After-tax profit fell to €3bn from €3.3bn in the same quarter a year ago

Volkswagen uvedl, že skandál s naftovými emisemi nyní společnost stál 30 miliard eur (25 miliard liber).

Finanční ředitel německé automobilky ve čtvrtek toto číslo zveřejnil spolu s 10procentním poklesem čtvrtletního zisku.

Skupina vyčlenila další 1 miliardu eur na pokrytí právních nákladů spojených se skandálem, který byl poprvé odhalen v roce 2015.

VW připustil, že podváděl testy, aby jeho vozidla vypadala méně znečišťující, než byla.

Zisk po zdanění klesl na 3 miliardy eur z 3.3 miliardy eur ve stejném čtvrtletí před rokem. Tržby skupiny vzrostly o 3.1 procenta na 60 miliard eur, protože objem prodeje klesl, ale ziskové marže vzrostly.

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VW admitted to rigging its US emission tests so that diesel-powered cars would looks like they were emitting less nitrous oxide, which can damage the ozone layer and contribute to respiratory diseases. Around 11 million cars worldwide were affected.

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VW admitted to rigging its US emission tests so that diesel-powered cars would looks like they were emitting less nitrous oxide, which can damage the ozone layer and contribute to respiratory diseases. Around 11 million cars worldwide were affected. Martin Shkreli became known as the “most hated man in the world” after his drug company, Turing, increased the price of a 62-year-old drug that treated HIV patients by 5,000% to $750 a pill. He was charged with illegally taking stock from Retrophin, a biotechnology firm he started in 2011, and using it pay off debts from unrelated business dealings. Shkreli, who maintains he is innocent, and says there is little evidence of fraud because his investors didnMillions of confidential documents have been leaked from one of the world’s most secretive law firms, exposing how the rich and powerful have hidden their money. Dictators and other heads of state have been accused of laundering money, avoiding sanctions and evading tax, according to the unprecedented cache of papers that show the inner workings of the law firm Mossack Fonseca, which is based in Panama.Google reached a deal with the HM Revenue and Customs to pay back £130 million in so-called “back-taxes” that have been due since 2005. George Osborne championed the deal as a “major success”. But European MEPs have since called for the Chancellor to appear in front of the committee on tax rulings to explain the tax deal. A French court cut the damages owed by rogue trader Jerome Kerviel from €4.9bn (£4.2bn) to just €1m (£860,000). The court ruled on that Kerviel was “partly responsible” for massive losses suffered in 2008 by his former employer Societe Generale through his reckless trades. Kerviel has consistently maintained that bosses at the French bank knew what he was doing all along.Authorities have launched an investigation into Barclays chief executive officer Jes Staley for trying to identify a whistleblower, the bank said on Monday. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) are both investigating Mr Staley after the bank notified them that Mr Staley had tried to identify the author of two anonymous letters, which were sent to the board and a senior executive in June 2016.The Economic Secretary to the Treasury has vowed that the Government will crack down on money laundering practices, after several of the UKTwo former HBOS bankers were among six people found guilty of bribery and fraud that cost customers and shareholders hundreds of millions of pounds, the BBC reports. Lynden Scourfield, 54, a manager at HBOS, forced struggling clients to use the services of his friends David Mills, 60, and Michael Bancroft, 73. In return, the two businessmen arranged sex parties, cash and lavish gifts. On Monday, the three were convicted at Southwark Crown Court on accounts including bribery, fraud and money laundering. Mark Dobson, another manager at HBOS, Alison Mills, and John Cartwright were also convicted.Antonio Horta-Osorio, the chief executive of Lloyds Bank, has broken his silence over allegations about his private life admitting he regrets any The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, must stand trial in France over a payment of €403 million (now £340m, then £290m) to tycoon Bernard Tapie, a FranceA senior executive at HSBC has been arrested at New YorkTwo ex- PricewaterhouseCoopers staffers were found guilty in Luxembourg of stealing confidential tax files that helped unleash a global scandal over generous fiscal deals for hundreds of international companies. Antoine Deltour and Raphael Halet face suspended sentences of 12 months and 9 months and were ordered to pay fines of €1,500 (£1,230) and €1,000 (£822) for their role in the so-called LuxLeaks scandal. Despite the minimal sentences, the ruling was described by Deltour’s lawyer as “shocking” and “a terrible anomaly.” The ruling “puts on guard future whistle-blowers,” Deltour told reporters.The LuxLeaks revelations sped beyond Luxembourg, causing European Union regulators to expand a tax-subsidy probe and propose new laws to fight corporate tax dodging, while EU lawmakers created a special committee to probe fiscal deals across the 28-nation bloc.A former Goldman Sachs dealmaker trying to persuade Gadaffi-era Libya to invest Darren Topp, the former boss of BHS, has said former owner Dominic Chappell threatened to kill him when he challenged him over a £1.5 million transfer out of the business. MPs on the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee asked Mr Topp about a £1.5 million transfer Mr Chappell made from BHS to a company called BHS Sweden.Mike Ashley admitted paying Sports Direct employees below the minimum wage at a hearing in front of MPs. The company founder said that workers were paid less than the statutory minimum because of bottlenecks at security in an admission that could result in sanctions from HMRC.Mitsubishi has admitted to using false fuel methods dating back to 1991. The scale of the scandal is only just coming to light after it was revealed in April that data was falsified in the testing of four types of cars, including two Nissan cars.Quindell was once a darling of AIM but its share price fell in April 2014 when its accounting practices were attacked in a stinging research note by US short seller Gotham City. In August the group was forced to disclose that the £107 million pre-tax profit it had reported for 2013 was incorrect, and it had in fact suffered a £64million loss. The boss of Toshiba, the Japanese technology giant, resigned in disgrace in the wake of one of the country’s biggest ever accounting scandals. His exit came two months after the company revealed that it was investigating accounting irregularities. An independent investigatory panel said that Toshiba’s management had inflated its reported profits by up to 152 billion yen (£780m) between 2008 and 2014. Fifa, footballCity trader Tom Hayes, 35, has become the first person to be convicted of rigging Libor rates following a trial at London

Finanční ředitel Frank Wittner řekl, že to bylo „velmi silné první čtvrtletí“ a „do určité míry lepší, ve skutečnosti lepší, než jsme očekávali“.

„Myslím, že klíčovými hnacími silami byly samozřejmě provozní výkony, i když objem poklesl, ale dokázali jsme to kompenzovat efekty ceny a mixu,“ řekl pan Wittner agentuře Associated Press.

Pan Wittner řekl, že zisky byly pod tlakem vysokých výdajů na budoucí řadu bateriových vozidel společnosti, ale řekl, že „bez alternativ“.

Společnost přechází na vozidla s nulovými místními emisemi, aby splnila nižší limity EU pro emise skleníkových plynů. Společnost očekává, že v závodě ve Zwickau ve východním Německu začne výroba bateriového hatchbacku ID koncem tohoto roku.

Značka Volkswagen, jedna z 12 společností, zaznamenala nárůst provozního zisku o 5 procent na 921 milionů EUR, protože nižší objemy byly kompenzovány kontrolou nákladů a ziskovějším modelovým mixem.

Zisky však klesly u dvou hlavních tvůrců peněz společnosti, jejích luxusních divizí Audi a Porsche. Audi zaznamenalo pokles zisku na 1.1 miliardy eur z 1.3 miliardy eur kvůli modelovým změnám a vyšším výdajům na nové produkty a technologie. Provozní zisk Porsche klesl o 12 procent na 829 milionů eur.

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