Lost long ago in the shifting sands of Deadeye Canyon sat a secret treasure, undisturbed by the passing of time… until recently. Shocked explorers stumbled upon this unspoiled sanctuary, marveling at a time capsule of exotic wildlife and botanical wonders. Woken by an ancient spell, it appears the desert’s heart has begun to beat once more. Sezóna 10 invites you to shift into neutral while you rest, relax, and collect a bounty of Items! Enjoy a peaceful Raketový průlet, explore a new Oasis Arena Variant, and take the legendary Volkswagen Golf II GTI for a spin. Season 10 starts Wednesday, March 8!

Grow Your Garage With Rocket Pass

A plentiful harvest has sprouted in the desert, and our top crop this season is the Volkswagen Golf GTI! A beloved classic with timeless popularity, the Golf GTI is brought to life in Rocket League s Octane Hitbox. The base car is available immediately with Rocket Pass Premium, but players who work their way through the Tiers will also earn the tuned-up Volkswagen Golf GTI RLE! Both cars come with a realistic set of Kola to complete the look. Once you’ve settled into your new ride, you’ll need some Items to go along with it! Cast your roaring engines aside and soothe your weary teammates with the Klidný a Serenity Engine Audios. However, if you’d rather feed the beast, you can always slide into the primal SpotDot Decal. For players who keep everything in perfect balance, the realistic Bičová anténa is centered on the back of the car instead of the standard side mount. Channel energy into the Lotus Bloom Goal Explosion while you search for serenity, or leave a trail of fireflies behind you with the Glister Trail. Look, I caught one! With a wide variety of earthy Paint Finishes, colorful Wheels, and Decals inspired by the wonders of nature, the Season 10 Rocket Pass will give you and your friends good vibes all season long.

Proč moje kontrolka motoru pomalu zrychluje?

Arena Art 1

Arena Art 2

Arena Art 3

Arena Art 4

Diamant v drsnosti

Deadeye Canyon isn’t looking quite so dead these days. With the sudden proliferation of flora and fauna, our once dusty desert has transformed into Deadeye Canyon (Oasis)! You’ll likely hear a new tune whistling through the gorge while you explore. That’s oasis by zensei ゼンセー, původně napsaný pro Season 10 Gameplay Trailer up top! Listen to the full in-game track with Rocket League Radio, or pick it up as a Player Anthem a couple hours after the Season starts.


Rewards Are Their Own Reward

Tyto nové Turnajové odměny will soothe your spirit after a tough match. Equip the Scalescore Decal and slither your way to success, or stop for an organic snack with the Ramen Bowl Topper. This season might be all about relaxation, but don’t space out too far! Grab hold of the floating Spaceman Antenna to keep your mind tethered whenever you start to drift. Feelin’ lucky? Roll a critical hit with this Season’s Black Market Rewards, including the eight-sided Polyhedral Goal Explosion. As this new Season comes to life, your Tournament Credits from Season 9 will reset. Players who participated in Competitive Tournaments during Season 9 will receive an All-Star Cup reward. Unspent Tournament Credits will be converted to the highest level reward a player is eligible to earn based on their Tournament Rank and Tournament Credit amount. This conversion will happen automatically the first time you log into Season 10.

Get Back In The Game

A while back, we changed how playlist population was shown to “Good,” “Great,” or “Amazing.” Many of you felt this wasn’t good, great, or amazing, so we’re happy to introduce our new Average Wait Time Counter! From now on, players will be able to see the estimated queue time it will take to find their next match. This timer will be visible in the «Searching for Match» screen after choosing your playlist. Not seeing your timer? In certain situations, estimated queue times may not be available such as when new Limited Time Modes are released.

Která Honda Accord je nejúspornější?

Pod The Hood

Everyone’s favorite behind-the-scenes video series is back with another installment! If you’ve ever wondered what goes into recording the Engine Audio you hear in Rocket League, our talented Psyonix audio team is here to show you how it all goes down. The episode drops March 9 on the official Rocket League YouTube Channel!

Sprouts In The City

The regenerative powers of the oasis seem to be spreading beyond the edge of Deadeye Canyon. Garages around the world have reported an influx of cars where there were once barren lots. Hmm. Maybe a few weeks in the Psyonix meditation cavern will enlighten us.

Ready to find your happy place? Season 10 begins Wednesday, March 8!

Volkswagen Golf Model Years — 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

Set Clock — Jak upravit čas na hodinách vašeho vozidla

Hans Angermeier je technik údržby a lehkých oprav s certifikací ASE a vytvořil více než 100,000 10 videí ukazujících řidičům, jak opravit věci na svých autech. Má rozsáhlé odborné znalosti v oblasti základních opravárenských postupů, které pokrývají většinu automobilů na silnici. Během posledních XNUMX let se Hans soustředil na budování CarCareKiosku, který každý měsíc navštíví miliony řidičů.

2001 Volkswagen Golf GTI GLS 1.8L 4 Cyl. Turbo Battery Replace

Věděli jste, že teplo je pro vaši baterii horší než zima? Vyměňte jej každé 4 roky

2001 Volkswagen Golf GTI GLS 1.8L 4 Cyl. Turbo

2001 Volkswagen Golf GTI GLS 1.8L 4 Cyl. Turbo Hoses Check Hoses

Hadice chladicí kapaliny se časem opotřebovávají a je třeba je vyměnit – kontrolujte je včas a často

2001 Volkswagen Golf GTI GLS 1.8L 4 Cyl. Turbo

2001 Volkswagen Golf GTI GLS 1.8L 4 Cyl. Turbo Jack Up Car Use Your Jack to Raise Your Car

Kde je umístění zvedáku, body zvedáku a další tipy pro zvedání vozidla

2001 Volkswagen Golf GTI GLS 1.8L 4 Cyl. Turbo

2001 Volkswagen Golf GTI GLS 1.8L 4 Cyl. Turbo Air Filter (Cabin) Replace

Znečištěný kabinový vzduchový filtr způsobuje nadměrné opotřebení topení a klimatizace vašeho vozu a může způsobit nepříjemný zápach

2001 Volkswagen Golf GTI GLS 1.8L 4 Cyl. Turbo

  • Lake Ford pomohl natočit tato videa
  • Zpětná vazba
  • Stáhněte si manuály pro majitele vozů Volkswagen

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Jak vypnu upozornění na křížovou dopravu?

Jsou hodiny ve vašem Volkswagen Golf 2001 pomalé nebo rychlé? Naučte se procházet správnými položkami nabídky, abyste správně nastavili čas ve svém voze Volkswagen. V tomto bezplatném instruktážním videu pro Volkswagen Golf 2001 uvidíte, zda je třeba váš Volkswagen zapnout a jak přejít k nastavení hodin a přesně nastavit čas.

U některých vozidel musíte k přepínání mezi nabídkami na palubní desce, kde je rychloměr, používat tlačítka na volantu, abyste mohli upravit čas. Když tímto způsobem změníte čas, automaticky se aktualizují i ​​ostatní hodiny v horní části palubní desky a na displeji rádia. Některá vozidla s analogovými hodinami upravují čas v analogových hodinách odděleně od hodin v rádiu. Mnoho novějších vozidel to dělá, takže nemůžete změnit čas, pokud nezrušíte volbu automatického času v zábavním systému.

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