The difference between electric cars and hydrogen vehicles

Electric cars and hydrogen vehicles are becoming evermore popular in the UK. The media sells them as greener options to benzinové a naftové vozy but do you know how they work and what’s the main difference between electric cars and hydrogen vehicles?

This article explores how each vehicle works, their benefits, disadvantages and explains if they’re indeed an alternative to combustion vehicles.


How does an electric car work?

An electric car is a vehicle that uses electricity to run the motors. Unlike a traditional car which burns petrol or diesel to work the engine, electric vehicles use a battery to power the motor.

They use the same energy as mains electricity, and can be charged at any of the thousands of public dobíjecí stanice ve Velké Británii.

Jak funguje vodíkové auto?

Another alternative to fossil fuel is hydrogen. These vehicles use hydrogen as fuel to operate a car. The hydrogen that is stored in the car reacts with oxygen to make electricity. The electricity created by this reaction is what powers the motor. The only emission is pure water.

Benefits of an electric car

There are many benefits when you choose to switch from a petrol car to an electric one. Here are some of the benefits you may gain.

Electric vehicles are eco-friendly

Unlike vehicles with a traditional engine, electric vehicles don’t produce any emissions. This is a great step towards achieving the target of net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 that has been set by climate change scientists in order to reduce the effects of climate change.

EVs also help reduce noise pollution because they run on near silent electric motors rather than noisy internal combustion engines.

Electric cars offer good value for money

The lower running costs are attractive to those looking to upgrade to an electric car. According to the government, it costs 11 pence per mile to run an EV, on average.

Considering current prices, an EV could save you a substantial amount of money on running costs when compared with petrol cars. The resale value is also something to consider.

Electric cars hold 49 percent of their value on average. This means that they depreciate around 9 percent less than petrol vehicles. EVs are also exempt from vehicle tax until April 2025, making them cheaper to run now.

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Who says electric cars don’t travel the same distance as petrol cars? On average electric cars travel between 190 and 280 miles on one charge, meaning you should be able to travel from London to Leeds on a single charge.

The estimated battery life of an EV ranges from 15 to 20 years, outliving petrol vehicles. Charging the car should also be an easy task. It takes between 30 minutes to 48 hours to charge them, depending on what type of charger you’re using.

Disadvantages of an electric car

It’s important to highlight that there are some disadvantages to switching to an electric vehicle.

The temperature can affect the battery performance

One of the biggest disadvantages to switching to an electric vehicle is that the battery performance is subjected to several factors you may not be able to control, such as the weather.

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You probably have experienced this with other battery controlled devices, like mobile phones, when there’s a drastic drop in temperature. The battery operated cars are no different. They could lose performance in colder weathers.

On the other hand, the car could lose performance on situations you can control. Your driving style and the air conditioning usage will affect the battery life directly. If you don’t need to use the car for an extended period of time, if you go away on holiday for example, you could come home to a drained battery.

doba nabíjení

As previously mentioned, an electric car could take from 30 minutes to 48 hours to recharge. That’s a long time to fit into busy schedules and will add up to your to-do list in the long run. It will also require that the usage of the car is planned ahead, not to be left without charge when you need it the most.

Production of some electric cars can be harmful to the environment

If your main goal is to become greener by switching to an electric car, there is one core thing to consider.

Even though electric vehicle produce no CO2 emissions when compared to a combustion powered engine, the production of the battery used in the car (lithium battery) can be damaging to the environment. The benefits outweigh this over the lifetime of the vehicle, but it’s worth knowing.

Benefits of a hydrogen car

Some of the advantages of hydrogen cars aren’t so obvious. Here are some of the benefits you may gain if you choose to switch to hydrogen vehicles.

They are the cleanest vehicles available on the market

At this point, it’s no secret that cars contribute to the pollution causing some of the environment troubles we’ve been facing recently. Petrol cars produce over 2.3kg of CO2 per litre of fuel burnt on average. That contributes to a large amount of the carbon-dioxide emissions produced every year.

Hydrogen cars are the cleanest vehicles on the market because they only emit water vapour. This is the main advantage to those who prioritise the environment wellbeing.

Fast Charging Vehicles

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to switching to a low-emission vehicle is how long it’s going to take to fully charge it. Hydrogen vehicles don’t need to be recharged like electric cars.

In this aspect, they are much closer to petrol cars that only need refuelling the tanks at public hydrogen fuel stations. It can take up to five minutes to refuel the hydrogen tank against the two minutes it takes to refuel a petrol car.


On average, hydrogen vehicles can reach up to 400 miles on one full tank. This is great considering how close it is to the 500 miles petrol vehicles can achieve on average.

There are currently two models of hydrogen cars available in the UK: Toyota Mirai Saloon and the Hyundai Nexo SUV.

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Disadvantages of a hydrogen car

It’s important to keep in mind that there are disadvantages to switching to hydrogen vehicles as well. Here are some of them to consider.

Not many refuelling stations

Although hydrogen vehicles are considerably quicker to refuel than electric cars, there are fewer refuelling stations in the UK than charging stations for EVs.

The discrepancy goes from thousands of charging stations to fewer than 100 refuelling stations. This could make your life difficult if you don’t live near one and will make a trip to get more fuel a lot harder.

Hydrogen cars use flammable fuel

Hydrogen is highly flammable and could cause an accident if mishandled and not stored properly. However, petrol is also flammable too, so it’s not the end of the world if refuelling is handled correctly.

More expensive to buy and maintain

Hydrogen cars are expensive to produce. They need platinum and iridium to produce the fuel cells which makes the final product more expensive to the public. The up-keep of the car is also more expensive than electric and petrol cars. The cost for a unit of power from hydrogen is higher than other sources of fuel or energy.

Thinking about switching to an electric vehicle?

You can find everything you need to know about electric vehicles at Evans Halshaw blog.

If you’re ready to take the step and switch to an electric car and would like to book a viewing or a test drive, get in touch with your místní zastoupení who will book a time that best accommodates your schedule.

Prices correct at time of publishing and may be subject to change.

Hydrogen Cars vs Electric Cars: Which is the Better Choice?

Jak se svět posouvá k ekologičtějším a udržitelnějším možnostem dopravy, vodíková auta a elektromobily se ukázaly jako životaschopné alternativy k tradičním vozidlům na benzínový pohon. Tento článek se ponoří do fungování vodíkových i elektrických automobilů, probere jejich výhody a nevýhody a prozkoumá jejich potenciální dopad na životní prostředí a budoucnost dopravy.

Jak fungují vodíková auta

Vodíková auta jsou poháněna vodíkovými palivovými články, které generují elektřinu elektrochemickou reakcí mezi vodíkem a kyslíkem. Vyrobená elektřina se používá k pohonu elektromotoru, který pohání automobil. Jediným vedlejším produktem tohoto procesu je voda, díky čemuž jsou vodíková auta vozidlem s nulovými emisemi.

Jak fungují elektrická auta

Elektromobily jsou poháněny dobíjecími bateriemi, které uchovávají elektřinu. Tyto baterie dodávají energii elektromotoru, který pohání vůz. Elektromobily neprodukují žádné výfukové emise, což z nich činí ekologickou variantu.

Výhody vodíkových aut

  1. Nulové výfukové emise
  2. Rychlé časy tankování
  3. Delší dojezd ve srovnání s elektromobily
  4. Nižší hmotnost díky menším bateriím

Výhody elektromobilů

  1. Nulové výfukové emise
  2. Nižší provozní náklady díky menšímu počtu pohyblivých dílů a nižším nákladům na energii
  3. Tichší provoz
  4. Rozsáhlá nabíjecí infrastruktura

Nevýhody vodíkových aut

  1. Omezená infrastruktura pro doplňování paliva
  2. Vyšší náklady na vozidlo díky drahé technologii palivových článků
  3. Omezená dostupnost vozidel

Nevýhody elektromobilů

  1. Delší doby nabíjení
  2. Omezený dojezd ve srovnání s vodíkovými auty
  3. Těžké baterie mohou ovlivnit výkon vozidla

Dopad na životní prostředí

Vozy na vodík i elektromobily nabízejí ve srovnání s tradičními vozidly na benzínový pohon významné ekologické výhody. Zatímco elektromobily mají díky své závislosti na elektřině menší uhlíkovou stopu, vodíková auta také přispívají k čistšímu životnímu prostředí tím, že jako vedlejší produkt produkují pouze vodu.

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Infrastruktura nabíjení a doplňování paliva

Zatímco nabíjecí stanice pro elektromobily jsou stále rozšířenější, infrastruktura pro doplňování vodíku zůstává omezená. To by se mohlo v budoucnu změnit, protože se bude více investovat do vodíkové technologie a infrastruktury.

Rozsah a výkon

Vodíková auta obecně nabízejí delší dojezd než elektromobily, takže jsou vhodnější pro cestování na dlouhé vzdálenosti. Elektromobily však poskytují lepší zrychlení a točivý moment, což vede k pohotovějšímu zážitku z jízdy.

Dostupnost vozu a ceny

Elektromobily jsou od nynějška dostupnější a dostupnější než auta na vodík. Důvodem jsou vyšší výrobní náklady spojené s technologií vodíkových palivových článků. S technologickým pokrokem a úsporami z rozsahu by se však ceny vodíkových aut mohly snížit.

Vládní pobídky a nařízení

Vlády po celém světě stále více nabízejí pobídky a prováděcí předpisy, aby podpořily přijetí vodíkových a elektrických automobilů. Tyto pobídky mohou zahrnovat daňové úlevy, slevy a další finanční výhody, díky nimž je přechod na čistší dopravu dostupnější.

Budoucnost vodíkových a elektrických aut

Jak vodíková, tak elektrická auta budou hrát zásadní roli v budoucnosti dopravy, protože svět směřuje k udržitelnějším možnostem. Zatímco elektromobily mají v současné době náskok, pokud jde o dostupnost a infrastrukturu, vodíková auta mají potenciál stát se výraznějším hráčem na trhu s pokrokem technologií a rozšiřováním infrastruktury.

Proč investovat do čističky vzduchu?

Auta na vodík i elektromobily nabízejí životaschopné alternativy k tradičním vozidlům na benzínový pohon při snaze o udržitelnější dopravu. Zatímco elektromobily se v současnosti těší větší dostupnosti, nižším nákladům a zavedenější nabíjecí infrastruktuře, vodíková auta mají výhodu delšího dojezdu a rychlejších dob doplňování paliva. S pokrokem technologií a rozvojem infrastruktury se bude konkurence mezi vodíkovými a elektrickými automobily nadále vyvíjet, což bude v konečném důsledku přínosem pro spotřebitele i pro životní prostředí.

Ostatní články:

The Future of Transportation: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

The Future of Transportation: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles
21. dubna 2023

The search for sustainable and clean transportation alternatives has led to the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. These innovative cars have the potential to revolutionize the automotive industry, providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.

How Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars Work

A hydrogen fuel cell car is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell stack that converts hydrogen gas into electricity. This electricity then drives an electric motor, propelling the vehicle forward. The only byproduct of this process is water vapor, making hydrogen fuel cell cars an environmentally friendly option.

Advantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

Výhody pro životní prostředí

One of the primary benefits of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is their positive impact on the environment. They produce zero greenhouse gas emissions, as their only byproduct is water vapor. This makes them an attractive option for reducing air pollution and combating climate change.

Range and Refueling

Hydrogen fuel cell cars boast impressive driving ranges, often exceeding 300 miles on a single tank of hydrogen. Furthermore, refueling a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle takes just a few minutes, similar to filling up a traditional gasoline-powered car. This convenience provides a significant advantage over battery electric vehicles, which often require lengthy charging times.


Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles offer smooth and responsive acceleration, thanks to their electric drivetrain. Additionally, they operate quietly, providing a comfortable and enjoyable driving experience.

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Disadvantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles


One of the main challenges facing hydrogen fuel cell cars is the lack of infrastructure to support them. A limited number of hydrogen refueling stations exist, making it difficult for drivers to find a convenient place to refuel.

Production of Hydrogen

Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, it is not readily available in its pure form. The production of hydrogen gas can be energy-intensive and often relies on natural gas, which generates greenhouse gas emissions.

Náklady na vozidlo

The cost of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is currently higher than that of traditional gasoline-powered cars and even some electric vehicles. This is due to the expensive materials and technology required to produce fuel cell systems.

Market Leaders in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology

Several automakers are at the forefront of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle development:


Toyota was one of the first companies to release a mass-produced hydrogen fuel cell car, the Mirai. The Japanese automaker remains committed to advancing hydrogen fuel cell technology and expanding its lineup of hydrogen-powered vehicles.


Honda’s Clarity Fuel Cell is another notable hydrogen-powered car. The company continues to invest in fuel cell research and development, striving to create more efficient and affordable hydrogen vehicles.


Hyundai’s Nexo is a stylish and high-tech hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. The South Korean automaker is actively working on improving hydrogen fuel cell technology and expanding its presence in the market.

Vládní politiky a pobídky

Governments around the world are recognizing the potential of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and implementing policies and incentives to encourage their adoption. These measures may include tax breaks, purchase rebates, and funding for infrastructure development.

Challenges to Widespread Adoption

Rozvoj infrastruktury

To ensure hydrogen fuel cell cars become a viable option for consumers, significant investment in infrastructure is necessary. This includes the construction of hydrogen production facilities and an extensive network of refueling stations.

Výroba zeleného vodíku

To truly capitalize on the environmental benefits of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, the hydrogen used must be produced in a sustainable manner. Green hydrogen production methods, such as electrolysis using renewable energy sources, need to be further developed and scaled up.

Comparing Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars to Battery Electric Vehicles

While hydrogen fuel cell vehicles offer numerous benefits, they face competition from battery electric vehicles (BEVs). BEVs are becoming more popular due to their improving range, falling costs, and expanding charging infrastructure. However, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles hold advantages in terms of refueling time and range, making them more suitable for some applications, such as long-haul transportation and heavy-duty vehicles.

The Role of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles in the Future of Transportation

As global efforts to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensify, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have the potential to play a crucial role in the future of transportation. Their environmental benefits, impressive range, and quick refueling times make them an attractive alternative to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles and even battery electric vehicles in some instances.

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Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are an innovative and promising solution for sustainable transportation. Despite the challenges they face, such as infrastructure development and green hydrogen production, their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality is undeniable. As technology advances and governments continue to support their adoption, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles may become a major player in the future of transportation.

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Are hydrogen vehicles completely safe to use?

Are hydrogen vehicles completely safe to use?
12. dubna 2023

Since hydrogen is both inexhaustible and non-polluting, it has a role to play in the transition to a low-carbon emissions economy – or even a zero-emissions economy in the case of renewable hydrogen. But can this energy-carrying gas explode? What risks are involved in using hydrogen, and what solutions exist to limit these risks in the field of transportation?

Hydrogen: A brief reminder of the basics

With its simple atomic structure, hydrogen is the lightest atom in Mendeleev’s periodic table. It is the most abundant chemical element in the universe. As well as being colorless and odorless, H2 or dihydrogen, consisting of two hydrogen atoms, is a highly energetic molecule. The combustion of 1 kilogram of H2 releases approximately three times more energy than the same mass of petroleum fuel.

Understanding the properties of hydrogen to ensure its safe use

Like any fuel, hydrogen presents a risk of ignition or explosion in contact with air and a spark or source of heat. Its extreme lightness – it is 14 times lighter than air – and speed of diffusion give it the disadvantage of being able to escape through the slightest gap but also the advantage of dissipating rapidly into the atmosphere, thus limiting the risk of fire in open areas.

Due to its small atomic size, hydrogen can diffuse into metal and modify the crystal lattice, causing the embrittlement of metallic materials, known as the hydrogen embrittlement phenomenon. It is therefore important to select appropriate materials for the design of safe hydrogen systems.

Hydrogen vehicles: Innovatively designed to ensure safety

The interest in low-carbon energies has prompted manufacturers to develop systems that enable hydrogen to be produced, transported, stored, and used in complete safety. For example, in hydrogen vehicle tanks, everything is designed to avoid or control gas leaks and to reduce the risk of ignition in the event of an accident:

  • Heavy-duty sealing: A polymer liner surrounded by a thick layer of high-strength composites seals the fuel tank and can withstand impacts of 5,000 joules.
  • Fully controlled system: Vehicles are embedded with strategically placed sensors to check for leaks in the system and a circuit breaker to cut off the gas flow if a leak is detected.
  • Fire precautions: Valves allow the hydrogen to be safely evacuated out of the vehicle and thus avoid overpressure in the tank.

A battery of tests to ensure the safety of hydrogen vehicles

Hydrogen systems are subject to strict safety standards, requiring them to undergo a whole series of tests to verify their resistance to extreme temperatures, chemicals, falls, shocks, and so on. They even undergo ballistics testing to test their resistance to ultra-powerful impacts.