Do you want to unlock all of the doors? Or, just the driver’s door? To choose, put your vehicle in park. Go to the main menu and select Car Systems, then Vehicle Settings, then Central Locking, then Unlock Doors. From there, choose All or Driver, so that one or all doors will unlock as you approach the vehicle

How do I set my Advanced Key to remember my preferred seat and mirror positions?

Did you know you can sync your preferred seat and mirror positions to your individual key so that they adjust when your key is detected? Go to the main menu and select Car Systems, then Vehicle Settings, then Seats, then Driver’s Seat, then Remote Control Key, then On. Now you will be ready to drive the moment you get in the driver’s seat.

What is Audi Connect?

Audi Connect delivers information on navigation, travel destinations, weather, fuel prices and stations, places to go, and much more.

How do I turn off the Audi Connect prompt?

After seeing the Connection Prompt the first time, most drivers don’t need to see it each time the vehicle establishes connection. Want to turn it off? Go to the main menu, then Telephone, then Settings, then Connections, then Data Connection, and adjust the prompt setting to No Prompt.

Can I turn Audi Connect on and off?

Below Data Connection, you’ll see Wireless Network Connection. Here you can toggle the feature on or off.

How do I change the password for my wireless network?

When you want to change the password, just go to Wireless Network Connection. From there, you’ll see Password Settings where you’ll have the option to change it to something new.

How do I sync to my garage door opener?

You have three Homelink buttons (I, II, III) on the roof of your Audi, above the rearview mirror. There are two types of garage door openers, those with rolling codes and those with fixed codes. Fixed codes are older, less secure, and easier to sync. If you don’t know which type you have, try the fixed door programming method first. If this works, great, it means you have a fixed code system. If it doesn’t, your vehicle will have to learn using the smart button on your garage door opener motor. After pressing the button on the opener motor, get back in your Audi and press the button you are programming (either I, II, or III) within 30 seconds. Do this three times: hold the button for two seconds and release. Now that your garage door opener has been properly introduced to your
Audi, you should be good-to-go!

Jak poznáte, že je vaše relé blikače špatné?

How do I set my power seat?

There are 22 settings on the Audi seat, giving you an almost limitless range of comfort. As you push up or down on the dial located on the side of the seat, a menu displays the area of the seat you can adjust, such as thigh, lumbar, or shoulder. An interior button on the dial allow you to choose adjustments within each area. Once you have it perfect, you can then save the seat setting by hitting the Set button below the interior handle and holding down on either the 1 or 2 button until the setting is saved.

Can my Audi learn my voice?

Yes! To eliminate misunderstanding, you can teach your Audi your voice and particular words and phrases. To access this feature, go to the MMI menu, then Setup MMI, then Voice Recognition, then Individual Speech Training, then Start Speech Training. The system will then prompt you to say words, numbers, and phrases so it can become familiar with your tone and inflection to better recognize your voice!

What commands can my Audi learn?

Your Audi Voice Command system can recognize more than 100 requests and commands. Press the voice command button and speak directly to the vehicle, saying “enter destination,“ or “call (name),” for example. You can also use more intuitive commands, such as “I’m hungry” to get a list of nearby restaurants.

For help with any of these features and so much more, be sure to give us a call. We are Audi specialists and know your car inside and out. When you need a high-performance shop to take care of your high-performance vehicle, contact the pros at EuroCar Service!

Audi Connect & Google earth jsou služby poskytované Audi pro MMI 3G Plus (ale nejenom, lze je nalézt i v nejnovějších jednotkách Mib).

Audi Connect MMI 3G Plus

Audi Connect může být pro někoho velmi užitečné, protože zde najdete informace o nejbližších čerpacích stanicích, parkovištích (s cenami), počasí, cestovní informace (rychlostní limity a další). Tato služba je poskytována zdarma pro jakékoli audi, které má slot na SIM kartu.

Jak nastavím Apple CarPlay na myVW Jetta?

Audi Connect MMI Mib

Google Earth je vrstva na místních mapách, která přidává lepší vzhled mapy

Google earth on MMI 3G Plus

Vozy vybavené slotem na SIM většinou potřebují pouze aktualizaci firmwaru na nejnovější:

AUTA CELÝ SVĚT (bez USA / KANADY / Mexika / Japonska):

  • MMI 3G Plus – HN+_EU_AU3G_K0942 – KLIKNĚTE
  • MMI 3G Plus – HN+R_EU_A_P1001 – KLIKNĚTE


  • MMI 3G Plus – HN+_US_AU3G_K0942_6 – KLIKNĚTE
  • MMI 3G Plus – HN+R_US_AU_K0942_3 – KLIKNĚTE

pokud nevíte, jak zkontrolovat, jaký firmware máte, máme návod, jak to zkontrolovat – klikněte sem.

Mohu použít jakékoli SIM karty?

Audi nespecifikovalo, které SIM karty můžete používat, ale pokud víme, každá sim karta by měla s MMI fungovat dobře.

Jak povolit Audi Connect a Google Earth

Někdy se stane, že po aktualizaci firmwaru nevidíte novou kartu Audi Connect nebo novou možnost v nastavení satelitní navigace pro povolení Google Earth.

Budete muset udělat několik kroků – budete muset aktivovat skryté zelené menu a získat nejnovější firmware.

Jít do Skryté zelené menu

How to get in to Hidden Green Menu

green menu

Když jste tam, přejděte prosím výběrem na „diagnostikovat“ otočením velkého kolečka pro výběr

Po dokončení rekonfigurace by se obrazovka měla celkově podobat následujícímu snímku obrazovky (její části související s online službou):

Cílem dalšího kroku je aktivace WLAN streamingu a konfiguračního dialogu WLAN systému MMI.

Za tímto účelem nyní přejděte v systému nabídek o dvě úrovně výše. To se provádí stisknutím tlačítka „VRÁTIT SE” dvakrát.

Nyní byste měli vidět následující obsah obrazovky:

Přejděte o úroveň výš a zadejte „tel_nastavení“.