Tento článek byl spoluautorem Tom Eisenberg. Tom Eisenberg je vlastníkem a generálním ředitelem West Coast Tires & Service v Los Angeles, Kalifornie, rodinného autoservisu schváleného AAA a certifikovaného. Tom má více než 10 let zkušeností v automobilovém průmyslu. Časopis Modern Tire Dealer Magazine zvolil jeho obchod za jeden z 10 nejlepších provozů v zemi.

V tomto článku je citováno 15 odkazů, které najdete ve spodní části stránky.

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The narrow spaces between a car’s air conditioning vents can be difficult to clean using a cloth. However, inexpensive foam paintbrushes make the job quick and easy. Clean your A/C vents once every month or two, or more often if you notice they become dusty. If you smell a moldy odor when you turn your A/C on, clean your vent system using a disinfectant spray cleaner. To prevent mold growth, periodically dry out your vent system by blowing your fan on max with the A/C off, and be sure to clear away any debris that collects around the exterior air intakes.

Věci, které byste měli vědět

  • Use foam paintbrushes to easily clean between the slats of your car’s AC vents.
  • Make a cleaning solution for your AC vents with equal parts warm water and vinegar.
  • Spray inside the vents with an enzyme cleaner to disinfect them.

Cleaning Your Vents Using a Foam Paintbrush

Step 1 Purchase a set of foam paintbrushes.

Purchase a set of foam paintbrushes. Foam paintbrushes are perfect for getting deep into the spaces between your air conditioner vents’ slats. They’re inexpensive and available at your nearest home improvement, craft, or dollar store. You could also purchase a set online. [1] X Research source

Step 2 Create a homemade cleaning solution.

Create a homemade cleaning solution. Combine equal parts of warm water and white vinegar. Try using lemon-scented cleaning vinegar if the smell bothers you. If you can’t find lemon-scented vinegar, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to your cleaning solution.

Step 3 Insert the foam brush between each vent slat.

Insert the foam brush between each vent slat. Dab a foam brush in your cleaning solution and press it between your vent slats to remove dust and grime. Rinse your brush as needed to remove the debris it accumulates, or simply use another brush. Finish by wiping the vents down with a dry brush if you’ve left any excess cleaning solution. [2] X Research source

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Step 4 Rinse and dry used brushes.

Rinse and dry used brushes. Wash your used brushes with warm water and a dab of dish detergent. Squeeze them out and rinse well to remove excess soap. Let them dry, place them in a plastic baggie, and store them in your glove compartment for quick use. [3] X Research source

Metoda 2 ze 3:

Cleaning the A/C Vent System

Step 1 Replace your car’s cabin air filter.

Replace your car’s cabin air filter. Most newer cars have an easily replaceable air filter that you can access from inside the cabin. You should consult your vehicle’s manual for specific instructions about how to remove and replace it. [4] X Research source

    In many newer models, including Hondas and Toyotas, you’ll start by lowering the glove compartment by unfixing the tabs that keep it in place. [5] X Expert Source

Tom Eisenberg
Auto Technician Expert Interview. 26 July 2019. You might have to remove screws that hold a panel in place just below the glove compartment. [6] X Research source On GM sedans, the filter is located in a casing beneath the dashboard on the driver’s side. [7] X Research source