We replace the fuse turn on wipers and it blows again.

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Expert, který dosáhl úrovně 2 získáním 100 bodů

Expert, který získal 5 úspěchů.

Expert, který má 1 sledujícího.

Odborník, který odpověděl na 20 otázek.

  • Odborník 96 Odpovědi
  • Publikováno 25. června 2012

Expert, který dosáhl úrovně 2 získáním 100 bodů

Expert, který získal 5 úspěchů.

Expert, který má 1 sledujícího.

Odborník, který odpověděl na 20 otázek.

Připojeno: 24. června 2012

Does the fuse blow as soon as you turn on the switch? Or do the wipers operate for a bit then the fuse blows? Will the wipers work in intermittent mode? Can you move the wipers by hand? Unless other wiring work has been done (eg radio replaced) I suspect the wiper motor is toast.

Greg D Nov 02, 2015

I have the same problem, the wipers work for a second then the fuse blows. I have the same problem, the wipers work for a second then the fuse blows.

Floyd Fowler Aug 05, 2018

I just changed the motor yesterday and it stills blows fuse I just changed the motor yesterday and it stills blows fuse

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5 Související odpovědi


  • Odpovědi 11
  • Publikováno 21. prosince 2008

You have a short in the wiring. Have you had work done to it recently? Some times there is a minute tear in the wiring installation which, when it touches metal, will ground out the wiring and blow your fuses. Take it to the dealer to a repair shop that does electrical work. They’ll put it on their computer to find out where the short is.
It is fortunate that the fuses blow instead of the vehicle catching fire.

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Opravy automobilů Big A

  • Odpovědi 755
  • Publikováno 28. prosince 2008

Hi my name is Allen!

Kolik stál projekt vozu Dyson?

When the fuse for the wipers keeps blowing, that means either the motor has a dead short within it and must be replaced, or the wiring going to the motor is damaged and shorting out on the vehicle body somewhere and must be repaired.

Here is how you check it; replace the blown fuse, unplug the connector from the wiper motor, then turn the key on if the fuse does not blow then you need to check the wiring to the motor if the wiring is not damaged anywhere replace the wiper motor.

For further assistance contact me at FixYa!

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  • Odpovědi 7
  • Publikováno 07. dubna 2009


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James Bradburn

  • Odpovědi 299
  • Publikováno 19. ledna 2009

If the fuse blows as soon as you put it in and the wipers are off then you have a short between the fuse block and the wiper switch.

If the fuse blows only when you turn the wipers on then more than likely the wiper motor has shorted and burned out. This one is very likely if the snow storm was heavy and you was driving in it. Cause- Moving large amounts of snow and ice off the window puts a heavy load on the wiper motors.

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  • 1 Odpověď
  • Publikováno května 20, 2009

it may be a pinched wire that is know causing a short. the samething happened to me.

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Související dotazy:

I have a 2017 Dodge Caravan. The Front wipers randomly stopped working. And the Fuse keeps blowing, Any ideas on what the issue could be, and where to look?

It is likely one of the components connected to the wipers has failed. I recommend having a mechanic inspect wiring and components related to the wiper system to determine which one has failed. This could include the wiper relay, wiper switch, wiper motor, or wiring harness issue.

01. března 2023 • Dodge Cars & Trucks

I have a 2009 Toyota Corolla. Recently the wiper fuse started blowing. The Fuse keeps blowing as soon as the ignition is turned on.

could be anything and without a look myself i couldnt tell you try disconnecting the wiper switch and see what happens is about the best i can come up with was thinking of the self park but with motor disconnected and it still blows ?? thats that out the equation .

Jan 08, 2017 • Toyota Corolla Cars & Trucks

My wiper fuse keeps burning out

If your wiper fuse keeps burning out, your wiper motor might be failing which causes too much amperes required to turn the motor which in turn trips the maximum rated amperes of the fuse.

Follow the wiring of that fuse to your wiper motor to make sure the wiring is not nicked and grounding to the metal. Once you confirm that there is no shorted wire, disconnect the wiper motors wiring connector. Fuse a new fuse and if the fuse does not blow anymore then you isolated the problem which is the wiper motor causing the fuse to blow. Fix or replace the wiper motor.

Kolik stál nový SSR 2004?

When diagnosing blown fuses, I usually temporarily replace any fuse in a vehicle with a circuit breaker type fuse. If there is still a short somewhere in the wiring or the component itself in line with the fuse, the circuit breaker fuse will just trip and I just reset it again after I fix the problem. An advantage of keeping to replace a blown fuse while diagnosing.

04. října 2015 • Osobní a nákladní automobily

I replacsed th wiper transmission and now the wiper fuse keeps blowing I did not work on any thing but that

Does the fuse blow when the wipers are off or when you turn the wipers on? A fuse blowing means either a short circuit or an overload. Lets say that your wiper transmission is new and working properly, then an overload is probably blowing the fuse which is caused by the circuit pulling to much current because something is not aligned correctly and moving freely when the wiper motor is turned on. Before you connect the arms to the transmission, move the arm assembly manually with your hand to make sure the wipers go across and back on the windshield. This will verify that the arm assembly is moving freely and not jamming. Then turn the wiper transmission without connecting the wiper arms and see if the transmission is working properly and not blowing the fuse. This will verify that your wiper transmission is not defective. Check the wiring going to the wiper transmission for any bare spots or nicks on the wire insulation. If you have a bare spot or nick that is touching metal, the fuse will blow (this is called a short circuit). If you find a bare spot or nick on the wire use electrician tape to insulate the bare spot or nick. Usually three wraps of electrician tape around the bare spotor nick will do the job. Oh, make sure to replace the fuse with the correct amp fuse. Your car dealer auto parts can provide the information (over the phone) on the correct amp size. You can purchase the fuse at any auto parts. FYI: Too small an amp on the fuse will blow when the wiper is turned on. Too large of a fuse will cause the wiring to burn if your wipers should stop shifting and jam. Good Luck. Hope this helps.