No, it’s garbage. Slowly trickle charges the phone for a while then it overheats the battery and drains it.

I want the option to turn it off…..sales guy who has one said that’s not an option


Nový člen

Just drove a brand new Grand Cherokee L home from the dealer.

I placed my Google Pixel 6 Pro on the wireless charging pad and within a few seconds the light turned blue and it started to charge. After 15-20 mins of driving I looked down and saw the charging pad was now blinking red. I picked up my phone and it was extremely warm and the charging pad itself was even warmer.

What is the deal? Is this something that is being looked into? Is this a design flaw or something that may be fixed with an update? Should I bring the Jeep back to the dealer?


Známý člen

Just drove a brand new Grand Cherokee L home from the dealer.

I placed my Google Pixel 6 Pro on the wireless charging pad and within a few seconds the light turned blue and it started to charge. After 15-20 mins of driving I looked down and saw the charging pad was now blinking red. I picked up my phone and it was extremely warm and the charging pad itself was even warmer.

What is the deal? Is this something that is being looked into? Is this a design flaw or something that may be fixed with an update? Should I bring the Jeep back to the dealer?

Getting the exact same results with my Pixel 6 Pro.


Nový člen

Getting the exact same results with my Pixel 6 Pro.
You think this may be more of a Pixel 6 issue?


Nový člen

K tomuto problému dochází na našem týden starém ‘22 GCL Overland s našimi telefony iPhone 12 Pro na nejnovějším iOS. Informovali jsme prodejce zatím bez jakéhokoli řešení.


Nový člen

Mám stejný problém s iPhone 12 Pro a 2022 Summit JGC. Startuje, zahřívá se, vypíná telefon a JGC bliká červeně (vše bez otevřených aplikací nebo karet Safari). Zajímalo by mě, jestli to NĚKDO opravdu nezažil. Dokonce i ti, kteří hlásí, že to funguje, mají za tím vždy prohlášení kvalifikátoru.


Známý člen

Mám stejný problém s iPhone 12 Pro a 2022 Summit JGC. Startuje, zahřívá se, vypíná telefon a JGC bliká červeně (vše bez otevřených aplikací nebo karet Safari). Zajímalo by mě, jestli to NĚKDO opravdu nezažil. Dokonce i ti, kteří hlásí, že to funguje, mají za tím vždy prohlášení kvalifikátoru.

Jak připojit Android Auto k autu bez USB kabelu?

Mám telefon Xr i a mohu ho nechat na bezdrátové nabíjecí podložce po delší dobu bez problémů s teplem. Modré světlo se vždy rozsvítí, a to i přes ochranné pouzdro.



Thanks for tagging our @JeepCares team and bringing this to our attention @Homar4 ! We’re sorry to hear about the concerns some of you are noticing with your wireless charging pad. It’s important to know: just as if you were to plug your phone into an outlet and use it at the same time, your phone may overheat since it’s processing so many things at once. We recommend closing out any tabs within your phone’s interface that do not need to be open. Although you’re not actively looking at those tabs, they’re still processing in the background. Additionally phone cases may interfere with the wireless charging. The less that can interfere between your charging pad and your phone— the better!

As seen in your Owner’s manual on page 78, **The key fob should not be placed on the charging pad or within 6 inches (15 cm) of it. Pokud tak učiníte, může dojít k nadměrnému hromadění tepla a může vést k poškození přívěsku. Umístění přívěsku do těsné blízkosti nabíjecí podložky blokuje detekci přívěsku vozidlem a zabraňuje nastartování vozidla.

If anyone’s experiencing specific concerns with their wireless charging capabilities that they’d like to run by our team, don’t hesitate to send us a private message with more details and your VIN.

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  • The instructions states that the light will turn o.

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The instructions states that the light will turn off and go to stand-by (no Red Light) when fully charged. Is this a defective unit and is the charger still charging the battery and causing damage to the battery?

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‎06-15-2015 05:35 AM

The instructions on Verizon Qi stand charger states that the light will turn off and go to stand-by (no Red Light) when fully charged. Is this a defective unit and is the charger still charging the battery and causing damage to the battery on my new Galaxy S6?


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Re: The instructions states that the light will turn off and go to stand-by (no Red Light) when fully charged. Is this a defective unit and is the charger still charging the battery and causing damage to the battery?

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Přispěvatel — Úroveň 3
‎07-14-2015 08:22 AM

babo410, mám stejný nabíjecí stojánek, jaký máte u mého Droid Turbo. Nebál bych se, že kontrolka zůstane svítit poté, co nabití dosáhne 100 %. Můj dělá to samé. Nehledejte, že červené světlo zhasne hned v okamžiku, kdy telefon zasáhne 100 %. Poté, co zařízení dosáhne 100 %, bude ještě chvíli provádět velmi lehké nepřetržité nabíjení. Pokud chcete, nechte telefon na stojanu. Obvykle červené světlo na mém zhasne asi 10 až 15 minut poté, co telefon řekne 100%. Procenta baterie nejsou úplně přesné. Dave

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Re: The instructions states that the light will turn off and go to stand-by (no Red Light) when fully charged. Is this a defective unit and is the charger still charging the battery and causing damage to the battery?

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Zákaznický servis Rep
‎06-17-2015 05:58 AM

I’m saddened to learn that you’re experiencing issues and I’m here to help! Are you stating that your device does not go into stand by mode? Please clarify.

AyaniB_VZW Sledujte nás na Twitteru @VZWSupport Pokud moje odpověď odpověděla na vaši otázku, klikněte prosím na tlačítko «Správná odpověď» pod mou odpovědí. To zajišťuje, že ostatní mohou mít z naší konverzace prospěch. Předem děkuji za vaši pomoc s tímto!!

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Re: The instructions states that the light will turn off and go to stand-by (no Red Light) when fully charged. Is this a defective unit and is the charger still charging the battery and causing damage to the battery?

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‎07-09-2015 07:39 PM

i just found your answer. Sorry for the late reply.

I have a new S6 and I’m on my second Qi Charing stand. Retuned first one because when the S6 is on the charger Red LED come on,phone will indicate charging. Phone will indicate 100% fully charge, but the Red LED remands on. I retuned the first unit. Second unit does the same thing. My question is the charger defective, institutions wrong, Red LED should remain on while the phone is on the stand? Or more importunately is the charger still charging the phone and possibly damaging the battery? The Second Qi Charger is doing the same thing is this one defective too? Should I return the second unit also?

Jak opravíte prokluzující okno?

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Re: The instructions states that the light will turn off and go to stand-by (no Red Light) when fully charged. Is this a defective unit and is the charger still charging the battery and causing damage to the battery?

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Zákaznický servis Rep
‎07-12-2015 06:15 AM

Oceňuji další podrobnosti. Pojďme se do toho ponořit hlouběji. Jaká přesná značka/model (číslo modelu) je nabíjecí stojan Qi, který máte na mysli?

LindseyT_VZW Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport If my response answered your question please click the «Correct Answer» button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

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Re: The instructions states that the light will turn off and go to stand-by (no Red Light) when fully charged. Is this a defective unit and is the charger still charging the battery and causing damage to the battery?

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‎07-12-2015 07:13 AM

Yes put this question to rest once and for all the others who have asked the same question and not ( at least as far as I can find) regrading the little red light on the Verizon Qi charging stand model # VZW3COIL-WC. Input: DC

Napájecí zdroj vyrábí v Číně (na zařízení) Salcomp. Model # S15A02.

Input:100V-240V~ 50-60 Hz 0.3A. Output: 12V-.075A S/N 521301376.

As I’ve said the red light remains on as long as my S6 Galaxy in on the charging stand. The phone will indicate that the battery is at 100% and fully charged but the red LED remands on. The instructions for the Qi Charging stands stated that the LED (red light) is on Stand By (off i.e. no red LED light is on) when no phone is on the stand and will remain on during charging. The instructions also stated that when the phone is fully charged the LED will go to Stand By mode and the red LED will turn off. When my S6 is placed on the stand the red LED light will turn on indicating that the phone is now charging.The phone will also indcate it is chageing.

Jak zastavím hluk větru ve dveřích mého auta?

When the phone indicates it is at 100% fully charged (as indicated on the phone’s screen) the red LED light is still on the Qi Charging stand.

According the instructions for the Verizon Qi Charging stand the red LED light should turn off and go to the Stand-By mode (red LED light off) when charging is completed. My Qi charging stand doesn’t go back into Stand By Mode (LED off). As I’ve said this is now the second Qi charging stand that I’ve had (the first one was returned and replaced with this unit) that is doing the same thing.

What I’m concerned about is two things, is this a defective Qi charger and is more importantly is the charger continuing to charge my S6 phone battery and will damage the phone and the battery?

This question as been addressed several times on your site but no one has answered the question definitively to whether or not the Qi chargers are defective or insturtons are in error.

Nechci za 6 měsíců zjistit, že baterie mého nového Galaxy S6 byla přebita nabíječkou Qi a já musím baterii na své náklady vyměnit, protože Verizon uvedl na trh vadnou nabíječku.

I hope you have all the necessary information that you need to finally answer this question once and for all. I can either return this unit and get a new one that works according to the instructions or have Verizon change the instructions to correctly indicate how the Qi Charging Stand operates so not to confuse others in the future.

Díky za veškerou pomoc,