A person looking for tips to cool down phones when they become hot.

If you have a cell phone, you’ve probably noticed it’s sometimes hot to the touch. There are many reasons why this happens—we’ve put together a guide to why phones get hot and how to protect it.

Cell phones heat up when the battery is working too hard. So if you find yourself constantly asking yourself, “why does my phone get so hot?” you might actually be doing long-term damage to your smartphone.

If you’ve been using your cell phone for a long time, a little heat coming from the device is normal, but it shouldn’t be too hot for too long. Learning why phones overheat and how to protect it can help you avoid sustained damage to your cell phone.

We’ve put together a guide to what makes phones overheat and how you can be on the lookout.

Proč se váš telefon zahřívá?

common reasons phones overheat

Phones usually get hot because of an overworked battery. A little heat coming from the back of your phone is normal because modern phone batteries emit heat while in use. But prolonged or extreme heat can signal something more serious, like outdated software or apps that cybercriminals can exploit.

  • Streaming video content for prolonged periods of time
  • Herní
  • Vysoký jas obrazovky
  • Outdated apps or software
  • Exposure to hot conditions or direct sunlight

Android vs. iPhone overheating

Android devices have an additional factor to consider: overheating due to viruses or malware. iPhones are rarely susceptible to malware or viruses, because Apple doesn’t allow any non-Apple software on their devices. An Android, however, may become infected with a virus that causes the phone to overheat.

To help keep your Android from overheating, consider installing a reliable antivirus software on your device.

How to keep your phone from overheating

Tips to avoid overheating your device

Keeping your phone from overheating means you’re protecting your it from damage. The following tips can help you keep your phone cool, safe, and secure.

Udržujte své aplikace aktuální

Bugs or older software may result in apps taking more energy to run and, therefore, making your phone overheat. Frequently updating your apps helps fix any of those bugs and keeps them from using extensive energy.

Vyhněte se přímému slunečnímu záření

Leaving your phone in hot conditions or direct sunlight for a significant amount of time can heat up the inside of the phone to extreme levels. If you’re outdoors with your cell phone, leave it in a dark, cooler place like a bag or loose pocket.

Charge your phone on a cool, flat surface

If you charge your phone on a bed, blanket, pillow, or other cushioned surface, it may be trapping heat. Heat needs to be able to escape the phone while it’s charging. So, when you plug your phone in to charge, be sure you place it on a cool, flat, hard surface. You may also want to replace the charging cable.

Close apps you aren’t using

Background apps can still take up energy while not in use. If you don’t close an app, it will remain open in the background and continue to consume your phone’s energy—making it work harder than necessary. When you’re not using an app, don’t just exit the app—ensure it’s fully closed.

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If you want to go the extra mile, you can even delete apps that you don’t use.

Leave your screen brightness on low

Though it might not seem significant, your phone’s brightness can have an impact on your energy usage. And the more energy you use, the hotter your phone gets. Turn your screen brightness down a notch to conserve energy, while also reducing the strain on your eyes that comes with staring at the bright light.

Nainstalujte antivirový software

For Androids, viruses can cause issues with your phone’s software that can result in overheating. Antivirus software can block malware from infecting your phone while securing your Android device.

Zapněte režim v letadle

If you only need limited functionality like checking the time or setting an alarm, turn your phone on its airplane mode setting. This can keep your phone from continuing to work hard when you aren’t using it.

How to cool down your phone

How to cool down a hot phone

An occasionally overheated phone is inevitable. If your phone ever feels too hot to the touch or you get an error message that it’s too hot to use, you should know the steps to cool it down.

Get the phone out of sunlight or heat

If your phone has overheated from exposure to sunlight, remove it from the heat and store it in a dry, cooler place. Do not put your phone in the refrigerator or the freezer, as this can harm it. Put it in a loose pocket, bag, under a beach towel, or in another shady area.

Fan or blow on your phone

Placing your phone near moving air can help it cool down quicker. If you can’t place it near an actual fan, you can mimic its effects by using your hands or blowing on your phone.

Separate your phone from other devices

All devices may get hot or release hot air. So if you have multiple devices like phones, tablets, or computers in
the same bag, they are more likely to overheat. Keep your devices as separate as possible.

Take the phone out of its case

Phone cases can trap heat in your already-overheated phone. If you notice your phone is hot when you touch it—especially through the case—or if you’ve received a temperature warning message, remove the case until your phone returns to a normal temperature.

Vypněte telefon

Turning your phone completely off can help stop the software from running while the phone cools down. Leave it off until your phone stops feeling hot to the touch.

Zavřete své aplikace

As overuse often heats up your phone, closing running apps can help bring the temperature back down to normal. Don’t just exit out of your apps—make sure they’re closed.

  • To close apps on an iPhone, depending on your iPhone model, push the home screen button twice or swipe up from the bottom of your home screen, then swipe up on each app you want to close.
  • To close apps on an Android, swipe up from the bottom of your screen, hold your finger down, then let go. Then, swipe up on each app you want to close.

Like any other mobile device security or functionality issue, an overheated phone can be overwhelming. But with the proper care, it should be an uncommon occurrence with an easy solution. iPhone and Android users can keep their phones from overheating by regularly updating the phone, closing unused apps, deleting apps you don’t use, and making sure to charge and store it properly.

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Phone overheating FAQs

If you’re wondering «why does my phone get hot,» you may have more questions surrounding overheating phones. We have answers.

Je špatné, když se váš telefon zahřeje?

Yes, a phone that is hot to the touch could become a problem down the line. Phones will naturally emit heat—so if your phone feels mildly hot, there’s no need to sound the alarm. But if the heat is intense or prolonged, it could signify a deeper problem with your phone that needs to be addressed.

What happens when a phone overheats?

Excessive temperatures can have a long-term impact on your phone. A few ways heat impacts your cell phone include:

  • Degradace baterie
  • Slower software
  • Internal melting
  • Decreased lifespan of the device

How hot is too hot for a phone?

You shouldn’t use your phone if it’s over 95 degrees Fahrenheit. It is recommended that your phone temperature stays between 32 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit—or 0 and 35 degrees Celsius. You also should take care not to store it anywhere that is hotter than 113 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Mobile phones have become a necessary tool in today’s digital age. Billions of people worldwide now own phones and use them to communicate, play games, obtain information, etc. It is usual for mobile devices to heat up and get slightly warm sometimes. However, you may find your phone getting too hot, causing issues like battery drain or shutdown. If you are wondering, «Why is my phone hot and losing battery?», there is no reason to worry. This article answers your questions and gives you tips on how to keep your phone cool.

why is my phone hot and losing battery

  • Part 1. Why Is My Android Phone Hot and Losing Battery?
  • Part 2. How to Fix Overheating Issues in iPhone & Android Devices
    • Fix 1. Keep Your Devices Within Appropriate Temperatures
    • Fix 2. Update the Devices
    • Fix 3. Close the Background Apps
    • Fix 4. Factory Reset the Devices
    • Tool 1. How to Fix iPhone with iOS System Recovery
    • Tool 2. How to Fix Android with Android Repair(Windows)

    Part 1. Why Is My Android Phone Hot and Losing Battery?

    Phone heating up and draining battery is a common problem many people experience. Typically, mobile devices overheat due to an overworked CPU, direct heat exposure, strained battery, or overuse. Also, your phone may be running on outdated software, causing performance issues. In some cases, the phone may be infected with a virus.

    Below are some reasons why your phone is getting hot and your battery is draining fast:

    • Přímé sluneční světlo — If you leave your device under hot conditions for an extended period, it will begin to heat, and the internal components will get damaged.
    • Přetížený CPU — Overloading your Phone’s CPU can make your phone hot and cause the battery to drain fast.
    • Faulty charger cable or battery — If your phone is too hot, you might be using a faulty charger.
    • More-than-optimal settings — If your phone heats up regularly, try to reduce the screen brightness level, choose static wallpaper, and only use your favorite widget.
    • Gaming for a long time — Like computers, playing games for lengthy periods on your phone can cause GPU and CPU to strain.
    • Streaming video on your phone — The phone getting hot and battery draining fast can be caused by streaming YouTube or Netflix videos on your phone for a long time. Anything that keeps your phone’s screen lit for an extended period and uses a lot of RAM causes your device to overheat.
    • Aktualizace softwaru — In most cases, mobile phones tend to raise temperature levels when running software updates. If a bug in your phone requires fixing during an update, there will be a temporary increase in power consumption. This can become worse if you update a rooted phone. After the update, your phone will restart and cool down.
    • Virus nebo Malware — Crypto-mining malware targeting cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin can cause phones to heat up and drain batteries due to their resource-intensive nature.

    Viz také:

    Part 2. How to Fix Overheating Issues in iPhone & Android Devices

    Now that you have learned what causes your iPhone to overheat, it will now be easy to know the best method that you can use to cool down your device. Here are some tips for troubleshooting phone getting hot and battery draining fast issues:

    Fix 1. Keep Your Devices Within Appropriate Temperatures

    To stop your phones from overheating, keep them away from areas with high heat temperatures. Leaving your device in a hot car or in direct sunlight overheats your device quickly. Moreover, avoid keeping your gadget beside devices that produce heat, such as heating machines, gaming consoles, and other electronic gadgets.

    Fix 2. Update the Devices

    It is essential to update your phone as it helps to improve your performance and fix bugs. Besides, you can solve many software-related problems by updating your phone. Therefore, if your phone overheats regularly, you can fix the problem by updating it.

    Jak aktualizovat iPhone

    Step 1. Connect it to a strong Wi-Fi network.

    Step 2. Launch the device’s nastavení application, tap the obecně a stiskněte tlačítko Aktualizace softwaru .

    Krok 3. Klepněte na Stažení a instalace button and wait a few minutes for the update to complete.

    update iphone

    Jak aktualizovat zařízení Android

    Below is how to update your Android phone:

    Step 1. Connect the device to a reliable Wi-Fi network. Launch your phone’s Nastavení aplikace.

    Krok 2. Klepněte na O telefonu .

    Krok 3. Klepněte na Zkontrolovat aktualizace button. If there is an available update, you can then tap on the Instalovat nyní button to install available updates.

    Fix 3. Close the Background Apps

    The other thing you should do if your phone is hot and the battery is draining fast is to reduce your device’s workload. You can do this by closing all the apps running in the background. Apps running in the background cause overuse of your phone processor, making your device overheat.

    How to Close iPhone Device’s Background Apps

    Step 1. Launch your device’s Nastavení aplikaci a klepněte na obecně .

    Krok 2. Klepněte na Aktualizace aplikací na pozadí and disable all the background applications.

    close iphone background apps

    If you are using iPhone 8.0 or any earlier models. Double-click the Domů button to see all the applications running in the background, and swipe them to close them.

    How to Close Android Device’s Background Apps

    Follow the below steps to close your device’s background applications:

    Step 1. Launch your Android device’s Nastavení aplikaci a klepněte na O telefonu option, move down to the Verze > Číslo sestavení option, and tap on it for 7 times to turn on developers mode.

    Step 2. Key your device’s PIN when requested, and move back to the Settings menu.

    Krok 3. Vraťte se na Nastavení systému > Vývojářské možnostia stiskni Provozování služeb .

    android developer options

    Step 4. You will see all the background applications. Tap on the Stop button and confirm the action by hitting the OK .

    Fix 4. Factory Reset the Devices

    You can try resetting the device to fix the issue. However, this process will delete all of your device’s data and settings. As such, it is prudent to back up your phone before formatting it.

    Jak obnovit tovární nastavení iPhone

    Step 1. Launch your iPhone’s Nastavení aplikace.

    Krok 2. Klepněte na obecně tlačítko a stiskněte resetovat .

    Krok 3. Klepněte na Vymazat veškerý obsah a nastavení .

    Krok 4. Klepněte na Vymazat telefon a počkejte na dokončení procesu.

    erase all content on iphone

    The above tips should solve the overheating problem. If not, you can use a professional iOS recovery tool to fix an iOS device or an Android repair tool to fix an Android device.

    Jak obnovit tovární nastavení telefonu Android

    Below is how to format your Android phone:

    Krok 1. Spusťte Nastavení aplikace.

    Krok 2. Klepněte na Nastavení systému tlačítko, zvolte Resetujte telefona stiskni Vymazat všechna data .

    Step 3. Unlock the phone, and tap on the Vymazat vše .

    how to reset android device when phone is hot and battery draining

    More relevant articles:

    Part 3. How to Fix Phone Hot and Battery Draining Fast Directly

    At times you may try the above-mentioned fixes without succeeding. What will you do? The best alternative is to use professional tools.

    Tool 1. How to Fix iPhone with iOS System Recovery

    Tried all the troubleshooting tips, and none worked for you? Do not fret. Nástroj pro obnovu systému iOS is a professional iOS repair application that fixes a wide range of iOS issues.

    With this potent tool, you can solve iPhone overheating problems, iPhone battery draining issues, iPhone stuck on headphones issues, iPhone stuck on Apple logo issues, iPhone white/red/blue/black screen of death, etc. It is a one-stop solution for all iOS device issues.

    The application supports the standard and advanced iOS repair modes. The standard mode fixes less serious problems and does not delete your device’s data. On the other hand, the advanced mode fixes more serious issues and deletes all your iOS device’s data.

    Klíčové vlastnosti

    • Fix the iOS device’s overheating, battery drain, screen of death, etc., issues.
    • Work natively on all iOS devices, including the latest ones.
    • Support standard and advanced modes.
    • Uživatelsky přívětivé rozhraní.
    • Podpora Windows i Mac.

    Below is how to fix the iPhone getting hot and battery draining fast issues using this powerful tool:

    01 Start by downloading, installing, and launching the application on your computer.

    02 Link the iPhone to the computer using a lighting cable. Tap on the Věřte pod tlačítkem Důvěřujte tomuto počítači message that pops up. Click Více nástrojů on the software interface and select Nástroj pro obnovu systému iOS, a uvidíte Obnova systému iPhone okno.

    how to solve phone getting hot and battery draining fast issue with ios system recovery

    03 Vyberte Standardní režim option from the application interface.

    choose mode

    04 Confirm that the device’s information that is displayed on the application screen is correct.

    confirm device info

    05 Hit the Opravy button to begin downloading a firmware package for repairing the iPhone. Then you can wait for the process to complete, and your device will be repaired automatically.

    verifing firmware package

    Tool 2. How to Fix Android with Android Repair(Windows)

    Are you looking for an effective way to fix your Android device’s overheating and draining battery problem? Android Repair(Windows) application has got you covered.

    This unmatched Android system repair application fixes a wide range of Android device errors, such as boot loop, black screen, bricked Android, and more. The application has a simple interface that makes it easily usable, even by novice computer users.

    Additionally, Android Repair(Windows) supports over 1000 device models, is trusted by millions across the globe, and has a high success rate compared to its peers.

    Klíčové vlastnosti

    • Fix Android phone issues like overheating, screen of death, etc.
    • K používání aplikace nejsou potřeba žádné technické dovednosti.
    • High Android errors fixing success rate.
    • Support almost all Android devices, including popular models like Samsung, Huawei, LG, etc.

    Below is how to fix the Android overheating and draining battery using Android Repair(Windows):

    01 Start by downloading, installing, and launching the application on your device. Afterward, link the phone to the computer using a USB cable and enable debugging mode.

    02 Vyberte System Repair možnost z nabídky Toolbox, and select the Android option from the screen that appears next.

    03 Initialize the process by clicking on the Home button. Select your device’s information and confirm that they are correct. Afterward, checkmark the agreement to confirm your action and hit the další .

    confirm device info

    04 Put your Android device into its download mode. The application will begin to download the repair firmware package.

    05 Tap on the Opravit teď button and confirm the action by keying in 000000 on the application’s interface and hitting the Potvrdit button. Wait for the process to complete and hit the Hotovo .

    repairing now

    Proč investovat do čističky vzduchu?

    You now understand why your phone is getting hot; its battery is draining fast, and the possible fixes. If the problem persists after trying the fixes discussed in this article, you can use Nástroj pro obnovu systému iOS to fix iPhone issues or Android Repair(Windows) to fix Android issues. These applications are easy to use and promise high repair success rates.

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