she buy one for herself? must she wait for a guy b4 she can have a phone? or does it now cost a fortune to buy a phone?

Guy, get ready to kiss your self-respect goodbye. Better she bought it herself than some other «guy». what the hell is that??

It depends on how serious your r/s is and how,

Did she need the phone so urgently that she had to collect it from anoda guy?

to je pohlavek on ur face gringringrin
If the guy is not in anyway related to her, then get ready to be dumped.


to znamená, že jsi pekelně levný

no kámo, chlap, který si koupí telefon 4 vaší holce nemusí nic znamenat, ale jedním faktem zůstává, že ti nejnigerijští kluci vždycky něco pro holku udělají, aby dostali něco na oplátku. nebuďte přesvědčiví, jen sledujte, jak se chová, pokud to otevře, buďte muž,

@nawtiichic, Thanks for your reply to Ujujoan. I believe in Independent women. Why do most girl have to rely on men to do things for them.If you cant afford to buy phone ,why use one. Who will buy they call credit?Poverty with greed is the worst thing any human being can suffer.Where i live girls work and pay their bills.
@poster The earlier you leave the girl the better for your because the relationship won’t work. Don’t be demoralized by her attitude but be focused on what you are doing and excel in it. Real girls don’t date because of money but for love,if they need money their parents will provide it for them
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