I’m waiting for the weather to clear so I can get 500 miles on my new 1320. I have a question though regarding proper burnout procedure. In my designated drag car ( with 2 speed power glide), I start the burnout in first and then quickly shift to second for the remainder of the burnout. In my dragster ( also with a power glide ) , I do the whole burnout in second. What is the proper procedure in my 1320? Do you start in1st and shift to second or leave it in automatic mode and let it shift on its own or what? I’ll be using the line lock feature as that looks pretty simple and is way easier on the brakes!
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1518 příspěvků · Připojeno 2017
Let it shift itself.
9831 příspěvků · Připojeno 2017

Here’s dragrcr, sounds like 2nd gear?

Odesláno z mého SM-N960U pomocí Tapatalk

2016 Challenger SRT 392 — A8 automatic, Technology Group, Alcantara Suede
330 příspěvků · Připojeno 2020

I’m waiting for the weather to clear so I can get 500 miles on my new 1320. I have a question though regarding proper burnout procedure. In my designated drag car ( with 2 speed power glide), I start the burnout in first and then quickly shift to second for the remainder of the burnout. In my dragster ( also with a power glide ) , I do the whole burnout in second. What is the proper procedure in my 1320? Do you start in1st and shift to second or leave it in automatic mode and let it shift on its own or what? I’ll be using the line lock feature as that looks pretty simple and is way easier on the brakes!
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Ive only taken the 1320 to the strip a couple times but found 2nd gear gets the tires hot enough, not so much in first. Need a good water box — on 305s. I like the line lock — works as intened but the transbrake is a frickin joke. I dont play video games and if you do it might work better for you. I want to wire the transbrake to a button instead of having to do 5 things as you stage. Guess they had to do it that way so someone didnt hit the brake while driving and grenade the tranny. A simple switch to activate the button should solve that.

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The1320 is a cool car. Trying to resist the temptation to cam and tune it but since I think I’ll keep the HC stock the 1320 will likley get molested lol. I think they are built to beat on more so than the HC, super sport/demon excluded of course.

4518 příspěvků · Připojeno 2015

I’m waiting for the weather to clear so I can get 500 miles on my new 1320. I have a question though regarding proper burnout procedure. In my designated drag car ( with 2 speed power glide), I start the burnout in first and then quickly shift to second for the remainder of the burnout. In my dragster ( also with a power glide ) , I do the whole burnout in second. What is the proper procedure in my 1320? Do you start in1st and shift to second or leave it in automatic mode and let it shift on its own or what? I’ll be using the line lock feature as that looks pretty simple and is way easier on the brakes!
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In the supercharged cars I do my burnout in second gear manual at 5000-6000 RPM. I try to keep it more like 6000 so it will sometimes bounce off the rev limiter and in that case I try to dial it back a little. I do this because I like the control I have. If you leave it in Drive you either boil the tires or the car will upshift too much and then the tires recover before I like.

I start in first gear. I boot the throttle and as long as you are real aggressive then the car will force a shift to second gear on it’s own. You get used to the sound. If it fails to shift to second I just grab the right paddle once.

Scat Pack 1320 should work the same. Except you will carry a lot more throttle opening I assume. And it may not force a shift to second.

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The line lock is simple enough as long as you follow the rules. Never touch the brake pedal. After you set it and take you foot all the way off the brake pedal, you MUST count to 3 before touching the gas pedal (allows the brake pedal to relax fully). Only touch the OK button. Touching any other buttons may cause it to cancel.

If you limp you MUST take responsibility for control of the vehicle and count to 10 before it will reset. That means, foot off the gas, foot on the brake and come to a dead stop, finger off the OK and count.

I was told that extended periods will not hurt the ABS controller. So best to set the line lock ASAP and wait for the signal. Left foot on the dead pedal, right foot at the ready but OFF brake and gas pedals.

Also if you depress the gas pedal more than like 30% and then release I think it will cancel. If you spin the rear tire at all and then stop it will cancel. So if you start your burnout at all and then for some reason you stop, it will cancel.

Easy to burnout - the Line Lock function in the vehicle!

Anyone who owns a car with rear-wheel drive or a disengageable all-wheel drive and wants to spin the rear wheels during races can make the process easier with the so-called LINE LOCK function. The «Line Lock Module» is a component that is already in the Drag Race Scene is known. In order to let the rear wheels spin without the car moving, the front wheels must of course stand still. Various tuning workshops are taking on the challenge of installation by retrofitting the Line Lock function. By the way, the Dodge Challenger Redeye and also the Demon have already installed this function ex works. Line Lock is discussed in more detail below.

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Line Lock — known in drag racing

Easy to burnout - the Line Lock function in the vehicle!

Tuned cars that are used in drag racing, for example, require professional and flawless tuning equipment. It is not uncommon for cars with more than 1000 hp to be used in the drag race. A car with rear-wheel drive and line lock function can be used perfectly to spin the rear wheels. This attracts attention and focuses on the driver during the drag race. Of course, the point is to bring the rear wheels to the right temperature. The Line Lock function integrated in the car ensures that the front wheels are consistently stationary while the driver spins the rear wheels. These spin until the brake is released or the tire blesses the time.

Line Lock — brake pressure is on the front axle

A drag race driver heats up the rear wheels before the actual race. The tires are a so-called Burnout exposed. The driver of the car applies the brakes and the integrated line lock (musí být aktivován) ensures that the brake pressure is only distributed to the front axle. The rear brakes are virtually disconnected and the rear wheels do not lock. So there is a spin of the rear wheels that enables a perfect burnout without much effort. As already mentioned, the Line Lock is only intended for cars with rear-wheel drive or for those that have an all-wheel drive, the function of which can be deactivated on the front wheels. And the function should only be used when a drag race or another permitted racing event is taking place. So please don’t at the traffic lights or in front of the ice cream parlor!

Line Lock software regulates brake pressure

The line lock is certainly not seen as a useful function by outsiders. The layman thinks it should only be fun and make the hearts of racing enthusiasts beat faster. But that’s not true! The function is clearly intended to be able to optimally heat up the rear wheels in an acceleration race without great effort. But it is also a fact that it is not about safety, use and necessity in road traffic. How the system actually works can be seen in many videos on the Internet. Basically it’s just some electrical equipment and a control valve for the brake system. The effort is manageable. The manufacturers of retrofit kits point out that the use of such software or the burnout of the rear tires can lead to a limitation of the manufacturer’s guarantee. This should of course be considered if the system is to be installed in a «normal» road vehicle. If you want to use the technology of the Line Lock function, you are at the right place at tuning workshops. The employees, especially in the drag racing area, are familiar with the use of the Line Lock function and the possibility of retrofitting and can also explain the legal situation in more detail.

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Line Lock — conclusion: The Line Lock function ensures that the brake pressure is distributed to the front axle and the front wheels stand still while the rear wheels can spin. Such a system is used in drag races and makes sense. We hope that the info report on the topic / term Line lock function (further names / keywords: brake line lock, brake control valve, brake valve, burnout function, line lock module) z oblasti autotuningu. Naším cílem je vytvořit největší německojazyčný ladící slovník (Ladění Wikipedie) and to explain tuning terms from A to Z easily and understandably. Almost every day we expand this lexicon and how far we are, you can ZDE vidět. Brzy bude další Koncept ladění scény be illuminated by us. By the way, you will be informed about new topics if you have ours Feed subscribe to.

Easy to burnout - the Line Lock function in the vehicle!

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Easy to burnout - the Line Lock function in the vehicle!

Easy to burnout - the Line Lock function in the vehicle!

Easy to burnout - the Line Lock function in the vehicle!

Easy to burnout - the Line Lock function in the vehicle!

Easy to burnout - the Line Lock function in the vehicle!

O Thomasu Wachsmuthovi

Thomas Wachsmuth — Nedílnou součástí tuningblog.eu je od roku 2013. Jeho vášeň pro auta je tak intenzivní, že do ní investuje každý dostupný cent. Zatímco sní o BMW E31 a Hennessey 6×6 Ford F-150, v současnosti jezdí s poněkud nevýraznou Alpinou B5. Jeho sbírka knih, časopisů a brožur na téma autotuning nyní dosáhla takových rozměrů, že se sám stal chodícím referenčním dílem pro tuningovou scénu. Více o Thomasovi