Audis are expected to last an average of 150,000 to 200,000 miles as long as you keep up with regular maintenance.

Napsal Lynell Spencer
Aktualizováno 20. dubna 2023

  • Audis have average lifespans
  • Audis have below-average reliability
  • The most reliable Audi models
  • The least reliable Audi models
  • How to make your Audi last longer
  • Nejčastější dotazy

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You can expect a properly driven and maintained Audi to last 150,000 to 200,000 miles, or 10 to 13 years.

Overall, Audi vehicles rank 28th in dependability out of 32 car brands.
The Audi Q3, A4, and A6 are the most reliable Audi models to drive.
The Audi Q5 and fully electric Audi E-tron are the least reliable Audi models to own.
Audis have average lifespans

When driven responsibly and well-maintained, an Audi will give you 150,000 to 200,000 miles of high-performance luxury. Based on 15,000 miles driven a year, you can plan on having your Audi for 10 to 13 years.

Pro referenci: The average lifespan for a commuter car in the USA is 11 years.
Of course, there are a lot of factors that impact the lifespan of your car:
Following a routine
plán údržby vozu
Silniční podmínky
Místní klima
Vaše řidičské návyky
The Audi model you drive
Audis have below-average reliability

The reality of Audi reliability: Audi is assumed to be a very dependable brand because it is considered a high-performance luxury vehicle. Unfortunately, Audi vehicles rank 28th out of 32 major brands in the world when it comes to dependability.

Dependability rankings take into account the frequency and cost of repairs for a brand, both for scheduled maintenance and unexpected break downs.

What Audi cars lack in longevity, they make up for in engineering and performance. Audi owners may spend more on

opravy automobilů
, but their overall driving experience is still top-notch.
The most reliable Audi models

According to the 2021 J.D. Power Quality & Reliability Score, these are the Audis that top the list for reliability. If you’re looking to buy a reliable car or a used Audi, check out these models.

Vyvolávací cena 2021 : $ 35,095
Five-year true cost to own: $58,297
2021 J.D. Power Quality & Reliability Score : 77/100 (average)

boasts a 5/5 NHTSA crash test rating. It was named a 2020 Best Buy Award winner for subcompact luxury SUVs.

Vyvolávací cena 2021: $40,145
Five-year true cost to own: N/A ($63,277 for 2020 model)
Skóre kvality a spolehlivosti napájení J.D. 2021: 74/100 (průměr)

has been recognized with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s (IIHS) “Top Safety Pick” designation when equipped with available LED or Matrix-design LED headlights.

Vyvolávací cena 2021: $55,945
Five-year true cost to own: N/A ($77,600 for 2020 model)
Skóre kvality a spolehlivosti napájení J.D. 2021: 69/100 (fair)
received IIHS “Top Safety Pick+”, which is the highest rating awarded by the organization.
The least reliable Audi models

If your top priority is dependability, you may want to take these Audi models off your list of cars to buy.

Vyvolávací cena 2021: $44,395
Five-year true cost to own: N/A ($65,873 for 2020 model)
2021 J.D. Power Quality & Reliability Score : 63/100 (fair)
According to Repair Pal’s 2022 ratings, an
has a reliability rating of 3.0 out of 5.0, which ranks it 11th out of 14 for luxury midsize SUVs.
The average annual repair cost is $928, which means that upkeep will likely be higher than average.
Audi e-tron
Vyvolávací cena 2021: $66,995
Five-year true cost to own : N / A
Skóre kvality a spolehlivosti napájení J.D. 2021: 62/100 (fair)
Consumer Reports

Proč mi nefunguje automatické stahování oken?

gives the 2021 Audi e-Tron just a 1/5 for its predicted reliability. Although it has the lowest possible reliability score, the

Audi e-Tron is still popular
with consumers because of the great driving experience it offers.
How to make your Audi last longer

Quattro technology and luxury interiors make these German cars so fun to drive—and you’ll want to keep your Audi in the best shape to enjoy it as long as possible.

Stick to a regular maintenance schedule: When your car is running properly, it is easy to forget about routine maintenance—but this is the single most important thing you can do to

keep your car in the best condition
na nejdelší dobu.
Don’t ignore issues: Projekt
zkontrolujte světlo motoru

is there for a reason. Getting the little things taken care of now means they don’t contribute to longer-term issues with your Audi.

Spring for quality oil: Oil really is the lifeblood of your car—spring for a fully synthetic oil the next time you perform an oil change.

Pravidelně myjte auto: It may not seem that important, but keeping your whole car (including the undercarriage) clean prevents rust and other build-up on parts.

Ochladit: Abruptly turning off a revved-up engine is hard on your bearings and other moving parts. This is especially true for turbocharged engines like the

Give it a workout: Take your Audi out on the open road and get your RPMs elevated. While you certainly shouldn’t do this all the time, doing it occasionally will help remove carbon deposits in your engine and improve the life of your car.

Odlehčete zátěž: Time to clean out the trunk! Minimize the amount of weight your car is carrying to protect your suspension, get better gas mileage, and extend the life of your vehicle.

„Vzhledem k tomu, že mám luxusní auto, zajímalo mě spíše lepší pokrytí než přesná cena.

pomohl mi upgradovat moji politiku, a až bude můj rekord příští rok vymazán, znovu použiji Jerryho, abych si vybral ještě levnější plán!“ -Paige W.

Přeplácíte pojištění auta?
Porovnejte a zjistěte za 45 sekund.

Žádné dlouhé formy. Žádné spamové hovory. Bezplatné nabídky.
Hodnocení App Store 4.7/5, více než 8,100 XNUMX recenzí
Důvěřuje více než 1.5 milionu zákazníků.
What is high mileage for an Audi?

High mileage for an Audi would be considered 150,000 to 200,000 miles, but it’s also important to factor in the age of the car. Anything more than 15,000 miles a year is high mileage for an Audi.

Are Audis expensive to maintain?

Yes: Audis have an average repair cost of $987 per year. The average for all car brands combined is $652 per year.

Porovnejte si zdarma nabídky pojištění auta

Jerry automaticky nakupuje vaše pojištění před každým obnovením. Členové ušetří 872 $ ročně.
Hodnocení na App Store
12,000+ recenzí
Důvěřuje 3.5 milionu majitelů automobilů, jako jste vy
Také by vás mohlo zajímat

Kolik kilometrů vydrží Audi?

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Lynell Spencer · Odborný spisovatel pojištění

Lynell Spencer je pojišťovací spisovatel, který se specializuje na pojištění automobilů, údržbu automobilů a vlastnictví domů. Posláním společnosti Lynell je vytvářet vzdělávací obsah, který pomáhá majitelům aut a domů řešit problémy – ať už jde o opravu díry ve zdi nebo řešení nejnovějšího problému vašeho Mini Cooperu. Lynell napsal více než 150 článků na celou řadu témat, od oprav aut po údržbu domu a dokonce i rady při stěhování. Před nástupem do Jerryho redakčního týmu pracovala Lynell na publikování akademických zdrojů včetně zpráv, bílých knih a kapitol v učebnicích.

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Redakční poznámka: Tento článek napsal placený člen Jerryho redakčního týmu. Prohlášení v tomto článku představují osobní názory autora a nepředstavují rady nebo doporučení. Před jakýmkoli rozhodnutím o pojištění byste se měli poradit s odborníkem na pojištění o svých konkrétních okolnostech a potřebách.

How Many Miles Can An Audi Last? (10 Popular Models)

How many miles can a particular model of Audi last? When you’re in the market for a new or second-hand Audi, that’s, of course, a very reasonable question to ask. After all, you’re probably looking to get the most bang for your buck. In this blog, we’ll look at the most popular models but first, let’s start with a quick answer:

On average, an Audi lasts between 160,000 – 190,000 miles. The Audi Q5 is the most reliable Audi and can reach a maximum of 240,000 miles. The Audi Q3 is the least reliable Audi with a maximum of 150,000 miles.

Having said that, we’re certainly not done. Below you’ll find an overview of the most popular Audi models. We’ve done extensive research to determine the average and the maximum number of miles the car will go for each model. Furthermore, you’ll find the average life expectancy of the car, the average reliability rating, and how much money you will have to spend annually on maintenance. Read on!

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How Many Miles Can An Audi Last?

To answer the question of how many miles an Audi can last, we needed to do some research. For this, we’ve used the database of For each model of car that we’ve researched, we looked at several factors such as:

  • Počet vozů, ze kterých se velikost vzorku skládá
  • Jaký byl nejvyšší počet najetých kilometrů u tohoto modelu auta
  • Kolik z těchto vozů mělo najeto více než 150,000 XNUMX mil
  • Jaké je hodnocení spolehlivosti u auta
  • Průměrné roční výdaje na údržbu

Do you want to know how these Audis compare to other cars in terms of the expected miles they can last? Read more about that in this article: How Many Miles Can A Car Last? (156 Models Analyzed!)

Audi A3

Velikost vzorku: 2,439 XNUMX

An Audi A3 can drive a maximum of 182,000 miles. Audi A3s are reasonably reliable cars with a total of 0.90%, reaching a mileage of more than 150,000 miles. On average, an Audi A3 will last around 160,000 miles, giving it a life expectancy of 11 years and 10 months with an average mileage of 13,500 miles per year.

Looking at data from, we can see that Audi A3 are reasonably reliable cars to own. The car gets a reliability rating of 3.5/5 stars. However, the maintenance cost is slightly above average for a car this size, with average annual spending of $741. The car is brought to a mechanic for unexpected maintenance around 0.48 times per year, with a 9% probability of severe issues.

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Audi A4

Velikost vzorku: 4,682 XNUMX

An Audi A4 can drive a maximum of 224,000 miles. Audi A4s are reasonably reliable cars with a total of 1.94%, reaching a mileage of more than 150,000 miles. On average, an Audi A4 will last around 190,000 miles, giving it a life expectancy of 14 years and 1 month with an average mileage of 13,500 miles per year.

Looking at data from, we can see that Audi A4 are reasonably reliable cars to own. The car gets a reliability rating of 3.5/5 stars. However, the maintenance cost is slightly above average for a car this size, with average annual spending of $739. The car is brought to a mechanic for unexpected maintenance around 0.37 times per year, with a 13% probability of severe issues.

Audi A5

Velikost vzorku: 2,580 XNUMX

An Audi A5 can drive a maximum of 183,000 miles. Audi A5s are reasonably reliable cars with a total of 0.93%, reaching a mileage of more than 150,000 miles. On average, an Audi A5 will last around 160,000 miles, giving it a life expectancy of 11 years and 10 months with an average mileage of 13,500 miles per year.

Looking at data from, we can see that Audi A5 are reasonably reliable cars to own. The car gets a reliability rating of 3.5/5 stars. However, the maintenance cost is slightly above average for a car this size, with average annual spending of $798.

Audi A6

Velikost vzorku: 2,298 XNUMX

An Audi A6 can drive a maximum of 218,000 miles. Audi A6s are reliable cars with a total of 3.18%, reaching a mileage of more than 150,000 miles. On average, an Audi A6 will last around 190,000 miles, giving it a life expectancy of 14 years and 1 month with an average mileage of 13,500 miles per year.

Looking at data from, we can see that Audi A6 are reliable cars to own. The car gets a reliability rating of 3.5/5 stars. However, the maintenance cost is above average for a car this size, with average annual spending of $913. The car is brought to a mechanic for unexpected maintenance around 0.28 times per year, with a 12% probability of severe issues.

Audi A7

Velikost vzorku: 817 XNUMX

An Audi A7 can drive a maximum of 175,000 miles. Audi A7s are reasonably reliable cars with a total of 1.10%, reaching a mileage of more than 150,000 miles. On average, an Audi A7 will last around 150,000 miles, giving it a life expectancy of 11 years and 2 months with an average mileage of 13,500 miles per year.

Looking at data from, we can see that Audi A7 aren’t reliable cars to own. The car gets a reliability rating of 2/5 stars. Furthermore, the maintenance cost is far above average for a car this size, with average annual spending of $1,251. The car is brought to a mechanic for unexpected maintenance around 1.63 times per year, with a 14% probability of severe issues.

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Audi Q3

Velikost vzorku: 2,251 XNUMX

An Audi Q3 can drive a maximum of 150,000 miles. Audi Q3s aren’t very reliable cars with a total of 0.22%, reaching a mileage of more than 150,000 miles. On average, an Audi Q3 will last around 130,000 miles, giving it a life expectancy of 9 years and 8 months with an average mileage of 13,500 miles per year.

Looking at data from, we can see that Audi Q3 are reasonably reliable cars to own. The car gets a reliability rating of 3/5 stars. Furthermore, the maintenance cost is above average for a car this size, with average annual spending of $951.

Audi Q5

Velikost vzorku: 7,065 XNUMX

An Audi Q5 can drive a maximum of 240,000 miles. Audi Q5s are reasonably reliable cars with a total of 0.65%, reaching a mileage of more than 150,000 miles. On average, an Audi Q5 will last around 210,000 miles, giving it a life expectancy of 15 years and 7 months with an average mileage of 13,500 miles per year.

Looking at data from, we can see that Audi Q5 aren’t reliable cars to own. The car gets a reliability rating of 3/5 stars. Furthermore, the maintenance cost is above average for a car this size, with average annual spending of $928. The car is brought to a mechanic for unexpected maintenance around 1.19 times per year, with a 9% probability of severe issues.

Audi Q7

Velikost vzorku: 3,542 XNUMX

An Audi Q7 can drive a maximum of 229,000 miles. Audi Q7s are reliable cars with a total of 2.06%, reaching a mileage of more than 150,000 miles. On average, an Audi Q7 will last around 200,000 miles, giving it a life expectancy of 14 years and 10 months with an average mileage of 13,500 miles per year.

Looking at data from, we can see that Audi Q7 aren’t reliable cars to own. The car gets a reliability rating of 2.5/5 stars. Furthermore, the maintenance cost is far above average for a car this size, with average annual spending of $1,185. The car is brought to a mechanic for unexpected maintenance around 0.9 times per year, with a 13% probability of severe issues.

Audi S4

Velikost vzorku: 801 XNUMX

An Audi S4 can drive a maximum of 195,000 miles. Audi S4s are reliable cars with a total of 1.62%, reaching a mileage of more than 150,000 miles. On average, an Audi S4 will last around 165,000 miles, giving it a life expectancy of 12 years and 3 months with an average mileage of 13,500 miles per year.

Looking at data from, we can see that Audi S4 aren’t reliable cars to own. The car gets a reliability rating of 2/5 stars. Furthermore, the maintenance cost is far above average for a car this size, with average annual spending of $1,171. The car is brought to a mechanic for unexpected maintenance around 0.89 times per year, with a 17% probability of severe issues.

Audi S5

Velikost vzorku: 1,264 XNUMX

An Audi S5 can drive a maximum of 160,000 miles. Audi S5s aren’t very reliable cars with a total of 0.63%, reaching a mileage of more than 150,000 miles. On average, an Audi S5 will last around 140,000 miles, giving it a life expectancy of 10 years and 5 months with an average mileage of 13,500 miles per year.

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Looking at data from, we can see that Audi S5 aren’t reliable cars to own. The car gets a reliability rating of 2/5 stars. Furthermore, the maintenance cost is far above average for a car this size, with average annual spending of $1,164. The car is brought to a mechanic for unexpected maintenance around 1.2 times per year, with a 17% probability of severe issues.

Should You Buy An Audi With A Higher Mileage?

Another important question to ask yourself when you’re in the market for a used Audi is whether or not it’s smart to buy a high mileage one. As you’ve read in the article, Audi’s aren’t typically very reliable cars and they’re also quite expensive to maintain. One of the reasons for this is that these are luxury cars (like BMWs) which are expensive to maintain, especially when they reach higher mileages.

For this reason alone, we wouldn’t advise an Audi that has mileage above the 120,000 miles mark. It’s most likely best to buy an Audi that is around five years old. Using data from we can see that five-year-old Audi’s have depreciated around 50%.

Assuming an average mileage of 13,500 per year, this means a five-year-old Audi has 67.500 miles on the odometer. In most cases, this means the car still has 7 – 10 years left before it really gives out. However, do be prepared to pay above average maintenance cost in the meantime.

How To Maintain An Audi So That It Will Reach High Mileages?

For a Audi to reach high mileage, regular maintenance must be carried out according to the maintenance schedule of your Audi. Also, this maintenance schedule gives you a clear overview of what you can expect for maintenance when you’re buying a used Audi.

Below you’ll find the list of the general maintenance points that should be carried out for an Audi. Please keep in mind that every model of Audi is different and that they have different maintenance requirements.

  • Oil change: Every 10,000 miles
  • Tire rotation: Every 10,000 miles
  • Service battery and cables: Every 20,000 miles
  • Air filter replacement: Every 20,000 miles
  • Cabin air filter replacement: 40,000 miles
  • Lubricate trunks and doors: 40,000 miles
  • Spark plugs replacement: Every 60,000 miles



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