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Elon Musk in front of a Cybertruck

  • Tesla’s newly-released Cybertruck weighs 3.5 tons and has the acceleration of a Formula 1 car.
  • Experts, however, are sounding the alarm over their concerns about the vehicle’s safety.
  • One expert referred to it as a «death machine.»

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Tesla’s Cybertruck is a modern marvel of sorts.

In its most souped-up state, the nearly 7,000-pound truck can go from 0 miles per hour to 60 in 2.6 seconds and sports an odd, angular design that’s more Lara Croft than Lamborghini.

Tento příběh je k dispozici výhradně předplatitelům Business Insider. Staňte se Insiderem a začněte číst hned teď. Mít účet? Přihlásit se .

And while Silicon Valley executives and venture capitalists have lauded the innovative vehicle over the years, now that the first batch of Cybertrucks is on the road, experts are beginning to sound the alarm about its overall safety.

In March, Business Insider spoke with Myles Russell, a Canadian civil engineering technologist who warned about the dangers of trucks — particularly American-produced ones — that have become increasingly taller and more massive in recent decades.

«Something like the Cybertruck and the F-150 electric, these things are different,» Russell, who owns a Tesla Model 3, said. «Now you’re packing in Ferrari and McLaren-level powers, and even arguably Tesla high-energy vehicles, into the size of a truck.»

Earlier in the year, Russell calculated and compiled data showing the sightlines and kinetic energies of various trucks and vehicles at various, everyday speeds. After Tesla officially released the Cybertruck’s official specs, he added them to his spreadsheets and was startled at what he found.

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«It’s got the viewing of an Escalade, the kinetic energy of an F250, and the acceleration of a MacLaren,» he posted to X. «Death machine.»

Also atrocious on the physics. This machine is a fucking deathtrap.

I should add acceleration to lethal kinetic energy in my data sheet as well.

It’s got the viewing of an Escalade, the kinetic energy of an F250, and the acceleration of a MacLaren. Death machine. pic.twitter.com/TGOt57yJTV

— FreckleEars (@FreckleEars) December 5, 2023

The Cybertruck’s design is inherently dangerous

Michael Brooks, the executive director of the Center for Auto Safety, doesn’t hide his disdain for the Cybertruck.

Earlier in 2023, he warned Business Insider that in collisions, pedestrian «injuries are much more traumatic in the case of larger, heavier vehicles.»

And while that’s certainly a concern, Brooks said he’s increasingly concerned about Tesla’s decision to cover the frame in cold-rolled stainless steel.

«The stiffness of putting stainless steel construction on top of a stiff battery in a vehicle,» Brooks said, «essentially it seems like it’s just going to turn these vehicles into a missile.»

Both Brooks and Russell pointed out that videos from Cybertruck crash tests also appear to show the car having a dangerously small «crumple zone,» or area designed to crunch in on itself to absorb energy from the collision.

Russell said the decision to design the front of the truck with sharp-angled stainless steel sheets doesn’t bode well for anyone involved in an accident with one.

«That is not a recipe for a safe collision,» he said.

Brooks ultimately predicted the vehicle’s design would, in the event of an accident, ultimately lead to «increased injuries» to pedestrians, other vehicles on the road, the driver of the Cybertruck, and their passengers.

Additionally, the Cybertruck comes preloaded with Tesla’s «Autopilot,» which lets some drivers use hands-free for extended periods and has been blamed in more than 270 crashes when used inappropriately.

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Remembering the truck included the self-driving feature during his interview with Business Insider, Brooks repeated his metaphor, this time referring to it as a «guideless missle.»

«It’s designed and built almost like a weapon,» he added. «Sharp edges, very fast, and marketed to what seems to be the ‘Mad Max’ militant side of our society.»

Tesla na žádost o komentář nereagovala.

3 Tesla Cybertrucks can be seen here. They are giant, bulletproof, futuristic, post-apocalyptic, alien-technology, self-driving beasts.

Zveřejněno: 20. března 2023 — 6:57
Autor: Jeremy Johnson

3 Tesla Cybertrucks Being Unloaded: They Will Be on Public Roads This Year

Připoj se k nám.

Tesla Cybertruck: Design and Performance

We see 3 Cybertrucks in a picture, which look like test vehicles. There have been reports that this image is fake and that it is from a delivery of an Orion LAS part, using this picture — what do you think?

Cybertruck picture was made from

Regardless, the Cybertruck is going to be on roads sooner than you think this year, and it is going to turn heads.

The Tesla Cybertruck is a futuristic, post-apocalyptic, self-driving beast that is bulletproof and made of ultra-hard 30X cold-rolled stainless-steel. The truck is engineering in a genius manner, having no curves in its steel.

It is a giant truck that is powered by an electric motor and will have a range of up to 500 miles on a single charge, assuming a quad-motor variant. The Cybertruck is a unique vehicle that has been designed to look like it is from another planet, with its angular lines and futuristic design.

Tesla Cybertruck: Giant, Bulletproof, Futuristic, Post-Apocalyptic, Alien-Technology, Self-Driving Beasts

Tesla is known for its innovative and futuristic design, and the Cybertruck is no exception. Elon Musk called the Model S Plaid «alien technology», and I think he will say the same thing about the Cybertruck.

The Cybertruck is a giant, bulletproof, futuristic, post-apocalyptic, alien-technology, self-driving beast that is unlike anything else on the road today.

Cybertruck Design

The Cybertruck is a unique vehicle that has been designed to look like it is from another planet. The angular lines and futuristic design of the Cybertruck make it stand out from other vehicles on the road.

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The Cybertruck is made of ultra-hard 30X cold-rolled stainless-steel, which makes it bulletproof and incredibly durable. The windows on the Cybertruck will not be bulletproof.

Cybertruck Performance

The Cybertruck is powered by an electric motor and has a range of up to 500 miles on a single charge, assuming a quad-motor variant.

The Cybertruck trimotor was slated to go from 0 to 60 mph in just 2.9 seconds, which is faster than most sports cars on the road today.

The Cybertruck is also capable of towing up to 14,000 pounds, which makes it a great vehicle for hauling heavy loads.

Také by vás mohlo zajímat:

  • Tesla will build 8 more Giga factories: Each will get to 2 million vehicles per year
  • Ohromující ekonomika návěsu Tesla.
  • Pohled z letu dronu na proces ražení Tesly na Giga Berlin.

Tesla Cybertruck: Self-Driving and Price

Cybertruck Self-Driving

The Cybertruck is equipped with Tesla’s Autopilot system, which allows the vehicle to drive itself on the highway. The Autopilot system uses cameras, radar, and ultrasonic sensors to detect other vehicles and objects on the road.

The Cybertruck is also equipped with Tesla’s Full Self-Driving system, which is capable of driving the vehicle without any human intervention.

One thing that people are sleeping on is that people who pre-ordered the Cybertruck have a locked in Full Self-Driving system price. By the time volume production is reached in the Cybertruck, you’re going to have many people who paid a cheap price to get autonomous software for their vehicle.

Cybertruck Price

The Cybertruck was priced at $39,900 for the base model, however, I don’t think that model will get built initially. If it were, it would be half the cost of a base Ford F-150. I see the Cybertruck price starting at $79,900 for its trimotor variant without Full Self-Driving.

The good news is that this will make the Cybertruck eligible for a $7,500 federal tax credit, which makes it even more affordable.

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The Tesla Cybertruck is a giant, bulletproof, futuristic, post-apocalyptic, alien-technology, self-driving beast that is unlike anything else on the road today. Just wait until these start to hit the public roads — it will turn heads.

Cybertruck Summary

The Cybertruck is a unique vehicle that has been designed to look like it is from another planet, with its angular lines and futuristic design. The Cybertruck is also incredibly fast, powerful, and capable of towing heavy loads. If you are looking for a vehicle that is truly unique and unlike anything else on the road today, then the Tesla Cybertruck is definitely worth considering.

I’m looking forward to seeing these on the roads and to owning one some day. Would you get a Cybertruck?

Giant, bulletproof, futuristic, post-apocalyptic, alien-technology, self-driving beasts — Jeremy Noel Johnson (@AGuyOnlineHere) March 20, 2023

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Jeremy Johnson je investorem a podporovatelem Tesly. Poprvé investoval do Tesly v roce 2017 po letech sledování Elona Muska a obdivování jeho pracovní morálky a inteligence. Od té doby se stal býkem Tesly, který se zabývá vším, co o Tesle najde, a zároveň fušuje do jiných společností vyrábějících elektrická vozidla. Jeremy pokrývá vývoj společnosti Tesla v Torque News. Můžete ho sledovat na Twitteru nebo LinkedIn a zůstat v kontaktu a sledovat jeho zpravodajství Tesla na Torque News.