Can I display the Tyre Pressure Monitor TPMS on the control display in my MINI?

Yes. To display the status of the Tyre Pressure Monitor TPMS on the control display, select the following in the MINI system: «My MINI» > «Vehicle status» > «Tyre Pressure Monitor». You will be shown the current status of the system.

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    ¹ Finance podléhají statutu a jsou dostupné pouze osobám starším 18 let ve Spojeném království. Mohou být vyžadovány záruky a odškodnění. Finance poskytuje MINI Financial Services, Summit ONE, Summit Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0FB.

    My Nissan Leaf Forum

    After 900 miles on my new 2019 Leaf Plus, the TPMS came on and told me that my left rear tire was low. The nice display showed 29 lp of pressure on the left rear while all the other tires were at 39. The TPMS also seemed very accurate — when I manually measured, all 4 tires were at the pressure the TPMS said it was. Nice.

    I inflated the tire and the TPMS warning disappeared. But given how accurate the TPMS seems to be, it seems this screen would be useful to bring up at other times — just to get a quick read on the current pressure. E.g. if I checked regularly using this TPMS, maybe I would have caught the low pressure before it was a full 10lb below the others.

    As an aside — it sure looks like I have a very slow leak — given the this is a brand new car, is the dealership responsible for addressing it (provided it’s not a hole — which would obviously have been caused by my driving)?


    Známý člen

    Připojen 22. listopadu 2010 Zprávy 3,711 XNUMX Umístění Phoenix, AZ

    I am interested in the answers you get about the TPMS display. I was unable to find a way to display the pressures during a test drive of an SL+ last week. Check the pressure of the low tire frequently to find out if you have a slow leak.


    Známý člen

    Připojen 3. června 2011 Zprávy 13,635 XNUMX Umístění SF Bay Area, CA

    If there’s a limitation on that, that’s pretty lame. I guess it’s time to use Leaf Spy instead.

    FWIW, on Bolt, there’s a screen in the dash display you can cycle to which shows tire pressures. The My Chevrolet app also shows them.


    Známý člen

    Připojeno 22. května 2013 Zprávy 19,967 XNUMX Umístění Upstate New York, USA
    The tire pressures is one of the display screen options, so yes, you can.


    Známý člen

    Připojen 22. listopadu 2010 Zprávy 3,711 XNUMX Umístění Phoenix, AZ

    How is that display screen accessed? I thought I stepped through all of the screens on the left side of the driver display during my short test drive, but did not see it. The tire pressure monitors and displays have saved me from ruining several tires (by giving me enough warning about low pressure to pull off the road before the tire is damaged beyond repair).

    I was chagrined to find that my LEAF knows the tire pressures (first 2011 and later 2015) but does not display them. My 2004 SUV displays all four tire pressures and has a convenient menu procedure to program the sensor positions using a donut magnet provided as a special tool so I was disappointed with the lack of information from the LEAF. I run LEAF Spy all the time while driving to monitor tire pressures along with battery parameters


    Známý člen

    Připojeno 22. května 2013 Zprávy 19,967 XNUMX Umístění Upstate New York, USA
    I’ll figure it out tomorrow, as the car is in the garage and it’s tight squeeze to get in.


    Známý člen

    Připojeno 22. května 2013 Zprávy 19,967 XNUMX Umístění Upstate New York, USA

    OK, to bring up the TPMS screen on the 40kwh Leaf display, you go horizontally to the «i» (information?) column, which has the Pro Pilot display on top, then below it the digital speedo, satellite radio and smaller compass display on one screen, then below that is the TPMS screen. So you scroll sideways to «i» then down two screens to TPMS.


    Známý člen

    Připojen 22. listopadu 2010 Zprávy 3,711 XNUMX Umístění Phoenix, AZ

    Thanks—that explains why I did not find it during the test drive. I did not think about both horizontal and vertical scrolling.


    Známý člen

    Připojeno 22. května 2013 Zprávy 19,967 XNUMX Umístění Upstate New York, USA

    It was literally over six months before I really knew how to find a given screen. Of course that’s more like two months of normal driving time, because I drive so little.


    Známý člen

    Připojeno 7. října 2018 Zprávy 296
    twolf2919 said:

    After 900 miles on my new 2019 Leaf Plus, the TPMS came on and told me that my left rear tire was low. The nice display showed 29 lp of pressure on the left rear while all the other tires were at 39. The TPMS also seemed very accurate — when I manually measured, all 4 tires were at the pressure the TPMS said it was. Nice.

    I inflated the tire and the TPMS warning disappeared. But given how accurate the TPMS seems to be, it seems this screen would be useful to bring up at other times — just to get a quick read on the current pressure. E.g. if I checked regularly using this TPMS, maybe I would have caught the low pressure before it was a full 10lb below the others.

    As an aside — it sure looks like I have a very slow leak — given the this is a brand new car, is the dealership responsible for addressing it (provided it’s not a hole — which would obviously have been caused by my driving)?

    Unless you have a road hazard warranty, I think you are on your own.


    Známý člen

    Připojeno 22. května 2013 Zprávy 19,967 XNUMX Umístění Upstate New York, USA

    It depends on the dealership and the problem. A nice dealer who wants to build loyalty would replace a leaking valve stem for free. A cheap dealership would never do anything for free.



    Připojeno 21. září 2019 ke zprávám 14

    My new SV plus must have different screens than yours. My TPMS screen is on the left — not on the center screen. Pressing «i» on the center screen does not show TPMS, and there is no way to «scroll down». You can only go sideways from screen 1 to screen 2. The left screen does have a scroll-down function, which does bring up TPMS, but the only thing that shows is how the display reads. When I select «psi» on that screen, it then defaults to that, but does not show actual tire pressures, not does it give me any option to see such a reading.
    Je něco, co mi chybí?


    Známý člen

    Připojen 22. listopadu 2010 Zprávy 3,711 XNUMX Umístění Phoenix, AZ

    There are numerous information screens on the left side of the display in front of the steering wheel. Scroll left or right until you get to the «i» (information) screens; then scroll up or down until you get the tire pressure display. You were in the»Menu» screens when you found the setting for pressure units (psi, bar). I am still learning my way around all of the information screens after 6 weeks and 2500 miles.


    Známý člen

    Připojeno 22. května 2013 Zprávy 19,967 XNUMX Umístění Upstate New York, USA

    Yes, those screens are pretty non-intuitive, but you do get the hang of at least getting to the ones you like most. I use the multi-info screen that shows compass, satellite radio preset, bigger digital speedo, and a couple of other things as the default, but I know that the battery temp is just «4 left» presses away, and getting back is just 4 right presses. In the Winter I’ll be looking at the TPMS readouts instead of battery temp, so I have to learn that one still. That will involve vertical as well as horizontal scrolling, IIRC, but I won’t need to see it as often.



    Připojeno 21. září 2019 ke zprávám 14

    As an addendum to my previous post, when I found the TPMS screen I was sitting in my driveway with the car not running. Once I started the car, I got a message on that screen that said «tire pressure will show once car begins moving». Sure enough, once I began driving, the tire pressures began appearing, and all 4 were showing within about a quarter mile. They came up somewhat slowly, one at a time. The surprising thing was that 2 of the tires showed at 46 pounds, one at 47, and one at 48! They are rated at 44 pounds max. They were basically cold, so it wasn’t a case of heating up after driving for awhile. The dealer apparently set them a little high in their delivery prep (car is new — had only about 200 miles on it at the time). When I got back home, I used my gauge to set each of them to 44 pounds, and then checked them with the TPMS reading on the dash, and they each showed exactly 44 pounds — so it appears the TPMS reading is pretty reliable. I guess learning many of the fine points of the car are sort of trial and error, as none of this was clearly shown in the manual.

    Jak dlouho auto jede bez oleje?