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gzola25 Avatar

Infotainment system locked after installing apps May 23, 2021 19:50:14 GMT via mobile

Post by gzola25 on May 23, 2021 19:50:14 GMT

I just installed the OBDeleven for the first time on my 2018 Golf R and added a few colours etc via the apps. However now I am unable to use the infotainment system. Its just locked on the VW and R badge. Is there a way of removing the 5 apps I installed?

Any help would be wonderful

dv52 (Austrálie)


Infotainment system locked after installing apps May 23, 2021 22:03:12 GMT gzola25 likes this

Post by dv52 (Australia) on May 23, 2021 22:03:12 GMT

Christian: The problem with Apps is that they leave no records of what changes were made. I NEVER use Apps for this reason — but I understand that they have an «undo» option that removes the tweak. Have you tried using this feature?

If you have a PRO account, you could try manually changing the car’s coding

Prosím, nepokládejte otázky týkající se kódování/oprav vozu prostřednictvím funkce „Zpráva“ na fóru. Lepší místo pro takový dialog je na vlastním fóru. Tímto způsobem lze k vyřešení vašeho problému použít širší odborné znalosti celé komunity fóra – děkujeme


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gzola25 Avatar

Infotainment system locked after installing apps May 24, 2021 4:36:29 GMT via mobile

Post by gzola25 on May 24, 2021 4:36:29 GMT

I have no idea where this option is to undo the changes I made using the apps option. I didn’t think a standard change would make such an issue. It looks as if I’ll have to take it to someone to get fixed. Or maybe have to wait until someone has a work around. The changes were only colour chnzged etc on the consoled. Nothing major. Very worrying that a standard pre loaded app change can cause this type of issue.


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gzola25 Avatar

Infotainment system locked after installing apps May 24, 2021 8:46:03 GMT

Post by gzola25 on May 24, 2021 8:46:03 GMT

Hi, Will was thinking that I will have history for the one click apps I installed. there were only 5. I’ve only used it once so maybe the info will show the before and after codes.


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gzola25 Avatar

Post by gzola25 on May 24, 2021 16:30:55 GMT

Just fixed the issue. Jesus Christ. It was the multimedia theme, don’t think it was for my car. I managed to change it back to standard.

I’ve learnt my lesson. Coding from now on



Infotainment system locked after installing apps May 25, 2021 17:46:21 GMT via mobile

Post by vwjap on May 25, 2021 17:46:21 GMT

Was going to say multimedia theme, if you tried changing it to a skin you haven’t got in your car it does thay

Jak zkontrolovat kódy motoru bez čtečky kódů Chevy Silverado?

2017 Golf mk7 facelift gt-tdi 150 spousta hraček
1958 dovoz T2 z Jižní Afriky


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joost Avatar

Infotainment system locked after installing apps Jul 2, 2021 18:03:21 GMT via mobile

Post by joost on Jul 2, 2021 18:03:21 GMT

Luckily found this thread. I did exactly the same a few hours ago on a 2019 golf GTI:(. The screen locks up on the dynaudio screen. But when i try to get back into the app, it says: «not supported» so i cannot change the value. So my question is, how did you get the change undone. Thanks in advance



Infotainment system locked after installing apps Jul 2, 2021 19:27:42 GMT via mobile

Příspěvek od vwjap dne 2. července 2021 19:27:42 GMT

Android nebo iOS
2017 Golf mk7 facelift gt-tdi 150 spousta hraček
1958 dovoz T2 z Jižní Afriky


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joost Avatar

Post by joost on Jul 2, 2021 20:47:31 GMT


Android. Thanks for the quick response. I got it fixed already through a solution i found somewhere else on these forums. Multimedia module- longcoding — byte 17. Changed the skin from 2 to 1. That helped . Again thanks. I learned my lesson. No more apps.


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megamitchell Avatar

Infotainment system locked after installing apps Nov 30, 2021 17:31:32 GMT via mobile

Post by megamitchell on Nov 30, 2021 17:31:32 GMT

Hi I have had the same or similar issue. I activated the video in motion since then my infotainment system has crashed and only shows the VW logo. Tried hard reset but nothing. Would removing the battery terminals reset anything? If anyone could help I’d much appreciate it.


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megamitchell Avatar

Post by megamitchell on Dec 1, 2021 8:29:30 GMT

gzola25 Avatar

Just fixed the issue. Jesus Christ. It was the multimedia theme, don’t think it was for my car. I managed to change it back to standard.

I’ve learnt my lesson. Coding from now on

Hi. Wondering if you’re able to help me out as I have also used the colour theme app on the odbeleven since then my screen has remained on start up logo. How do I edit change or amend what I have coded as you have done to fix it



Infotainment system locked after installing apps Dec 1, 2021 9:55:55 GMT via mobile

Příspěvek od vwjap dne 1. prosince 2021 9:55:55 GMT

2 posted a up
Dlouhé kódování
Byte 17, skin
Change back to 1
Poslední úprava: 1. prosince 2021 9:56:27 GMT od vwjap
2017 Golf mk7 facelift gt-tdi 150 spousta hraček
1958 dovoz T2 z Jižní Afriky

Proč moje Toyota Crown nestartuje?



Infotainment system locked after installing apps Dec 1, 2021 10:00:19 GMT via mobile

Příspěvek od vwjap dne 1. prosince 2021 10:00:19 GMT

megamitchell Avatar

Hi I have had the same or similar issue. I activated the video in motion since then my infotainment system has crashed and only shows the VW logo. Tried hard reset but nothing. Would removing the battery terminals reset anything? If anyone could help I’d much appreciate it.

megamitchell Avatar

gzola25 Avatar

Just fixed the issue. Jesus Christ. It was the multimedia theme, don’t think it was for my car. I managed to change it back to standard.

I’ve learnt my lesson. Coding from now on

Hi. Wondering if you’re able to help me out as I have also used the colour theme app on the odbeleven since then my screen has remained on start up logo. How do I edit change or amend what I have coded as you have done to fix it

Have you tried turning the VIM off?
Problem with vim it writes to a file in the firmware unlike normal obd11 mods, they just change switches, so if you haven’t got the right harman unit it could be changing something completely different, presume you have got the discover pro right?

2017 Golf mk7 facelift gt-tdi 150 spousta hraček
1958 dovoz T2 z Jižní Afriky


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zinboy Avatar

Infotainment system locked after installing apps Feb 23, 2022 9:02:31 GMT

Post by zinboy on Feb 23, 2022 9:02:31 GMT

Hi I have a 2019 GTI MK 7.5 (SE) and I am facing the same issue. I changed the multimedia theme to sport and now its stuck at the boot screen (with fender logo). I am unable to connect to the multimedia module via IOS app on OBD11 and it is not letting me revert the theme to standard. Even for long coding it looks like I need to be able to connect to the 5F multimedia module but its saying «unable to connect to module make sure ignition is turned on and retry»

křičet box

Prosím, nepoužívejte hlášky pro složité otázky! Pro tyto otázky prosím založte vlákno ve správném podfóru.

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whataboutthis: supermen892 PODÍVEJTE SE NA, 2024 Range má SFD2 a momentálně na něm nikdo neumí kódovat, minulý týden jsem mluvil s podporou a řekli stále a/w odpovědi od VAG Technical 5. ledna 2024 14:28:04 GMT

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niksmile: Dobrý den, našli jste řešení, jak změnit barvy z multimédií? Díky, Nik 6. ledna 2024 11:42:01 GMT

happychappy: Ahoj všichni, první příspěvek. Snažím se zjistit, jak kódovat náhradní baterii pro šest let staré Audi A1, mohli byste mě prosím nasměrovat správným směrem? Díky 6. ledna 2024 13:28:57 GMT

erdo: happychappy Dobrý den, můj příteli 19 brána a adaptace — adaptaci baterie můžete provést zadáním informací o baterii zde.
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torremozza: Je možné vědět, co lze změnit pomocí OBDeleven na novém Q8 etronu
Děkuji 7. ledna 2024 15:15:55 GMT

pitty: Ahoj lidi, 11. ledna 2024 14:50:44 GMT

škoda: Konečně jsem aktivoval pACC do svého A6 C8 roku 2021. Po 3 měsících studia a nespavosti dosaženo cíle. 11. ledna 2024 14:51:26 GMT

denisblatnjicki: Ahoj všichni. Dnes jsem poprvé vyzkoušel OBDeleven a všechny věci se mi líbily. Ale zkontroluji na internetu nějaké věci o Deaktivaci Start/Stop a nic nefunguje. Vymazal někdo nějaký dlouhý kód nebo něco pro deaktivaci start/stop 11. ledna 2024 15:20:22 GMT

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Model: Volkswagen Golf MK 8, Golf Viii, Golf 8 — Roky 2019-2024
Část: Autorádio
Provoz: Infotainment display reset on Volkswagen Golf 8

A problem encountered on the latest Volkswagen Golf 8 models is the crash of the touchscreen controls on the infotainment display. The touchscreen will not respond to commands for air conditioning, settings, radio and all the many on-board functions that Volkswagen offers with its latest of the Golf. To overcome this problem, position yourself in the car and turn on the display by pressing the last button on the left below the screen. Trying to click on the screen with the touch that will not respond, press the ON / OFF button again but this time hold it for a few seconds. A window will now appear on the display asking if you want to reset it. Confirm the operation and the touchscreen will work. Contact Volkswagen customer service if the problem continues to arise.

Jak resetuji svou bezklíčkovou klíčenku BMW?

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    Resetovat službu na Hyundai I20

    Dnes vám ukážeme, jak nechat zmizet tak nenávistné servisní světlo, zejména kvůli hluku, který vydává při každém zapnutí. Jedná se o velmi jednoduchou operaci: zapněte přístrojovou desku (není třeba startovat motor) a pomocí tlačítek na volantu napravo procházejte různé stránky nabídky panelu, dokud se nedostanete do sekce se slavným symbol klíče anglicky. Zde podržte resetovací tlačítko, dokud nezačnou nejprve blikat číslice, a poté resetujte. Vypněte a znovu zapněte zapalování a zkontrolujte, zda je alarm zrušen.

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