The key fob that comes with your Ford vehicle is battery powered, which means that at some point it will have to be replaced. This won’t happen often, but when it does it’s important to know how to change it as the key fob is the tool that allows you to remotely lock and unlock the vehicle.

Krok první

The first thing you’ll need to do is release its key blade. For some Ford models it will be necessary to manually extract the blade, while others use a special release button.

Druhý krok

Now you’ll want to apply a screwdriver which is flat to pry your key fob open. Insert the screwdriver’s end into the key’s side, where its key blade usually rests. Gently extract its cover which will reveal its battery. For key fobs that require you to extract their blade, you can also use a coin to wedge inside the gap near the key, and then twist until the cover pops off.

Krok třetí

Next, take the screwdriver than use it to pry the battery out. It can be difficult to get to at first since batteries are smooth and flat, but using a screwdriver to pry it out will work on most key fobs.

Krok čtyři

Now you want to insert the replacement battery. Just place it within the identical position as the older battery, while ensuring its plus side is up. If the new battery is installed upside down, then the key fob won’t function properly.

Často kladené otázky

How can I program my Ford’s personal entry keyless code?

To create your personalized entry code you’ll first want to input a factory set code which is five digits. Next, click 1•2 in its keypad within 5 seconds, then input the 5 digit code you want to use. Bear in mind that every number must be inputted within 5 seconds of one another. Then click 1•2 in your keypad so it saves the personalized code one. The car doors will unlock and lock to verify that the entry code has been correctly programmed.

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What happens if I don’t replace my key fob’s battery?

Once the battery completely dies you’ll no longer be able to remotely access the vehicle. Many Ford models include emergency keys that you can use to get inside, but of course physical keys are vulnerable to be stolen, lost or copied and if a thief gets their hands on your physical key they can enter the vehicle and steal it.

Key fobs have become a popular alternative to traditional keys because they are easy to reprogram, and if the fob gets stolen or lost, replacing it is easier and more cost effective than conventional locks. The good news is that even a basic battery is enough to keep the key fob powered for quite some time, and Ford is developing newer technology that allows key fobs to be powered without the need of batteries, mainly through magnetic fields which are transmitted between readers and antennas.

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Přestože bylo vynaloženo veškeré přiměřené úsilí k zajištění přesnosti informací obsažených na těchto stránkách, nelze zaručit absolutní přesnost. Tato stránka a všechny informace a materiály, které se na ní objevují, jsou uživateli prezentovány „tak jak jsou“ bez záruky jakéhokoli druhu, ať už výslovné nebo předpokládané. Všechna vozidla jsou předmětem předchozího prodeje. Ceny zahrnují veškeré náklady, které musí spotřebitel uhradit, kromě licenčních nákladů, registračních poplatků a daní. ‡Vozidla vystavená na různých místech nejsou v současné době v našem inventáři (není skladem), ale mohou vám být dána k dispozici u nás v rozumném datu od okamžiku vaší žádosti, nepřesahujícím jeden týden.

Přestože bylo vynaloženo veškeré přiměřené úsilí k zajištění přesnosti informací obsažených na těchto stránkách, nelze zaručit absolutní přesnost. Tato stránka a všechny informace a materiály, které se na ní objevují, jsou uživateli prezentovány „tak jak jsou“ bez záruky jakéhokoli druhu, ať už výslovné nebo předpokládané. Všechna vozidla jsou předmětem předchozího prodeje. Ceny zahrnují veškeré náklady, které musí spotřebitel uhradit, kromě licenčních nákladů, registračních poplatků a daní.

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Will Disconnecting the Battery Reset Mykey

In 2008, Ford came out MyKey® to prevent theft and provide driver safety technology.

While the 2008 or older versions still prevent theft, they don’t let you reset or program the key fob. In vehicles that are 2012 and newer, disconnecting the battery will reset the MyKey.

If you try to unplug the battery of your 2008 or older Ford model, it will remove the MyKey feature and disable your car, and resetting it will be a big hassle for you.

Will Disconnecting the Battery Reset Mykey?

When Ford came out with MyKey®, it was to prevent theft and provide driver safety technology.

It is Bluetooth, a keyless entry code loaded on the fob. MyKey, created after 2012, allows you to customize the radio/CD volume, set speed limits, and set your acceleration settings.

These settings restrict the user from playing the radio louder than the set volume, and limit your speed and acceleration speed, which is an excellent feature if you have a lead foot or teenage driver.

Unfortunately, if you own a Ford vehicle made in 2008 or before when you disconnect your battery, MyKey erases your data which is extremely inconvenient!

MyKey erases the information in cars made in 2008 and earlier due to the fuel injection and ignition in these cars. Not only will it not reset MyKey, but it will also disable the vehicle!

However, MyKey is not available in some of the later versions. Check out your owner’s manual to see if this is available in your model.

Don’t Forget About Admin Keys!

If you buy the car from the dealer, you will get more than one key. One will be your admin key with the factory settings, and the other you will program as your MyKey.

You can use the admin key if you lose the MyKey to start and drive the car. It will also let you program your MyKey or clear your key. Store the admin key safely so you will have it when you need it. You also want to mark it as the admin key.

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Never keep the admin key on the same keychain as the MyKey, as the admin key will override your MyKey, and you won’t be able to start the vehicle.

In fact, you cannot reset your MyKey without the Admin key. Lost Admin keys can only be replaced by a Ford dealer.

If you lose your MyKey, you can turn a spare key into a MyKey using your Admin key. When reselling your Ford, it is a good idea to clear your MyKey for security reasons.

But if you don’t have an admin key and you need it reprogrammed, Ford will charge you up to $100 to do it.

What Happens When You Disconnect the Battery?

In a 2012 or newer, disconnecting the battery resets the MyKey to the factory settings, and you will have to reprogram the key with your settings.

But when you disconnect the negative battery terminal, the setting remains with a restore.

If you need to restore your settings, there are several ways it can be done.

How to Reset the Key as an Initial Set-Up?

For vehicles with push-button start, the MyKey goes in the back slot located in the cup holder or the storage section of your console. Check your manual for your car’s location.

Krok 1: Place the key in the ignition for all other vehicles.

Krok 2: Zapněte auto.

Krok 3: On your information display, you should see Settings. You then hold the button until the MyKey setting pops up.

Krok 4: Once that comes up, shut off the vehicle. All your settings should be restored once you restart the car.

How to Change the Reset Settings With the Admin Key?

Krok 1: Place the admin key in the ignition and start the vehicle.

  1. Use the button on the steering wheel and scroll through the display menu.
  2. Or tab to scroll through the display menu.
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Select “Settings,” and next select “MyKey.”

Krok 3: Shut off the engine and remove the Admin key. Turning off the car lets the vehicle reprogram itself. You have to open and close the driver’s side door.

Krok 4: Use your MyKey to restart the car. Your setting should have been saved.

This process is also detailed in your manual if you should need it.

How to Reset a 2008 or Earlier Mykey?

If you own a 2008 or older car, you can rest the MyKey without going to a dealership using the following steps:

Krok 1: With the car off, loosen the negative battery cable bolt and remove the cable from the battery.

Krok 2: Wait 10 minutes, then reapply to negative cable to the battery and retighten the bolt. During that time, the vehicle’s computer will drain its power. This will complete the hard reset.

Once you start the car with the MyKey, the dashboard should read “MyKey Activation Required.” Then reactivate the key using the manual instructions.

How to Shut off MyKey Restrictions?

Ford states that you can never remove the restrictions from your MyKey. Several sources have recommended trying to put in the pin several times or removing the fuse for MyKey.

Ford states this is impossible and suggests taking the vehicle to the dealer to avoid damage to the system.

While you can’t remove the restrictions, you can turn them off without a dealership’s help.

Krok 1: Using the Admin key, start the vehicle.

Krok 2: You will need your four-digit code so it can be entered into the display.

Krok 3: After you enter the code, press the OK button. Your restrictions are now turned off.