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Aktualizováno 14. července 2023

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This article explains what might cause your iPhone to display the incorrect time, and how to fix it.

Why Is My iPhone’s Time Wrong?

There are a few simple reasons why your iPhone shows the incorrect time.

  • It could be that Location Services are disabled, preventing your iPhone from automatically adjusting the time when you travel between time zones.
  • Your iPhone might be set to the wrong time zone.
  • Your automatic date and time settings may not be turned on, preventing your iPhone from adjusting the clock during events like Daylight Saving Time.

To allow your iPhone to set the date and time based on your location automatically, you’ll need to make sure Location Services are turned on.

Turning On Location Services

iPhone settings with Privacy and Location Services highlighted

Využít Místo Služby v horní části seznamu.

Location settings with Location Services and Turn Off highlighted

When toggling Místo Služby off, a pop-up will appear notifying you that it will disable the option for all apps. Tap Vypnout.

How Do I Correct the Time on My iPhone?

Fixing the date and time settings on your iPhone is a fairly straightforward process.

If you intend to use your iPhone’s automatic date and time settings, make sure you don’t have Airplane Mode turned on and that you also have a connection to a cellular or Wi-Fi signal.

iPhone settings with General and Date & Time highlighted

In the General menu, tap Datum Čas.

iPhone Date & Time settings with Set Automatically and Time Zone highlighted

Využít doba Zone.

iPhone Date & Time settings with search function, date, and time highlighted

Tap the time below the calendar menu to set the current time.

Why Is My iPhone Calendar in the Wrong Time Zone?

It’s the same reason the iPhone is showing the incorrect time. If your iPhone’s date or time settings are wrong, so will your calendar dates and times. The Time Zone Override option could also throw off dates and times when it’s turned off; the calendar will adjust the date and time of events to match your current location.

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How Do I Correct the Time in My iPhone Calendar?

As the date and time displayed in your iPhone’s Calendar app are tied to your iPhone’s Date & Time settings, you should first attempt to adjust those settings (detailed above). If those don’t solve the problem, you may need to change the calendar.

If you need to connect a new user or account to your calendar, have the necessary login information for that account ready, as you will need to input it for verification.

iPhone settings with Calendar and Default Calendar highlighted

Přejděte dolů a klepněte na tlačítko Výchozí kalendář.

iPhone Calendar settings with Accounts and Add Account highlighted

Využít Přidat účet, then tap the kind of account you wish to add from the pop-up menu.

iPhone Calendar settings with Default Calendar and set new calendar highlighted

Select the new user/account as your default.

iPhone Calendar settings with Time Zone Override, the toggle, and Time Zone highlighted

S Přepsání časového pásma toggled on, tap doba Zone to select the time zone you wish to apply to your calendar events.

How do I change the date on my iPhone?

To change the date on your iPhone, open Nastavení a klepněte na tlačítko obecně > Datum Čas. Toggle off the Nastavte automaticky option, tap the current date, and then set the date manually.

How do I change the snooze time on an iPhone?

There’s no official way to change the snooze time on an iPhone. However, one workaround is to schedule different alarms at your desired snooze interval times. To do so, open the Hodiny app, klepněte na tlačítko Poplach, set your preferred wakeup time, turn off the Podřimovat nastavení a klepněte na Uložit. Next, create a new alarm for your custom «snooze» time.

How do I check screen time on an iPhone?

To check your screen time on an iPhone, you’ll first need to turn on the feature. Go to Nastavení > Čas na obrazovce. Klepněte na Zapnout čas na obrazovce > Pokračovat. Klepněte na Toto je Můj iPhone, a zapněte Sdílení napříč zařízeními. To view your screen time report, go to Nastavení > Čas na obrazovce a klepněte na tlačítko Viz Veškerá činnost. Klepněte na Týden or Den to see those summaries.

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  • If the time on your iPhone is wrong, you could change it manually with a few taps, or make sure it’s set to change automatically.
  • Your iPhone is designed to automatically identify what time zone you’re located in, and display the correct time accordingly.
  • If your iPhone displays the wrong time, check to make sure that all the time-related options are correct in the Settings app, and that you’re connected to cell service.
  • If the automatic settings don’t work, you can turn them off and set the time manually in the Settings app’s Date & Time section.
  • Další příběhy najdete na domovské stránce Business Insider.

Your iPhone is designed to display the correct time automatically. It gets date and time information from your cellular service provider and through GPS, so it should always know the correct local time zone and whether it’s Daylight Saving Time or not.

If your iPhone displays the wrong time, you should check to make sure your settings are correct. You can also change the time and date yourself.

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How to change your iPhone’s time settings to set automatically

1. Spusťte aplikaci Nastavení.

2. Tap «Privacy.»

3. Tap «Location Services.»

4. On the Location Services page, make sure «Location Services» is turned on.

5. Scroll to the bottom and tap «System Services,» then make sure «Setting Time Zone» is turned on.

6. Tap the Back button at the top left of the screen three times to go back to the main Settings page.

7. Tap «General» and then tap «Date & Time.»

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8. On the Date & Time page, make sure that «Set Automatically» is tuned on.

9. Make sure the correct time zone is displayed.

How to change the time on an iPhone manually

If your iPhone is unable to display the correct time automatically for some reason, you might have no alternative but to set the time manually.

1. Spusťte aplikaci Nastavení.

2. Tap «General» and then tap «Date & Time.»

3. Turn off «Set Automatically.»

4. Tap «Time Zone» and enter the correct time zone for your location.

5. Tap the date and time and then set it manually.

Remember that if your time is set manually, you will need to change it by hand if you change time zones or, when your region switches over to Daylight Saving Time.

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David Johnson
Spisovatel na volné noze

Dave Johnson je technologický novinář, který píše o spotřební technice a o tom, jak průmysl přetváří spekulativní svět sci-fi do moderního reálného života. Dave vyrostl v New Jersey, než vstoupil do letectva, aby obsluhoval satelity, učil vesmírné operace a plánoval starty do vesmíru. Poté strávil osm let jako vedoucí obsahu v týmu Windows ve společnosti Microsoft. Dave jako fotograf fotografoval vlky v jejich přirozeném prostředí; je také instruktorem potápění a spolupořadatelem několika podcastů. Dave je autorem více než dvou desítek knih a přispěl do mnoha stránek a publikací včetně CNET, Forbes, PC World, How To Geek a Insider.