How To Bypass Ford Speed Limiter

Do you like hitting the accelerator hard, especially when driving on an open road? Is the Ford F150 speed limiter restricting your driving adventure, and you are looking for ways to disable it? Well, this guide on speed limiter removal will be useful for you.

To bypass the speed limiter on Ford, like Focus, Fusion, F150, E350, F250, etc., you can simply disconnect the wire connected to the adjustable speed limiter, program the ECM, use the control unit chip, and use the MyKey option on your Ford.

In this guide, I will provide some simple methods to bypass the 6.7 Powerstroke speed limiter on your Ford 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2022 models.

Methods to Bypass Ford Speed Limiter

If you have already decided to bypass the speed limiter on your Ford, here are all the methods you can follow to make it possible.

1. Using a Control Unit Chip

On doing a little research, you can get your hands on various kinds of chips, including the tuner chips to disable the speed limiters on Ford trucks, 2016, 2017, and other such models.

control unit chip

These tuner chips work by connecting to the Ford vehicle’s factory ship and changing the code settings. Once the settings are altered, the owner can change or disable the speed limiters as he pleases.

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2. Disconnecting or Removing the Wire

You can also disable the speed limiter on your Ford by removing the wire responsible for this mechanism. But before removing it, ensure to figure out something about the wire connecting the ECU to the ignition circuit.

Furthermore, be sure to take care of other associated functions of the speed limiter such as the immobilizer of the vehicle, and its fuel efficiency, and make a way out for them before completely cutting off the wire.

This ensures your Ford continues working smoothly, allowing you to enjoy a smooth riding experience without the speed limiter.

Poznámka: Check out the video below to see how you can replace the ignition switch on your Ford.

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3. Through the FORScan Software

Another method that can be used to bypass the speed limiter on Ford, even if it belongs to the 2018 year model or the late 2021 and 2022, is to use the FORScan software and change the ECM settings.

FORScan, if you don’t already know, is a third-party software that can connect your devices, i.e., laptop or mobile, to Ford’s system and perform an onboard diagnosis (OBD). Using the OBD adapter, you can access the vehicle’s ECM settings and turn off the speed limiter if needed.

4. Using the Accelerator

Pushing the accelerator pedal is the simplest method to disable or bypass the speed limiter on your Ford. For this purpose, press the accelerator and release it to return to its original position. Doing so will pause the acceleration.

After pausing the acceleration or speed of the vehicle, you can optimize the speed of your Ford as per your preference, as the speed limiter won’t get activated because of the absence of the standby mode.

Poznámka: Check out this guide on how to bypass Evap canister.

5. Reprogramming the ECM Settings

Reprogramming or changing the settings of the Engine control module of your Ford is another thing you can try to bypass the speed limiter. ECM is likely the brain of the Ford vehicle, and the speed settings stored in it are responsible for the working of the speed limiter.

Once you access the already stored speed settings in the control module, you can alter them and shift them to higher speed limit settings. Though you can do this on your own with some help, it’s always a good idea to consult an expert or professional in the field.

Don’t ever consider taking your Ford to an authorized personnel or dealer for reprogramming the ECM settings, as it’s illegal.

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With this, the guide on “How to bypass Ford speed limiter?” is finally wrapped. I have tried listing all the possible methods you can try to disable the speed limiter on your Ford, from something as simple as pushing the accelerator to reprogram the ECM.

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Hopefully, this guide will help you disable the speed limiter on your own, and you can now drive your Ford at the speed of your choice. However, staying within a reasonable speed limit is always recommended to avoid accidents.

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How to Disable the Ford F-150 Speed Limiter?

The speed limiter is the Ford F150 feature, in which the speed limit of your truck pre-determined. You can control its range by disabling this system.

How to Disable the Ford F-150 Speed Limiter? Speed limiter on Ford F150 helps prevent accidental risk and other problems like more fuel consumption, engine performance. There are different ways you can deactivate it, like MyKey, FORScan, accelerator, tune chip, and reprogramming the ECM.

It is present on the right side of the steering wheel side control through the press button. The specific symbol Like LIM on it from which enable you to activate its system.

It is a device that limits the speed at the proper range and does not need the speedometer for its checking.

There is a speed limit sign, which positions around the road indicate optimizes their vehicle speed according to the need.

If it cannot control, then the risk chances of collision enhance. You can adjust the speed you want and make the journey easy for you.

It is a safety feature, and you cannot disable it from any set menu.

However, there is a third-party hack available to disable it that permits go beyond set speed limits.

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FORScan Software to Change ECM Settings

FORScan is third-party software that enables you to connect your computer or mobile with the Ford truck computer module and run onboard diagnostics (OBD).

OBD adapter is a battery-powered device available in a few dollars that allows the interface between the engine module and the FORScan app.

It has a free trial version, and you can use it in the vehicle factory settings. It is an easy way to set your truck desired speed settings or no speed limits.

By Pushing the Accelerator

In this case, you have to push the accelerator pedal and release it so back to its original position, and acceleration will become interrupted.

You can optimize the vehicle speed, in which the driver’s display color cannot change because the standby mode does not occur.

Reprogramming the ECM

The engine control module is like the brain of the Ford F-150, and top speed settings saved in the module prohibit the truck from going beyond rated speed limits.

You can reprogram it to change the high-speed ratings above 100mph or more.

You should consult some expert mechanic to change the settings, and it will do this task without taking much time and disturbing other ECM functions.

However, companies authorized dealers will not assist you in change or disable the settings as it is an illegal activity.

Doing any tampering with ECM in the warranty period can get you deprived of the warranty. Therefore, wisely take the risk according to your limitations.

Use of Tuner Chips

Few tuner chips to modify the performance of the truck are available in the market that you can install.

The company does not allow modifying the programming settings related to safety features like a speed limit.

Therefore, few third-party manufacturers provide electronic chips to change the factory restored settings of the truck.

A few of the chips are edge, Superchips, and Hypertech. You can spend a few hundred dollars to install these chips from an expert mechanic.

Services of Expert Mechanic to Change Settings using Mykey

Expert mechanics have hacks or tools to increase the speed limits by disabling the speed limiter.

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MyKey technology is the best option for safe truck speed. It helps in various ways like enhance the belt use, optimize the speed limit.

In this case, you have to turn on the ignition key and go to the setting menu and click the MyKey option and click ok by selecting the desired program.

Now, your truck drives with this feature through its activation. You have to perform the configuration setting and set it around 70-80mph.

You have to adjust the truck speed minders that activate the audible and visual warning at the selected point.

Deaktivujte to

In this case, you enhance your truck speed by your desire. You have to push the button on the steering wheel its limits marking which showed on the screen turn their color.

It can change from white to grey resulting in the deactivation for a time that can alter your speed setting.

Use the ATS

ATS is the Application tracking software you can use to disable your speed limiter. You have to install it and sign in to the screen display to show the feature like a cog at the top left side.

Go to the setting and remove the selected option. Then, move to the point after getting the server option and click on the gameplay feature.

In the end, go back to the truck setting menu and unselect this option to limits the speed.

Thumb rule for speed limit

When you cannot get enough knowledge about the road and its limitation, then the general thumb rule is the best option for you.

Although the law can vary from state to state, the target speed limit according to road nature, like local highway contains the 40-50mph.

Types of speed limiters in Ford F150

The speed limiter is the vehicle’s legal requirement which offers various ranges like 52, 56, 60, and 70 mph.

Nastavitelný omezovač rychlosti

The adjustable speed limiter can adjust the range from which you cannot accelerate it. During driving, it remains active but if you change it, then reset it again.

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It can operate by the switch which presents on the steering wheel left side. The system turns ON, the speed range display on the instrument cluster.

Inteligentní omezovač rychlosti

In the Ford series, the intelligent speed limiter is present, which can increase the first one. It can communicate with a camera that can detect the speed.

It adjusts the various ranges of speed when you drive in a specific type of area along with speed variation.

Purpose of the speed limit

The recommended speed that adjusts is to have a common purpose, so you do not neglect that point. Some roads have bends or curves which dangerous for you at high speed.

During bad weather conditions, at night, children, and pedestrians, it is best.

It identifies the system which depends on the audible alert and its functioning when the speed limit becomes above its given range.

How does speed limiter work?

The speed limiter can work in which sensor present to detect the speed and the information send to the engine computer.

When you reach the selected speed, the computer restricts the engine performance by airflow, fuel engine, and spark.

Reason for disabling the speed limiter

Here are the main reasons that make people disable this feature.

Get the high top speed

You can remove it it to achieve your vehicle’s best performance. It can apply when you travel on the road where no limitation presents.

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It can better for those who travel to high mileage and fleet manager. It can control the high speed and optimize it to obtain the best fuel engine performance and maintain the economy.

It can give you advantages like avoiding accidental risk, improve fuel efficiency and fleet emission.

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