Here’s a common conundrum that often has homeowners scratching their heads: Why won’t your uPVC windows close?

It can be pretty perplexing and worrying when you need to shut your windows, and they won’t cooperate. Your home security can be compromised, especially if it is a ground floor window that won;t close.

But fret not; we’re here to provide you with some of the reasons your uPVC windows refuse to close and provide practical solutions to address them.

Problem 1: The Window Hinges Have Worn Out.

Is there a visible gap between the sash and casement at the corners of your uPVC windows ? If so, worn-out hinges could be the culprit.

Hinges on your windows bear the brunt of constant usage year after year. And let’s not forget the punishment they must endure from the elements.

Strong wind and harsh weather can take a toll on these hardworking components. Even the sturdiest hinges can succumb to wear and tear over time.

Solution: Replace the Hinges

Fortunately, you can fix your stubborn uPVC windows without replacing the entire unit. Replacement hinges are readily available online or in your local hardware store.

Jak ale víte, jaký typ pantu koupit? Zvažte tyto tipy:

  1. Určete, zda je pant zavěšený nahoře nebo na boku. Výklopné panty se připevňují po stranách, zatímco postranní panty sedí nahoře a dole. Zde je další trik: Zkontrolujte polohu kliky, abyste zjistili orientaci okna.
  2. Measure the outer track width of the window hinge. The standard size is 18mm, but some hinges for older double-glazed windows are 15 mm.

Poznámka: Můžete přepnout na jinou třecí vzpěru, jako jsou závěsy pro výstup nebo omezovač. Jen se ujistěte, že máte správnou šířku stopy.

  1. Get the total length of the hinge track, including the end cap. Older 10-inch side-hung hinges can be hard to find, but you can use a 12-inch hinge instead.
  2. Určete tloušťku závěsu. Pokud má nosné rameno prohlubeň, pak má tloušťku 17 mm. Mezitím ploché rameno má 13 mm a je nejběžnější.
Co to znamená, když vzduch fouká, ale není studený?

Jakmile budete mít náhradní panty, je čas vyhrnout si rukávy na přepínání:

  1. Unscrew the hinges from the frame to remove the window sash. The sash can be heavy, so have someone hold it while detaching the hinges.
  2. Odstraňte šrouby, které připevňují závěs k křídlu.
  3. Clean the hinge areas on both the window sash and frame. Wipe away any dirt or debris and inspect for signs of damage that might need your attention.
  4. Attach the new hinge to the sash. You can adjust the position of the hinge along the slotted holes.
  5. Replacement hinges come in pairs. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on the other side of the window sash.
  6. Screw the hinge track onto the existing holes on the frame, just enough to hold everything in place.
  7. Close the window to do a test fit. The joint at the corners of your sash should align with the joint on the window casing.
  8. Tighten all screws if you’re happy with the fit.

Problem 2: The Window Has Sagged.

Your window sash should fit snugly within the frame. But what if the bottom of the panel is rubbing against the bottom of the frame? Well, that’s a clear sign the window has sagged.

Because your window won’t close properly, the gap will invite pesky draughts and unwanted noise into your home.


Někdy je spadlé plastové okno strukturální problém a vyžaduje profesionální servis. Než se obrátíte na pomoc, můžete vyzkoušet jednoduchý trik, abyste zjistili, zda to vyřeší.

Co můžete udělat:

  1. Odstraňte šrouby na spodním závěsu.
  2. Lehce posuňte závěs, abyste vytvořili určitou vůli od spodní části křídla.
  3. Replace the screws and check if the window closes okay.

Do you have a tilt-and-turn window that catches on the bottom when you close it from an open position?

A temporary fix involves lifting the bottom of the window and easing it along the frame.

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Or you can raise the window panel by adjusting the hinge on the side (or both) that sticks against the frame. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Loosen the screw on the problematic side of your window sash. Get a tight grip on your window to support it from its weight.
  2. Mírně nadzvedněte okno a utáhněte šrouby.
  3. Zkontrolujte zarovnání vašeho okna.

Problem 3: The Window Lock Won’t Engage Properly or Has Failed.

Pokud je uzamykací mechanismus stále neporušený, ale netěsní, je možné, že hnací ozubené kolo a držáky nejsou správně vyrovnány.

However, if your window won’t lock at all, it’s likely the gearbox is falling apart.

Řešení 1: Utáhněte rukojeť

To tighten the seal of your lock, all you need is an Allen key and a minute of your time. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Najděte válečkové vačky na okraji okenního křídla. Najdete nastavovací hlavu zámku s šestihranným otvorem a malou tečkou nebo linkou na boku.
  2. Fit the Allen key on the slot and turn it clockwise. The dot should be closer to the rubber seal to tighten it.

Solution 2: Replace the Broken Handle/Lock

To replace a broken uPVC window handle, check out these steps:

  1. Gather your tools: a flathead screwdriver, Phillip screwdriver, and measuring tape.
  2. Pomocí plochého šroubováku odstraňte šroubovací uzávěr.
  3. Odšroubujte a sejměte rukojeť.
  4. Measure the length of the spindle protruding from the underside of the handle.
  5. Objednejte si online novou rukojeť se správnou velikostí vřetena. Můžete také přinést svou starou rukojeť do místního obchodu pro odpovídající náhradu.
  6. Namontujte novou rukojeť.

V případě rozbitého zámku je nejlepší kontaktovat servisního technika nebo profesionálního zámečníka.

uPVC Window Problem FAQs

How Do You Fix a uPVC Window That Won’t Close?

You can try one of the following solutions if your uPVC windows don’t close properly:

  • Replace damaged or worn-out hinges.
  • Tighten the lock or replace it if it has failed.
  • Upravte zarovnání panelu okna.
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Jaké jsou běžné problémy s plastovými okny?

Some common problems with uPVC windows include:

  • Stiffness when opening and closing
  • Faulty or damaged hardware (screws, locks, and hinges)
  • Sagging window panel
  • Expanded frame
  • Poškozené těsnění

uPVC Window Closure Problem Conclusions

Plastová okna se obvykle nezavřou kvůli propadlému oknu, opotřebovaným pantům nebo selhání zámku. Naštěstí lze tyto běžné problémy často vyřešit s určitým DIY nadšením.

However, there may be occasions when you need to call in some expert help or have to replace your windows. This where Klic Home Improvements can be the window company you need with a full range of window replacement options that will perfectly complement your home.

my window

I’m getting a proper draft from this window not forming a proper seal. Is there some fairly easy DIY I can try, or do I need to get a professional in? I don’t need to open this window during the winter, so if there was some artificial seal I could fit that might work.

zeptal se 8. prosince 2021 v 14:02
143 5 5 bronzové odznaky

The nicest looking for a fast fix till next spring, would be a window draft stop film. Comes with double sided tape and transparent plastic film. Go around outside of window frame with tape and stick film on, then run hair dryer over it to tighten/smooth film.

8. prosince 2021 ve 14:12

@crip659 That is the worst product I’ve ever had the displeasure of using. The tape usually fails and doesn’t remove easily from the trim. If your trim is painted then say goodbye to some paint. I would recommend taping it with blue painter’s tape because it will actually hold and peel easily in the spring.

8. prosince 2021 ve 14:18

Kde has the seal failed? Is it somewhere between the sash and glass? Between the sash and frame? Is one of the latches not pulling tight? Is it between the frame and wall? You should be able to identify by feel where the breeze is blowing through and get us a couple of close-up shots of that area to help us identify the best way of fixing it.

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8. prosince 2021 ve 14:19

Basically the window isn’t closing properly — it’s between the sash and the frame, if I have the lingo correct. I’d say the latches are not pulling it tight enough.

8. prosince 2021 ve 14:24

Clear, focused, close up pictures of the two latches from several angles (and, possibly with the window open, if it’s not too frigid) would be helpful. Someone might spot an issue with one or both latches. A good first thing to check would be to ensure that all the screws for the latch hardware are tight, but not so tight that you’re stripping the holes.

8. prosince 2021 ve 14:31

3 odpovědi 3

Given the type of window, I suspect you need to replace the worn out seal with something that has a profile like this one and sold specially for UPVC doors and windows. It should push right into the grooves around the window itself once you remove the existing (and presumably worn out) seal. If my guess is correct, it should seal more effectively than the adhesive brush seals suggested in another answer.

The seals I’ve seen that have needed replacing haven’t perished but they’ve been permanently squashed out of shape and sometimes have holes worn or cut into them where the frame has rubbed (or feet if it’s at the bottom of a door).

Profile of UPVC window seal

odpověděl 9. 2021. 2 v 11:XNUMX
1,044 5 5 stříbrných odznaků 10 10 bronzových odznaků

You could get a new handle for the top one, to match the bottom one… then you could shim the latch plates.

You might be able to shim the top handle, but it looks like it latches ‘inside’ the frame. The bottom one goes outside, so will be a lot easier to deal with.

Empty soft drinks cans make great shims. Cut two or three rectangular sections. Use a small file [even a nail file will do] to smooth out the edges so they’re not sharp & possibly slim one end to give the latch an easier ride as it first meets the shim. Alternatively, lap the shims round the corner, so the latch rides over more easily. Get some good contact adhesive [Evo-Stik etc] & follow the instructions on the tube.

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As they famously say on Blue Peter… here’s one I prepared earlier.
This is from a fridge door light, but the principal is the same.

enter image description here

The handles will now close tighter.

BTW, I’m assuming, as those look like generic ‘Euro handles’, I wouldn’t expect to find ‘brush strip’. There should be rubber/silicone seal. It’s replaceable, but it shouldn’t perish or weaken in at least 20 years, so you have to tighten against it more, rather than replace it.

As mentioned elsewhere, you need to be sure that condensation isn’t between the panes, otherwise its time for a new unit, as the gas seal has gone. This won’t in itself contribute to a draught, but it will lessen the overall heat retention of the pane. btw, you don’t need to replace the entire unit to fix the glass itself — those panes snap out & back in 10 minutes.