4. Turn the ignition switch to the START position. Hold the key (maximum of 10 seconds) until the engine starts and release it.

Vehicle with automatic transmission/ dual clutch transmission:

1. Ujistěte se, že je zatažena parkovací brzda.

2. Ujistěte se, že je řadicí páka v P (parkování).

3. Sešlápněte brzdový pedál.

4. Turn the ignition switch to the START position. Hold the key (maximum of 10 seconds) until the engine starts and release it.

  • Do not wait for the engine to warm up whilst the vehicle remains stationary. Start driving at moderate engine speeds. (Steep accelerating and decelerating should be avoided.)
  • Always start the vehicle with your foot on the brake pedal. Do not depress the accelerator whilst starting the vehicle. Do not race the engine whilst warming it up.

Starting the diesel engine

To start the diesel engine when the engine is cold, it has to be pre-heated and then it has to be warmed up, before starting to drive.

Vehicle with manual transmission:

1. Ujistěte se, že je zatažena parkovací brzda.

2. Make sure the shift lever is in neutral.

3. Depress the clutch and brake pedals.

4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position to pre-heat the engine. The glow indicator light ( ) will illuminate.

5. When the glow indicator light ( ) goes out, turn the key ignition switch to the START position. Hold the key (maximum of 10 seconds) until the engine starts and release it.

Vehicle with dual clutch transmission:

1. Ujistěte se, že je zatažena parkovací brzda.

2. Ujistěte se, že je řadicí páka v P (parkování).

3. Sešlápněte brzdový pedál.

Hyundai i30. Starting the engine

4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position to pre-heat the engine. The glow indicator light () will illuminate.

Hyundai i30. Starting the engine

5. When the glow indicator light () goes out, turn the key ignition switch to the START position. Hold the key (maximum of 10 seconds) until the engine starts and release it.

Proč moje auto nenastartuje po nárazu do hrbolu?

If the engine does not start within 10 seconds after preheating is completed, turn the ignition switch once more to the LOCK position and wait for 10 seconds. Then turn the ignition switch to the ON position in order to preheat the engine again.

Startování a vypínání motoru pro mezichladič turbodmychadla

1. Do not race or accelerate the engine immediately after starting the engine.

If the engine is cold, idle for several seconds before sufficient lubrication is ensured in the turbocharger.

2. After high speed or extended driving that requires heavy engine load, idle the engine about 1 minute before turning the engine off.

Tato doba nečinnosti umožní turbodmychadlu vychladnout před vypnutím motoru.

Do not turn off the engine immediately after it has been subjected to a heavy load. Doing so may cause severe damage to the engine or turbocharger.

Abyste předešli poškození vozidla:

  • Nedržte klíček zapalování v poloze START déle než 10 sekund. Před dalším pokusem počkejte 5 až 10 sekund.
  • Při běžícím motoru neotáčejte spínač zapalování do polohy START. Mohlo by dojít k poškození startéru.
  • If traffic and road conditions permit, you may put the shift lever in the N (Neutral) position whilst the vehicle is still moving and turn the ignition switch to the START position in an attempt to restart the engine.
  • Netlačte ani netahejte vozidlo, abyste nastartovali motor.

Key ignition switch

Whenever the front door is opened, the ignition switch will illuminate, provided the ignition switch is not in the ON position. The light will go off immediately when the ignition switch is turned on or go off after about 30 seconds when the door is closed.

Tlačítko Start/Stop motoru

Whenever the front door is opened, the Engine Start/Stop button will illuminate and will go off 30 seconds after the door is closed. WARNING To turn the engine off in an emergency: Press and hold the Engine Start/ Stop button for more than two seconds OR Rapidly press and release the Engine Start/Stop button three times (within three seconds).

Proč z mého auta po zaparkování po servisu uniká olej?

Jiná informace:

Hyundai i30 (PD) 2018-2024 Service Manual: Front Seat Shield Outer Cover

Components and components location Component Location 1. Front seat shield outer cover Repair procedures Replacement • Put on gloves to prevent hand injuries.

Hyundai i30 (PD) 2018-2024 Návod k obsluze: Ramínko na šaty

■ Typ A ■ Typ B Tyto věšáky nejsou určeny k držení velkých nebo těžkých předmětů. VAROVÁNÍ Nezavěšujte jiné předměty, jako jsou věšáky nebo tvrdé předměty, kromě oblečení. Do kapes oblečení také nevkládejte těžké, ostré nebo rozbitné předměty.


  • Domovská stránka manuálů
  • 3rd Generation i30 Owners Manual
  • Servisní příručka i3 třetí generace
  • Postup při skokovém startu
  • Servisní poloha předního stěrače
  • Brzdová/spojková kapalina
  • Novinka na místě
  • Nejdůležitější u auta


Hyundai i30. Bonnet

1. Zaparkujte vozidlo a zatáhněte parkovací brzdu.

2. Zatažením za uvolňovací páčku odjistěte kapotu. Kapota by se měla mírně otevřít.

Hyundai i30. Starting the engine

  • Motor se spustí stisknutím tlačítka Engine Start/Stop, pouze když je smart klíč ve vozidle.
  • I když je chytrý klíč ve vozidle, pokud je daleko od řidiče, motor nemusí nastartovat.
  • When the Engine Start/Stop button is in the ACC or ON position, if any door is open, the system checks for the smart key. If the smart key is not in the vehicle, the «» indicator will blink and the warning «Key not in vehicle» will come on, and if all doors are closed, the chime will also sound for about 5 seconds. Keep the smart key in the vehicle when using the ACC position or if the vehicle engine is ON.

Starting the petrol engine

Vehicle with manual transmission:

1. Chytrý klíč noste vždy u sebe.

2. Ujistěte se, že je zatažena parkovací brzda.

3. Make sure the shift lever is in neutral.

4. Depress the clutch and brake pedals.

5. Press the Engine Start/Stop button.

Vehicle with automatic transmission/ dual clutch transmission:

1. Chytrý klíč noste vždy u sebe.

2. Ujistěte se, že je zatažena parkovací brzda.

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3. Ujistěte se, že je řadicí páka v P (parkování).

4. Sešlápněte brzdový pedál.

5. Press the Engine Start/Stop button.

  • Do not wait for the engine to warm up whilst the vehicle remains stationary. Start driving at moderate engine speeds. Steep accelerating and decelerating should be avoided.
  • Always start the vehicle with your foot on the brake pedal. Do not depress the accelerator whilst starting the vehicle. Do not race the engine whilst warming it up.

Starting the diesel engine

To start the diesel engine when the engine is cold, it has to be pre-heated and then it has to be warmed up, before starting to drive.

Vehicle with manual transmission:

1. Chytrý klíč noste vždy u sebe.
2. Ujistěte se, že je zatažena parkovací brzda.
3. Make sure the shift lever is in neutral.
4. Depress the clutch and brake pedal.
5. Press the Engine Start/Stop button.
6. Continue depressing the brake pedal until the glow indicator light (Hyundai i30. Starting the engine) jde ven.
7. When the glow indicator light (Hyundai i30. Starting the engine) goes out, the engine will start.

Vehicle with dual clutch transmission:

1. Chytrý klíč noste vždy u sebe.
2. Ujistěte se, že je zatažena parkovací brzda.
3. Ujistěte se, že je řadicí páka v P (parkování).
4. Sešlápněte brzdový pedál.
5. Press the Engine Start/Stop button.
6. Continue depressing the brake pedal until the glow indicator light (Hyundai i30. Starting the engine) jde ven.
7. When the glow indicator light (Hyundai i30. Starting the engine) goes out, the engine will start.

If the Engine Start/Stop button is pressed whilst the engine is pre-heating, the engine may start.

Startování a vypínání motoru pro mezichladič turbodmychadla

1. Do not race or accelerate the engine immediately after starting the engine. If the engine is cold, idle for several seconds before sufficient lubrication is ensured in the turbocharger.

2. After high speed or extended driving that requires heavy engine load, idle the engine about 1 minute before turning the engine off. This idle time will allow the turbocharger to cool prior to shutting the engine off.

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Do not turn off the engine immediately after it has been subjected to a heavy load. Doing so may cause severe damage to the engine or turbocharger.

Abyste předešli poškození vozidla:

  • If the engine stalls whilst you are in motion, do not attempt to move the shift lever to the P (Park) position. If traffic and road conditions permit, you may put the shift lever in the N (Neutral) position whilst the vehicle is still moving and press the Engine Start/Stop button in an attempt to restart the engine.
  • Netlačte ani netahejte vozidlo, abyste nastartovali motor.

To prevent damage to the vehicle: Do not press the Engine Start/ Stop button for more than 10 seconds except when the stop lamp fuse is blown.

When the stop lamp fuse is blown, you can’t start the engine normally. Replace the fuse with a new one. If you are not able to replace the fuse, you can start the engine by pressing and holding the Engine Start/Stop button for 10 seconds with the Engine Start/ Stop button in the ACC position.

For your safety always depress the brake and/or clutch pedal before starting the engine.

Hyundai i30. Starting the engine

Pokud je baterie chytrého klíče slabá nebo inteligentní klíč nefunguje správně, můžete nastartovat motor stisknutím tlačítka Engine Start/Stop pomocí smart klíče ve směru obrázku výše.

Polohy tlačítka Stop/Start motoru

Manuální převodovka

Manual transmission operation The manual transmission has 6 forward gears. The transmission is fully synchronized in all forward gears so shifting to either a higher or a lower gear is easily accomplished.

Jiná informace:

Servisní příručka Hyundai i30 (PD) 2018-2024: Popis a obsluha

Description Emissions control system consists of the three major systems. • Crankcase emission control system prevents blow-by gas from going into the atmosphere. This system burns these gases after moving them to the intake manifold (Closed crankcase ventilation type).

Hyundai i30 (PD) 2018-2024 Service Manual: Compressor

Description and operation Description The compressor is the power unit of the A/C system. It is located on the side of engine block and driven by a V-belt of the engine. The compressor changes low pressure and low temperature refrigerant gas into high pressure and high temperature refrigerant gas.

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  • Domovská stránka manuálů
  • 3rd Generation i30 Owners Manual
  • Servisní příručka i3 třetí generace
  • Palubní počítač
  • Indikátor poruchy EPB
  • Integrovaný řídicí systém jízdního režimu
  • Novinka na místě
  • Nejdůležitější u auta

Kontrolka bezpečnostního pásu

Upozornění na bezpečnostní pás

Upozornění na bezpečnostní pás řidiče

Hyundai i30. Seat belt warning light

Jako připomenutí pro řidiče se varovná kontrolka bezpečnostních pásů rozsvítí přibližně na 6 sekund pokaždé, když zapnete spínač zapalování bez ohledu na zapnutý pás.