The cup holder and the center console in the vehicle are dust magnets and dirt traps. No matter how careful the car is, crumbs, dirt and dust always collect in the storage compartments, the center console and the cup holder. What is particularly annoying about the whole thing is that these are places that are difficult to reach for cleaning. Even with a small handheld vacuum cleaner, you rarely get into the last corner. Still, there is a trick you can use to clear the corner of dirt. After a thorough cleaning of the interior, you will immediately feel much better.

clean with glass and sock

Remove dust and crumbs from the cup holder in the car!

  • a glass that fits in the cup holder
  • a disused sock
  • a spray bottle with universal cleaner

And this is how you clean the cup holder in the car!

The sock should ideally not be made of too thin a material. Now put this over the underside of the glass. Now spray the sock with universal cleaner or glass cleaner. Now you can put the glass with the moistened sock in the cup holder and turn it a few times in both directions. Crumbs, dust and dirt stick well here. In addition to this trick, we introduce others in the following video that show you how to get a clean interior.

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Jak resetujete kontrolku airbagu na Chevy Silverado?

Remove dust and crumbs from the cup holder in the car!

Remove dust and crumbs from the cup holder in the car!

Remove dust and crumbs from the cup holder in the car!

Remove dust and crumbs from the cup holder in the car!

Remove dust and crumbs from the cup holder in the car!

O Thomasu Wachsmuthovi

Thomas Wachsmuth — Nedílnou součástí je od roku 2013. Jeho vášeň pro auta je tak intenzivní, že do ní investuje každý dostupný cent. Zatímco sní o BMW E31 a Hennessey 6×6 Ford F-150, v současnosti jezdí s poněkud nevýraznou Alpinou B5. Jeho sbírka knih, časopisů a brožur na téma autotuning nyní dosáhla takových rozměrů, že se sám stal chodícím referenčním dílem pro tuningovou scénu. Více o Thomasovi