Expert, který skončil #1 v týdenním žebříčku Top 10 expertů Fixya.

Expert, který získal 20 úspěchů.

Expert, který získal 10 úspěchů.

  • Lexus Master 7,457 Odpovědi
  • Publikováno 28. ledna 2019

Expert, který dosáhl úrovně 3 získáním 1000 bodů

Expert, který skončil #1 v týdenním žebříčku Top 10 expertů Fixya.

Expert, který získal 20 úspěchů.

Expert, který získal 10 úspěchů.

Připojeno: 18. září 2010

Make sure that the transmission is in park or neutral. Possible to have a bad neutral safety switch.

Svědectví: » Thanks, but it isn’t that. Tried all those things. «

Kardoc Jan 28, 2019

Then take a volt meter and follow your 12volt battery current starting at the battery. Make sure that the relay is getting grounded to activate. Bypass the relay and see if the starter is getting 12 volts. Put 12 volts directly to the starter to see if it cranks. Then take a volt meter and follow your 12volt battery current starting at the battery. Make sure that the relay is getting grounded to activate. Bypass the relay and see if the starter is getting 12 volts. Put 12 volts directly to the starter to see if it cranks.

Roger Oliver Jan 29, 2019

Got the meter out and checked a few things. The connector on the starter solenoid was the issue. All going again now. Thanks Kardoc! Got the meter out and checked a few things. The connector on the starter solenoid was the issue. All going again now. Thanks Kardoc!

Kardoc Jan 30, 2019

Glad that you took the time to trace the current and solve your problem and share your findings with me. Glad that you took the time to trace the current and solve your problem and share your findings with me.

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william nichols

Expert, který dosáhl úrovně 2 získáním 100 bodů

Expert, který získal 10 úspěchů.

Jak starý je Peugeot 3008?

Expert, který získal 5 úspěchů.

Expert, který má více než 500 bodů.

  • Odborník 287 Odpovědi
  • Publikováno 29. ledna 2019

Expert, který dosáhl úrovně 2 získáním 100 bodů

Expert, který získal 10 úspěchů.

Expert, který získal 5 úspěchů.

Expert, který má více než 500 bodů.

Připojeno: 30. března 2011

Sounds like the neural safety switch is not in the exact position with the gear shift. Try this. turn key to start and hold. at the same time move the gear shift around the neutral or park position. let me know if this works.
lots of times this is the problem.

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Odborník, který dosáhl úrovně 1.

Expert, který má 1 sledujícího.

Expert, který má více než 10 bodů.

Expert, pro jehož odpověď bylo 2krát hlasováno.

  • Přispěvatel 11 Odpovědi
  • Publikováno 29. ledna 2019

Odborník, který dosáhl úrovně 1.

Expert, který má 1 sledujícího.

Expert, který má více než 10 bodů.

Expert, pro jehož odpověď bylo 2krát hlasováno.

Připojeno: 07. dubna 2009

Check ignition switch.

Svědectví: » It was the solenoid connector. Thanks! «

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5 Související odpovědi


  • Odpovědi 41
  • Publikováno dne 24. února 2009

You may have corrosion inside your battery cables or a loose connection somewhere.

If you have a voltmeter connect one lead to the POSITIVE post of the battery and the other to the POSITIVE post on your starter while you have a friend crank the engine

This is called a voltage drop test and you should see less than 0.5v on the multimeter while you are trying to start it, if you have high resistance (corrosion bad connections) you will see a higher voltage. 0.5v is the MAX you should see.

Do the same test on the ground side of the circuit, connect to the NEGATIVE battery terminal and the starter case, your voltage reading should be 0.1v or less

Proč Tesla míří do Kalifornie?

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  • 1 Odpověď
  • Publikováno 27. března 2009

I just changed the cabin filter of my ES300. I found the instructions on the manual, under airconditioning and audio. It’s pretty easy to do. I bought the filter from Kragen’s for $21.95.

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  • Odpovědi 20
  • Publikováno 02. července 2009

chances are it is the starter itself

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  • Odpovědi 350
  • Publikováno dne 29. října 2009

You can disconnect your battery for a short period of time, 5-10 minutes should do it. There is no guarantee that the check engine light will not come back on in time, but it will make it go away at least temporarily.If you go to Autozone, 99% of the time they will hook up a code reader and diagnose your problem. It may be a minor and/or inexpensive fix. Please vote appropriately and leave feedback. I hope this helps and good luck.

Svědectví: » I’ll give it a try!! Thank you- «

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  • Odpovědi 2
  • Publikováno 12. listopadu 2009

the starter is in the wright side of the motor under the cruis controls. remove the black cover and youll see it.

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It’s the first link, here is mine.

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How can it start if the engine doesn’t turn over, please clarify?
Sep 21, 2016 • Lexus ES 300 Cars & Trucks

2002 town and country will not start intermittently. Been checked out at garage. Say they cannot find anything. Most times when try to start all warning lights come on.

Will not start how intermittently ? The engine won’t turn over or engine does turn but won’t start . Starter relay , lose connection . Checking power an grounds would be the first place to start , voltage drop test the main electrical circuits . Voltage Drop Testing the Starter

The starter circuit control is achieved by the starter motor relay ! It is located in the under hood fuse/ relay box or as Chrysler calls it ,integrated power module ! If you pull out the relay an look on the bottom where the pins stick out you will see four sets of numbers .30,87 an 85,86 ! 30 is B+ voltage . 87 is to the starter solenoid . If you jumped those two spots where the relay plugs into the starter would crank the engine over . The last two 85 an 86 are the control side .If you checked with a volt meter where 86 plugged into ,with key on it would show B+ voltage . The last pin is from the PCM — engine computer . When turning the key to start a signal is sent to the PCM to let it know crank has been requested , in return the PCM supplies a ground to pin 85 energizing the starter motor relay sending B+ voltage to the starter motor cranking over the engine . Here is another video on test from the relay base (where relay plugs into ) This is for a horn circuit but same thing . VEHICLE RELAYS Testing from the relay base The relay could be going bad , you never know .Replacing the relay mite not be a bad idea . Good luck , hope this helps !

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