You want to call a friend, listen to a podcast or switch to a new radio station? All you have to do is say so. Voice recognition is designed to give you easy access to the things you need while allowing you keep your eyes on the road, your hands on the steering wheel, and your focus on driving without unnecessary distractions. In general, any of the menu options shown on the display can also be spoken as voice commands.

  • Použití rozpoznávání hlasu
  • Global Voice Commands
  • Using Voice Commands Within a Specific Area

Použití rozpoznávání hlasu

Wherever voice recognition can be used sensibly, it is available. Always speak clearly, in your normal voice, and make your surroundings as quiet as possible. You may use the exact command or speak a more general phrase and the system will guide you to the function you want to perform. (For example, say: «Go to FM radio,» or «I want to listen to the radio» and the system will lead you to FM radio.) Words, actions, functions and menu options that appear anywhere on screen can generally be spoken as commands.

  • Aktivujte rozpoznávání hlasu
  • Cancel or end voice recognition
  • Access help for using voice recognition
  • Access voice recognition tutorials
  • For an optimal voice recognition experience

Activate voice recognition:

  1. Short-press the TALK button on your steering wheel to activate voice recognition.
  2. [System: Beep.] Say a command. For a complete list of voice commands, click here.

Cancel or end voice recognition:

  1. Press and hold TALK .
  2. Or, short-press TALK.
  3. [System: Beep.] Say «CANCEL» to end voice recognition. May be used at any time during voice recognition.

Access help for using voice recognition:

  1. [System: Beep.] Say «HELP» for options in your current area of operation.

Access voice recognition tutorials:

  1. [System: Beep.] Say «TUTORIALS » .
  2. Select from G všeobecná, Audio, Telefon a A dvanced for a brief review of basic commands in that area of operation. To select a tutorial, after the beep say «LINE (number) » . For example, say «LINE FOUR » .
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For an optimal voice recognition experience:

  • Be sure your phone is connected via Bluetooth® before using phone-related voice commands.
  • Do not speak too slowly or loudly.
  • Speak clearly, without pausing between words or numbers.
  • Do not speak commands until voice guidance and/or system beep has finished.
  • Speak voice commands while maintaining a safe driving position. Do not turn to face microphone or lean toward it.
  • Reduce noise by closing windows/moonroof and turning down airflow on A/C while using voice recognition.
  • Be sure vents are positioned so air is not directed up towards the microphone.

Global Voice Commands

Global voice commands can be spoken anywhere in the system. Use them to move easily between the communication, entertainment and navigation functions, or to get general assistance in using the system. To view, print or download a pdf list of Global Voice Commands, click here.

  • Obecné příkazy
  • Příkazy systému
  • Zvukové příkazy
  • Moving to entertainment from another area
  • Moving to communication from another area
  • Moving to navigation from another area

Obecné příkazy:

  • Zrušit
  • Vrátit se
  • Pauza
  • Pokračovat
  • Ano nebo ne
  • Hlavní menu
  • další
  • Předchozí
  • Help (receive information regarding what commands or options are available to you)
  • Page Up nebo Page Down
  • Select (example: «Select Four» or «Select Line Four» instead of «Select Album»)
  • Displej vypnutý
  • Zobrazit hodiny

System Commands:

  • Go to Communications | Navigation | Entertainment
  • Show Messages | Notifications
  • Jdi do nastavení
  • Go to Contacts | Phonebook
  • Go to Email | Text | SMS
  • Go to Phone or Dial Phone
  • Go to History | Recent Calls or Show History | Recent Calls
  • Go to Aha™ | AM/FM | Bluetooth® Audio | AUX | CD | Pandora® | XM | Satellite Radio | Stitcher™ | USB
  • Call | Dial
  • zavolat zpět
  • Redial

Audio Commands:

Moving to Entertainment from another area:

  • Go to Entertainment
  • Go to Aha™ or Aha™ Radio
  • Go to Pandora®
  • Go to Stitcher™
  • Go to USB or Play USB
  • Go to CD Player or Play CD Player
  • Go to FM | FM Radio or Play FM | FM Radio
  • Tune to
  • Go to Bluetooth® Audio or Play Bluetooth® Audio
  • Go to XM Radio | Satellite Radio or Play XM Radio | Satellite Radio
  • Go to HD Radio or Play HD Radio
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Moving to Communication from another area:

  • Přejít na Komunikace
  • Nabídka komunikace
  • volání
  • Vytočit
  • volání
  • Vytočit
  • Přejděte na Zprávy
  • Go to Phonebook | Contacts

Moving to Navigation from another area:

  • Go to Navigation
  • přejděte na
  • přejděte na
  • Map(s)

Using Voice Commands Within a Specific Area

Once you are in Navigation, Communication or Entertainment, you may use exact voice commands or phrases to direct the system to a particular source or activity. Speak additional commands for more specific control or to perform a specific action. Using a Global Command will allow you to move to another area.

Entertainment, example 1:

  1. Say, «Listen to Pandora 80’s rock station» .
  2. Say, «Thumbs up» to select that item.

Entertainment, example 2:

  1. Say, «Listen to FM radio station 104.1» .

Communication, example 1:

  1. Say, «List Contacts» to display contact list.
  2. Say, «Call Bob Brown» .

Communication, example 2:

  1. Say, «Get SMS» to have text messages read to you.

Navigation, example 1:

  1. Say, «Drive to 555 Pond’s Way» .
  2. Say, «Save location to favorites» .

Navigation, example 2:

  1. Say, «Navigate to Jackson» .
  2. Say, «Cancel route» .
  3. Say, «Find nearest hotel» .


– You cannot change input methods (voice recognition, touch screen or commander knob) during a navigation task. The method used to begin the navigation task must be used through completion. (For example, if you begin a navigation task using the touch screen, you cannot switch to voice recognition until that task has been completed and you begin a new one.)

– Telefon nelze spárovat pomocí rozpoznávání hlasu.

– Rozpoznávání hlasu nelze použít v oblastech nastavení nebo aplikací.

– Pokyny se mohou lišit v závislosti na verzi softwaru vašeho systému.

The Google Maps voice guidance feature is intended to help pedestrians with visual impairments navigate on foot. Similar to voice directions, it provides more verbal clues for the user such as «go straight 25 feet» instead of «go forward.»

Information in this article applies to the Google Maps app for Android and iOS. Voice guidance is limited to certain regions of the world; if you can’t find it on your phone it, hasn’t come to your region yet.

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How to Turn on Voice Guidance for Google Maps

To enable voice guidance for Google Maps:

Google Maps Settings

Využít Nastavení.

You can adjust the volume of voice guidance under Svazek navádění V horní části stránky Nastavení navigace menu.

Turning on Detailed voice guidance

How to Use Google Maps With Voice Directions

With voice guidance enabled, open Google Maps to request walking directions. For example, you can say things like:

  • «Google, navigate to the library by walking.»
  • «Google, navigate to 1313 Mockingbird Lane by foot.»
  • «Google, navigate to the Apple Store on Duke Street by walking.»

It’s also possible to add pit stops along the way. For example, you can say:

  • «Google, add a grocery store to my current route.»
  • «Google, add 1313 Mockingbird Lane to my current route.»

If Google Maps finds multiple locations for the destination you requested, the three closest matches appear on the screen. Unfortunately, Google Maps won’t read your options aloud; however, Alexa can if you make Alexa your default voice assistant on Android.

If you don’t specify that you want walking directions, Google Maps provides driving directions by default.

Limitations of Google Maps Voice Directions

Google’s directions are only as accurate as your phone’s GPS. When walking, Google Maps won’t tell you whether your destination is on the left or right. While voice guidance makes Google Maps more accessible to blind and low-vision pedestrians, it’s not yet a suitable substitute for other assistive technologies that they normally rely on.

Google Maps Voice Commands

Google gives you regular updates on your progress, but you can ask for further assistance using these voice commands:

  • «What road is this?»
  • “What’s the next step?”
  • “Jaká je moje další odbočka?”
  • «How far away is my next turn?»
  • “How far is my destination?”
  • “How long until I get there?”
  • «Mute voice guidance.”
  • “Unmute voice guidance.”
  • «Restaurants nearby.»
  • “When does místo close?”
  • «Exit navigation.»
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Google Voice Guidance vs. Voice Navigation

Google Maps has always supported voice navigation, which gives users real-time driving directions and traffic updates. The voice guidance feature was introduced in October 2019 in celebration of World Sight Day to improve walking directions. Google’s goal is to provide screen-free navigation for pedestrians so they can focus on what’s in front of them, much like voice navigation helps drivers keep their eyes on the road.

For example, if you have voice guidance enabled, the Google Assistant reroutes you if you veer off the path. Voice guidance also lets you know the distance to your next turn, tells you which direction and street you’re currently on, and alerts you before you cross a busy road. These features are not just helpful to the visually impaired; they allow all pedestrians to navigate without having to constantly check their phones.