Orange Toyota Prius

CoPilot Compare rozebírá rozdíly v cenách a funkcích mezi modely modelu Prius z roku, takže můžete najít to nejlepší mezi hodnotou A spolehlivostí.

The Toyota Prius is a unique option from Toyota, a hybrid with a practical body for those who must commute through the city. It’s been around for two decades and has only improved with time. If you’re interested in this car, you might be interested in its lifespan. You might ask yourself — how long do Toyota Priuses last?

One of the most critical factors when investing in a car is to think about its lifespan. The longer a vehicle lasts, the longer you can avoid purchasing another car and making serious repairs to your Prius. Toyota has made some quality vehicles — how does the Toyota Prius stack up? Read on to learn more about how long the Toyota Prius will last and other information.

How Many Miles Does the Toyota Prius Last?

How long do Toyota Priuses last? According to, a Toyota Prius will last 250,000-300,000 miles with proper maintenance. In some cases, the Prius will last much longer beyond that predicted point with careful assistance. It’s a quality car made to get you as far as possible without falling apart.

  • Cold weather and frequent short trips
  • Jízda vyšší rychlostí
  • Aggressive driving, including braking constantly

Keep these in mind when driving your Toyota Prius, new or used.

The more work you put into your Toyota Prius, the more you will get out of your vehicle. Drive your car gently, try not to power forward in cold weather, and try not to drive at excessive speeds. You should also address any maintenance issues to prevent them from turning into something more extreme.


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What Is High Mileage for the Toyota Prius?

We’ve noted that a Toyota Prius will last 250,000-300,000 miles. Thus, the high mileage for a Toyota Prius is anything over 200,000 miles. It will still drive, but you’re much closer to the point where you might encounter serious, expensive repairs.

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However, seeing high mileage on a used Toyota Prius shouldn’t scare you away from investing in an affordable Toyota Prius selection. If you notice a newer Toyota Prius with more mileage on the odometer for a decent price point, it’s well worth it. Try not to pick an older Toyota Prius, as they might have more issues than the newer versions of the Prius.

What Is a Good Mileage for a Toyota Prius?

It’s helpful to consider what is good mileage for a Toyota Prius to know when you’ve hit a good point for your vehicle. Based on the lifespan discussed for the Toyota Prius, it’s safe to say anything around 250,000 miles for the vehicle. Anything past that number means you’ve taken excellent care of your Prius.

If you have an extended commute to work, you will hit the end of the Prius’s lifespan much sooner than you would if you work from home. Those who don’t drive their Prius too much could keep it for decades.

Another critical factor in how long your Prius will last is maintenance. If you are actively aware of your vehicle’s various faults, you can care for them in time and help improve your Prius’s lifespan.


Vzhledem k tomu, že nákup auta je tak stresující, je užitečné zajít do prodejce s informacemi předem. Proto jsme sestavili seznam 10 nejspolehlivějších amerických vozů, abyste mohli k procesu přistupovat z místa zmocnění.

Should I Buy a Used Toyota Prius with More Than 100k?

How long do Toyota Priuses last? It might feel stressful to invest in a vehicle from a used car lot, especially if you see that most cars have more than 100,000 miles on the odometer. Even if they don’t cost too much, you might be hesitant to purchase a Prius selection with such extensive mileage. Is it worth it to purchase one of these cars?

If you see a vehicle with around 100,000 miles in a used car lot, it’s worth it if it’s a Toyota Prius. It’s always best to get a newer version of the car, but most Priuses should still be solid if they’ve been taken care of by their previous owners. If you want to save a few dollars, go with the Toyota Prius.

Co to znamená, že jsem se vrátil?

Při jakém počtu najetých kilometrů se většina Toyot porouchá?

It’s always helpful to consider the general lifespan of a car from Toyota to determine if the Prius is excellent. This number will show if Toyotas are worth it in general and how the Prius stacks up when comparing it to other offerings available from the manufacturer.

According to, most Toyotas will last 200,000-250,000 miles. The Toyota Prius meets and exceeds that average, offering an even longer lifespan compared to an already solid showing.


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Common Toyota Prius Issues

Some issues show up across all years for the Toyota Prius, whether it’s a new or older version. It’s helpful to know about these troubles beforehand to understand what you’re getting into before buying.

According to, here are the most common issues with the Toyota Prius:

  • Špatný údaj na palivoměru
  • Enter multi-function display failure
  • Rozsvícená kontrolka motoru díky selhání třícestného řídicího ventilu chladicí kapaliny

These appear most often in the Toyota Prius and are most reported by drivers.

You might find these in any year of the Toyota Prius, new and used. However, they are most likely to appear in older cars with poor maintenance and excessive mileage stacked on the odometer. The older your car, the more often these may appear.

Závěrečné myšlenky

How long do Toyota Priuses last? With proper care and maintenance from the driver, you can expect Priuses to last 250,000-300,000 miles. They are exceptional, reliable vehicles that can last much longer than other similar vehicles. The Prius is an excellent option from the Toyota name.

We hope this information is valuable! It’s tricky to land on the right car, new or used, especially if you’re seeking one with the best lifespan for your next investment. The Toyota Prius will last a long time and will keep more money in your pocket at the end of the day.

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There are plenty of Toyota Prius cars out there with loads of miles, to that there is no argument. But how long did Toyota engineers intend those cars to last? Here are some interesting facts that may surprise you about how companies define «lifetime.»

Zveřejněno: 4. listopadu 2019 — 1:12
Autor: Peter Neilson

Toyota Prius Prime Lifetime Silver How Long Does The Battery Last

Připoj se k nám.

I was sitting in a conference at a trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada, when the presenter said something that is forever embedded in my mind the word «Lifetime.» This simple word was the most confusing bit of verbiage I had heard before. I quickly then became obsessed with finding out what this means.

Our vehicles these days, the Toyota Prius included, are rolling out of the factory with specific components considered to last a «lifetime.» The issue is, no one knows what that means. Here are some items on your Toyota Prius you should be concerned about.

What «Lifetime» Means From The Toyota Perspective
I have to say that Toyota is not the only company that is doing the whole «lifetime» thing. There are many other companies also doing this. General Motors, Ford, Fiat Chrysler, to name a few.

The problem is this is very confusing to the consumer who is purchasing or leasing cars like the Prius. They keep getting told that they do not need to have various services performed because Toyota said it does not need to be touched. These items include some maintenance, which I will write out in just a moment.

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Toyota has deemed that some components, Prius included, are «lifetime.» What Toyota means by this is anywhere from 120,000 to 150,000 miles. Not exactly what some people want to hear. However, based on the research that Toyota has done with the customers that are buying their cars, this mileage makes total sense. Keep reading, and you will see why it does.

Third Genteration Toyota Prius High Miles 2012

Many consumers are buying, owning, leasing, and then selling or trading in their vehicles within five years. From that perspective, there is not much incentive to have a car last for 2 or 300,000 miles if it is just going to get traded-in. The bad part is that there are still people like you and me that will drive our Prius for 300,000 plus miles and not even worry about it. So, what does «lifetime» mean when it comes to owning a Toyota Prius.

I think that it means specific components of the cars are designed to fail to get you to buy a new one.

What You Need To Know About Lifetime For Your Prius
If the dealer tells you that there is no need to service a component on your Prius say the transmission, chances are they do not know themselves what they are telling you.

Fluids, like the WS spec fluid for your Prius transaxle, does need to be serviced. The question is not if, but when. Fluids, filters, batteries, bulbs, and other items all have a lifespan. They do eventually wear out and will need replacement. The thing about this is, the dealer may be banking on the repairs costing too much so they can sell you another new car.

A case in point is the Prius hybrid battery. No dealer will ever tell you that you should have battery maintenance performed on it. They are lying to you. Check out my article here on learning about battery reconditioning and why it can save you from having to turn that Prius in too early or get a new battery.

Toyota Super Long Life Engine and Hybrid System Coolant

The fact is this, if we picked out a Prius and looked at the data on when replacement batteries suggested, we could easily see it is between 120,000 to 150,000 miles. In other words, the battery has lived its «lifetime,» and now the Prius needs a significant repair. The dealer then hits you with a stiff 3000 dollar repair bill and bam, you have to consider replacing the car rather than fixing it. Not many people have that kind of money to spend on a battery, even though there are cheaper options.

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Another high point is the transmission fluid. The WS transmission fluid in the Toyota Prius transaxle needs replacement. It is a non-conductive type of fluid that can break down. If it does, it can cause windings in the stator part of the transmission to burn out. This issue is a real problem in the first generation Prius and has seen resolution by updating the fluid type.

If a dealer tells you that these services, such as transmission fluid changes, never need to occur, they are straight lying to you. A transmission service does need to happen regularly.

Proč investovat do čističky vzduchu?
Lifetime on a Toyota Prius is whatever you make of it. Everything on your Prius can and do need service at some point. Just because your dealer says that Toyota says it does not need to be, that is not always the truth. There are plenty of people out here on the internet, proving the dealers wrong all the time using dealer service information.

Take the time and do a little homework. Ask around, and feel free to reach out to me as well. If you want to go above and beyond the «lifetime» set forth by the manufacturer, it is possible.

Take care, everyone, thank you for reading. Be sure to check out my other article, Stop Catalytic Converter Theft On Your Toyota Prius With This New Shield.

Sledujte také novou technologii znamená více MPG z vašeho Toyota Prius a kliknutím se přihlaste k odběru novinek o točivém momentu na YouTube kanálu pro každodenní novinky Toyota Prius a automobilové novinky.

Peter Neilson je automobilový konzultant specializující se na elektromobily a technologie hybridních baterií. Je držitelem bakalářského titulu v oboru Automotive Service Technology na Weber State University. Peter je také instruktorem automobilové technologie na Columbia Basin College. Peter je k zastižení na Linkedinu a můžete ho tweetovat na The_hybrid_guy na Twitteru. Najděte jeho stránku na Facebooku na adrese Certified Auto Consulting