Compared to filling up your tank at familiar gasoline or diesel pumps, charging an EV is vastly different, and may even seem complex and daunting.

So to help you navigate, we answered the 7 most asked questions about electric car charging:

  1. How does electric charging work?
  2. What powers electric car charging stations?
  3. Jak dlouho trvá nabití autobaterie?
  4. What does it cost to charge an electric car?
  5. How often do you have to charge an electric car?
  6. Kde mohu nabíjet svůj elektromobil?
  7. How much maintenance does an EV charger need?

1. How does electric car charging work?

Charging an electric car is a pretty simple process that can differ depending on the type of charger. Generally, every EV comes with a charging cable and plug suitable for the specific car and country you live in . Most of the time, you will be able to plug the cable directly into a 3-pin home outlet and charge your EV straight off your home’s electrical network.

How do EV charging stations work?

Charging via a home EV charging station (or charging on the go) works differently. While it depends on the charging station, generally, the process is as follows:

  1. Identify yourself to the charging station – this may be through a mobile app, an RFID tag or card, or even using a contactless credit or debit card.
  2. Plug the charging cable into the vehicle and the station. Some stations come with built-in cables, in which case you can plug that directly into your car.
  3. Nabít. You should see confirmation through your vehicle’s display as well as the charger’s indicator lights.
  4. Once charged, you can end the charging session via the station or mobile app, depending on how you started it.

However, that could be changing in the near future with Plug & Charge (ISO 15118) . This new international standard provides a direct communication interface between chargers and EVs, payments are arranged automatically, allowing a charger to immediately recognize, identify, and connect to your car and start charging.

An aerial shot of multiple cars charging on a parking lot, the visual is edited to represent the status of a charge, green is full, gray is charging, orange is nearly empty.

How do you pay for electric car charging?

When charging at home, the electricity used by your EV will simply be added to your electric bill. Paying for public charging works differently. Often, you can either pay directly by card or an app, or your charging costs are monthly billed based on a contract or subscription.

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2. What powers electric car charging stations?

While EV chargers come in many different shapes and sizes, the main difference is whether they provide alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC).

An infographic explaining the difference between alternating and direct current.

AC vs DC electricity

All batteries, including those in EVs, store DC power, so the AC current coming from the grid must be converted. It’s not a question of if, but rather kde this conversion happens that highlights the key difference between AC and DC chargers.

AC chargers are the most common (and generally slower) type. Without getting too technical, this is because the conversion happens inside your vehicle and is limited to the power it can process. In most cases, AC charging can reach up to 22 kWh.

To avoid getting too technical, let’s give a practical example. In order to fully charge a Tesla Model S (that has a 100 kWh battery) with a 22 kW Level 2 charging station, it would take about 7 hours, while it would take an 11 kW charging station approximately 10 hours to do the same.

With DC charging, the electricity is converted from AC to DC by the charging station before it reaches your car. This allows it to bypass the car’s slower onboard converter and achieve much higher power outputs, up to 350 kWh as it feeds power ‘directly’ to the battery. As a result, charging an EV with a DC charger takes mere minutes rather than hours.

For context, and quick comparison; what would this mean when fast charging a Tesla Model S? This would only take around 30 minutes.

An infographic explaining the difference between AC and DC charging for an EV. A DC charger connects directly to the battery, while the AC one connects to the onboard charger.

However, –as you can probably imagine– DC charging infrastructure requires a lot of power and is therefore unsuitable for most residential, commercial, and municipal environments.

3. Jak dlouho trvá nabití autobaterie?

One of the main determinants of charging time is the car’s battery size. Just as a large fuel tank takes more time to fill up, generally speaking, the larger the battery, the longer it takes to charge it. But other than size, the car and chargers’ charging capacity and even the weather can impact charging times.

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Another important factor that will affect an EV’s charging time is the battery’s state of charge. Because of their chemistry, batteries can accept more power at lower charge levels: as they get closer to 100%, the charging power slows down considerably.

So while charging a car from 20% to 70% might only take a few minutes, charging it from 70% to full will take substantially longer.

Beyond battery capacity and state of charge, another element influencing charging time is the car’s charging capacity. Not all EVs are rated to accept the same charging power.

While some may be able to take up to 350 kWh fast charging, many are limited to much lower power inputs, often between 100 kWh and 150 kWh. The same applies to slower AC charging: while the theoretical maximum charging power is 22 kWh, many cars can only use 7.4 kWh or 11 kWh.

An infographic explaining the difference between AC and DC charging curves in a charging station.

Beyond battery capacity and state of charge, another element influencing charging time is the car’s charging capacity. Not all EVs are rated to accept the same charging power.

While some may be able to take up to 350 kWh fast charging, many are limited to much lower power inputs, often between 100 kWh and 150 kWh. The same applies to slower AC charging: while the theoretical maximum charging power is 22 kWh, many cars can only use 7.4 kWh or 11 kWh.

An infographic explaining the difference between AC and DC charging curves in a charging station.

EV charger types

Linked to the car’s charging capacity is the charger’s capacity, in other words, how much power it can provide. Broadly speaking, there are 3 types of charging stations .

  • Level 1 chargers are the slowest, most common type. They can be connected to a wall socket at home and deliver up to 2.3 kWh, or around 6 to 8 km of range per hour.
  • Level 2 chargers provide higher speeds but require professional installation. They are the most common type found in residential, commercial, and municipal settings. Most level 2 chargers can deliver at least 7.4 kWh or 11 kWh, with some capable of up to 22 kWh. Charging on those power outputs adds about 40 km, 60 km, and 120 km per hour respectively.
  • Level 3 chargers , also called DC or fast chargers, can deliver the most power and highest charging speed. They require bulky transformers and are not cost-effective for residential and most municipal uses. The highest-rated level 3 chargers can deliver up to 350 kWh, although lower outputs such as 50 kWh, 125 kWh, and 150 kWh are more common. At those rates, most EVs can charge up to 80% in less than an hour, sometimes even as little as a few minutes.
Co se stane, když bezdrátové nabíjení a připojení?

Finally, weather conditions, particularly temperature, can impact charging speed. Indeed, batteries have a narrow optimal operating range of around 21°C. When the temperatures are significantly higher or lower, the battery will use some energy to heat or cool itself, increasing the time it takes to charge it.

EV charging speeds are highly variable, and we’ve only scratched the surface of the topic. You can check out our in-depth blog explanation about EV Charging times.

4. What does it cost to charge an electric car?

As with charging times, costs vary greatly depending on your location, utility company, and tariff, to name a few. However, two key determinants of charging costs are the kWh price of electricity and the size of your vehicle’s battery. Though on average, it usually costs around 30 euros or dollars for a full charge.

A closeup of a woman tapping her EVBox payment card on an EVBox charging station while holding a charger plug on the other hand.

Náklady na nabití elektromobilu

While electricity prices vary from country to country, the EU average as of updating this blog is currently 40.0 euro cents per kWh almost doubling in price, while in the US, a kWh costs went up to 17 dollar cents on average, this is mainly due to the current energy situation. Based on these prices, a car with a 50 kWh battery, such as the Standard Range Tesla Model 3, would cost around €20 or $8.5 to charge completely at home. Public charging stations, and especially fast chargers, often mark up the price of electricity, so a full charge on them will cost more, around 30 euros or dollars .

Regardless of your specific location, charging your EV at home will increase your electric bill – at least, unless you generate your own electricity, for example, using solar panels . Still, the cost of the electricity to power your EV is far less than what gasoline or diesel would cost.

5. How often do you have to charge an electric car?

The answer depends greatly on your driving habits and car’s range, charging often is recommended. But how often is often?

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Mám nabíjet své elektrické auto každou noc?

Keeping the vehicle’s charge between 20 percent to 80 percent battery capacity and only charge when it’s necessary, is best practice.

Dojezd elektromobilu

While EV ranges vary greatly, the current average range is around 331 km on a full charge. Similarly, although driving distances vary between countries, the average urban short trip in the EU is 43 km , well within the vast majority of EVs’ range.

Taking these average numbers, you would only need to charge your EV fully approximately every week. Of course, if you drive more or your car’s range is significantly lower, you’ll need to plug in more often. Even then, an EV will typically last multiple days before needing a charge.

Two smiling women are sitting in an electric BMW outside of a building with an EVBox Elvi charging station installed on the wall.

6. Where can I charge my electric car?

Unlike gas or diesel, electricity is available almost everywhere, meaning there are nearly endless possibilities to charge your car.

A woman is holding the charging plug of a white EVBox charging station. In the background, the cityscape of New York on a sunny day.

A key benefit of EVs is waking up in the morning and starting the day with a full charge. According to our Mobility Monitor report , home charging is the most popular among EV drivers, with 64% regularly charging at home. Workplace charging comes in second , with 34% of drivers charging at work.

31% charge regularly at public and commercial parking spots, while 29% of them charge at gas stations. Finally, 26% of current EV drivers charge regularly at supermarkets, while 22% charge at shopping malls and department stores.

As the above data shows, the benefit of EVs lies in their versatility: charging locations adapt to your needs, lifestyle, and vehicle use.

7. How much maintenance does an EV charger need?

In most cases, the answer is very little.

For Level 1 and 2 home chargers, the most maintenance you’ll typically need is an occasional quick check for any damage to the cables and plugs to ensure they’re in good working order. With everyday use, these chargers are designed to last years before they require servicing. If you experience any problems with your charging station, we recommend contacting your supplier.

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For publicly accessible level 2 or 3 chargers, the required maintenance depends on their use and location. Cables, plugs, and the charger itself should be inspected regularly to check for any damage and ensure good operation. Touch screens, card or RFID readers, and software systems also need to be checked and updated regularly.

Generally, charger manufacturers offer extended warranties and plány služeb for a yearly fee, which includes preventative maintenance and quick repairs if something goes wrong. However, with new connectivity and modularity features built into modern chargers, problems can often be diagnosed remotely.

A closeup of a person who is repairing the electrical panel of an EVBox charging station.

Switching to electric mobility is a significant decision that requires some habit changes compared to a gasoline or diesel car. Charging an EV, in particular, is an entirely different process compared to refueling an ICE car, but one that can offer increased flexibility and adapt to your lifestyle.

And these are the 7 most frequently asked questions about EV charging. Do you have more questions or are curious to know more? Check out our complete guide to EV charging for a thorough overview of the topic.