How to Stop Your Phone From Overheating

Je to horký right now. Step outside into the unforgiving sun and humidity, and you might just feel yourself shut down a bit. Well, the same thing happens to your iPhone or Android: If your smartphone gets too hot, it can start acting up, to the point where you won’t be able to use it anymore. While you can’t give your phone an icy lemonade to cool off, you umět keep it from overheating if you’re careful.

Why do smartphones heat up?

Your smartphone, like all computers, generates heat as it works. That’s usually fine. The problem comes when there’s příliš much heat going on. To avoid damaging the internal components of your device, the system is designed to take preventative measures when overheating to cool itself down.

This involves reducing the maximum display brightness (which is why you see your phone start to dim as it overheats); slowing down the processor, so your phone feels more sluggish; and, if it comes to it, locking itself up. In that case, you’ll see a message warning you that your phone is too hot, and it needs to cool down before you can continue to use it.

Because there’s a built-in system for cooling down your phone, you don’t need to worry about overheating issues leading to anything catastrophic, like an exploding battery. But frequent overheating is annoying and not normal. Let’s explore some situations where your phone might overheat, and what you can do about it.

Take your phone out of the sun

One of the most common reasons that your phone heats up is the same reason you heat up while lying out on the beach: the sun. Direct sunlight is terrible for your phone’s temperature management. The black mirror that is your phone’s display takes in all that direct sunlight, and rapidly heats up. The whole device becomes very hot to the touch, the display gets velmi dim, and, pretty soon, the OS will lock you out.

The only solution here is to simply not use your phone in direct sunlight—or even in a hot environment, if you can help it. If you’re in the middle of an overheating situation, get your phone to some shade. Fun fact: Most phones are designed to function properly in environments of 32 and 95°F.

Be careful where you place your phone when charging

When charging your phone, you shouldn’t do so haphazardly. Plugging your phone into power generates heat, especially if the power adapter is large. Normally, this heat shouldn’t be enough to overheat your phone; it only becomes a problem when you couple it with other factors, like kde you’re charging it.

Don’t allow your phone to charge while under blankets or other soft materials. Those fabrics can allow heat to build up inside your device, just as they do for you. Instead, the device should be on a flat, cool surface, like a table or counter. That material will allow heat from charging to dissipate much easier.

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The charger you use for your phone matters as well. Sometimes, we plug our devices into whatever port is available, but that might end up heating your phone up too much.

Consider this: Some phones have obr batteries that require more power to charge than, say, an iPhone SE. If you’re plugging those types of devices into power adapters with a small amount of wattage (think about Apple’s 5W power adapters), it’s going to take a lot longer for the battery to charge than it should. If the phone is trying to do something intensive while charging, that’s going to generate a lot of heat.

On the flip side, the charger that seems right might be causing problems. If your device is capable of quick charging, that’s going to heat up the battery much faster than a traditional charger would. You might want to consider downgrading the size of your power adapter in that case, if it’s sufficient for your device.

Check with your device’s manufacturer to see what wattage its battery is designed for.

Consider something like Anker’s 20W USB-C power adapter: Powerful enough to charge your modern smartphone quickly, without consuming too much power in the process.

Cut back on the apps for a bit

Your phone’s internal components generate heat as they work. Well, what makes those components work harder than apps? If you’re putting in some serious hours in a graphically intense game, or live streaming yourself from your phone’s camera, those tasks can turn up the heat pretty fast, zvláště if you’re charging your phone while doing so.

If things feel too hot, and if you can afford it, give your phone a brief break from power-hungry apps. You should also check your phone’s battery usage settings to see if any apps are overworking your phone in the background. If they are, and you don’t need them to be, turn off their background usage.

Don’t leave your phone on in your pocket

This tip’s an easy one to understand, but can be tricky to follow. Most of us don’t mean to walk around with our phone turned on in our pockets, but it happens all the time. Maybe we accidentally activated the camera from the Lock Screen, or we thought we put the phone to sleep when we really didn’t.

In any case, if your phone is active, especially if it’s doing something intense, it’s going to heat up in your pocket. It’s the same principle as not letting your phone charge under a blanket: In the fabric of your pocket, the heat has nowhere to go.

Mind the case

Your smartphone’s case might be trapping heat, as well. If you deal with overheating a lot, and are having trouble with a solution, consider swapping the case for something that deals with heat better (silicone or plastic are ideal). Better yet, to truly troubleshoot, use your phone without the case for a while, to see if it stops the phone from heating up as much. Just be extra careful with it, for obvious reasons.

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Power your phone down

If you need a hot phone to cool down in a pinch, shut the whole thing down. This will allow the device to close down any intense processes or functions that are causing it to heat up, and allow the heat to leave the device faster than if it was still powered on. Just give it a minute to cool down before booting the thing back up.

Android Phone Overheating? Here Are 10 Ways To Cool Down Your Android Phone

Smartphones are getting more advanced every day, with an increase in power and a decrease in size. However, this advancement has also led to an increase in the overheating smartphone issue. With more processing power; more heat is generated, and a compact device makes it hard to release the heat properly.

If your Android phone is overheating, then there are many ways you can cool down your Android phone. Below I have listed 11 ways to stop your Android phone from overheating and cool it down.

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Before learning how to fix your overheating Android phone, it is important to know the damage overheating can cause. The least that can happen is your phone may get stuck or shut down in the middle of usage. However, if you keep your phone overheated continuously, then it could also lead to damaging the inside components and even make the phone unusable.

The worst you could expect is your phone exploding leading to a physical injury. So yes, overheating is bad and you should be very concerned.

1. Stop Overusing the Phone

Instead of blaming the Android phone for overheating, let’s check our usage habits first. Smartphones are powerful, but they are not made for continuous use, unlike gaming consoles or PCs. Simply because they have a limited cooling system (and space) and they depend on a battery that generates more heat.

If you play fast-paced graphics-intensive games for extended time on your Android phone, then it could easily heat it. During such high processing, your phone’s RAM, CPU, GPU, and battery needs to work hard. All of these hardware components generate heat and overheat your phone.

Now I don’t recommend you stop playing graphic-intensive games or using other heavy applications, but it is important to create a balance. For a newer Android phone, 1-2 hours of heavy usage and a 20-30mins break should help keep your Android phone cool. However, you may have to decrease the usage time for older phones (particularly over a year old).

2. Overheating Battery

A defective battery is the most common reason for phone overheating. Your phone might be fine, but if your phone battery is overheating then it could heat the whole phone and even lead to a faster battery drain. To detect a faulty battery, see if the back of your phone is overheating more than the other areas. Also, try taking out the battery and compare how much it is hot as compared to the phone.

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Furthermore, most Android phones also come with a built-in battery information tool to see battery health and temperature. Go to your phone’s dialer app (from where you make calls) and enter * # * # * # * # 4636 in it. A “Battery information” option should show up, tap on it and you will see the battery health and battery temperature listed. Battery health should be “Good”, anything else should raise concern. As for battery temperature, it should be anywhere between 25°C – 40°C where 40°C should only reach very high usage. If your battery is above 50°C, then there is a chance it is defective.


If your Android phone doesn’t support the battery information feature, then you can also use the free app AccuBattery to get insight into battery health and temperature. In case your phone’s battery is the culprit, then you will have to replace it with a new one (if possible).

3. Android Phone Overheating While Charging

If your phone keeps overheating while charging, then it could be a problem with your battery or the charger. Use the instructions in the above tip to see the health status of your battery and make sure it is good. For the charger, try replacing both the charger and the data cable to see if any of them are the cause. In case you find any of these components defective, you will have to replace them.

Furthermore, make sure the phone is not put in a suffocating place while charging, like under the pillow. As charging is already creating heat, more heating resources could lead to overheating the phone.

Also, keep in mind that never charge and use a heavy application/game simultaneously on a phone. Charging a phone generates heat and heavy software leads to forcing all phone components to heat up, which can overheat your phone.

4. Your Android Phone’s Case

If you put your phone in a case for protection or just to make it look good, then it could be the problem. Cases are usually made of insulator material, like plastic or leather. Such material can keep the heat inside and cold outside, leading to overheating. Remove the case of the phone and use it to see if it still gets hot.

If you find the case to be causing the problem, then either remove it or replace it with a more open one. The case replacement must be open from the front and lighter on the back. If possible, you can also drill holes in the backside of your current phone case to make it less suffocating. Best of all, you can get a cell phone cooling case — like this one from R & B — that will help cool down your phone.

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5. Malware a viry

Malware could also be the cause of overheating because such malicious programs are not configured to be easy on the resources. Download Avast Mobile Security & Antivirus and scan your phone for any malware or viruses. It will find and delete any type of malware and let you know what is deleted. After the scan, try using your phone again and see if it heats up.

6. Control Background Apps

If you are not using your Android phone extensively and it is still overheating, then it could be the background apps. Many apps run in the background to offer their features, so even if you close them; they are still using resources and heating the phone. You can go to Settings > Apps > Background Apps to see all the apps running in the background and stop them. However, I will recommend you try out the free Greenify app for Android which can automate this process.

Greenify app will automatically put apps in hibernate mode when you stop using them for an extended period. It will ensure no rogue background apps steal resources and heat your phone.


7. Use Cooling Master To Cool Down Your Phone

aktualizace: Cooling Master isn’t available anymore. You can use these two alternatives instead:

Cooling Master is an amazing Android app that offers all the features you need to minimize resource usage and cool down your phone. It has a cooler option that automatically detects the phone heating up and prompts you to press the button to cool it down. This feature will automatically find apps that are overheating the phone and stop them.

Furthermore, It has many other resource-friendly features as well. Some of its features include a Memory booster, junk file cleaner, battery saver, antivirus, game booster, charging controller, and much more.

8. Decrease Screen Resolution

You can also decrease the screen resolution of your phone which will overall decrease pressure on your phone components and also make it fast. Lowering screen resolution decreases pixel density and as your phone will have to process fewer pixels, it will also heat up less. You can change the screen resolution from display settings or developer options. Here’s a complete tutorial on how to change screen resolution on Android.

9. Messing with Phone Features and Settings

Older phones can start overheating due to their components getting worn out. You don’t have many options to fix overheating issues in such phones, although you can still get more life by using the phone efficiently. Some things you can do to stop the phone from overheating include:

  • Continuous use of Wi-Fi can heat the phone. Turn off Wi-Fi every now and then when you are not using it to ease things up.
  • Refrain from using resource-hungry apps. Cooling Master app can help find resource-hungry apps that may be causing overheating and let you disable or uninstall them.
  • Keep Bluetooth off all the time, unless needed.
  • Turn off vibration (of any kind) if it isn’t necessary.
  • Turn down the brightness, more brightness means more pressure on the battery, and it is bad for your eyes as well.
  • Avoid using the phone as a hotspot.
  • If your phone storage is too close to full, then delete some of the data. More data slows down the phone and also contributes to heating.
  • Don’t go overboard with widgets, only use the ones that are necessary. Widgets use resources to update information in real-time.
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These tips should help keep your phone cool. If you have a new Android phone, you can still follow these tips to get more life out of it.

10. Android Phone Overheating During Call

Your Android phone may overheat during extended phone calls and make it hard to call. Calls use a lot of resources, you can notice how calls drain phone battery. If you call for hours, then it is obvious that the phone will heat up. However, the warmth and moisture of your hands also contribute to overheating the phone. On average, 1 hour of continuous call should make the phone warm, but not hot enough to be of any danger.

Try to keep your calls below an hour with extended breaks in between. If you find your phone to be heating up rather quickly, then try using headphones or the Speaker option to make a call without touching the phone. There is a chance your phone’s speakers might be damaged as well, you will have to get them checked by a phone repair shop if you have any doubts.

11. Give a Safe Environment To Your Phone

Faulty hardware and pressure from the software are the main reasons for Android phones overheating, however, the external environment also plays an important role. Make sure your phone is away from any type of heating source, this includes warm clothes, your pocket, your backpack, the Sun, a pillow, and anything that could transmit heat to your phone. If your phone is still overheating, put it in front of a fan to help it cool down faster.

Is it Icy Cool Now?

If your phone is overheating, it is bad for both you and your phone. Follow the above tips to cool down your phone and get the best experience. Overuse of the phone is usually the main reason for occasional overheating. However, if your phone is continuously overheating, then the battery or a rogue app could be the reason. Furthermore, if you have a very old phone, then upgrading to a newer phone is the best option to fix the overheating phone issue.

Did you manage to stop your phone from overheating? If not, let us know in the comments what problem you are facing; I may be able to help.